Crystal63 on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

Crystal63 on Family Tree Circles

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Grindey family of Staffordshire

In my quest to find out more about my great grandmother I have nearly got every Grindy of Staffordshire attached to my tree...but not quite all.

My own family line is from Mayfield, Stanton, Wetton and Ellastone but have another branch of Grindey's attached to my tree through marriage which stem from Alstonfield, Warslow, Onecote.

Willing to share info with any other fellow researcher

Thanks Crystal

1 comment(s), latest 13 years, 6 months ago

Mack family of Shoreditch london and Nottingham

My Mack family begins with James Mack and Sarah. I know nothing more about them only that they had a son Edward b. 1823 in Whitechapel, London. He married Sarah Stanford in 1849 and they settled in Shoreditch, london and raised a family (Edward Whyatt, Leonard, Mary Selina, Walter James, Sylvanus). then in the 1870's they moved to Nottingham and had another child Emma and there they remained .Living in the St Mary's dist of Nottingham, Nottinghamshire.

Would love to hear from anyone that knows of them.

Thanks Crystal

Smiths of North Staffordshire, England

Hi all,

I have a very large family of Smiths on my tree (hundreds) who were born in the following villages. Blore, Swinscoe, Mayfield, Calton, Waterfall, Ilam, Ellastone and Stanton and in that general area of Staffs. If any of your smiths come from any of the villages mentioned above I would be pleased to hear from you and share info.

Good Irish luck to all Smith researchers...we need it more than others!!!
