AnLynn208 on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

AnLynn208 on Family Tree Circles

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The Berry Family: Are they Descended from American Indians?

My Berry Family comes from South Carolina. The first Berrys were 1 of 7 families that settled in Sandy Bluff in the Carolina Territories.

The Berry name which is previously thought to be English, may actually be descended from American Indians. The question comes up when the Berry family is unable to be traced further back to Europeans who came over during the Great Migration.

I found this article online at Rootsweb that explains everything:


Berry Genealogy at the Lost Colony and DNA Research Group

1 comment(s), latest 12 years, 7 months ago

LOVINS family is descended from royalty.

I recently found out that I not only have one line dating back to King John "Lackland" of England, but two! First one I knew was PIERCE, the named changed from PERCY, after Henry Percy, 1st Earl of Northumberland who was married into the PLANTAGENET royal family line. Now the surname LOVINS (Teague Family Tree) has also been dated back to King John, also through the Percy family. My PIERCE and LOVINS relatives are not of the same original blood line, but their ancestors were.


I have recently found that Jeremiah Thompson was married to Louisa WHITCOMB. They were both American Indians from Pennsylvania. If you have any information on these individuals, please contact me through this journal.

Descendants of Alexander Hamilton

It is really exciting when you find out that you not only have a famous person in your tree, but is really thrilling when that famous person is a direct descendant. My mother's family is MEANS. Alexander Hamilton, 1st Secretary of Defense under George Washington (yes, the one who dueled it out with Aaron Burr) had a brother named James. They were both born on the Isle of Nevis, West Indies (part of England). James brought his family to the United States and raised three children that I know of: One being Margaret Hamilton who married William MEANS, who is a great grandfather of my mother. I also have found other famous people in my family tree, such as George W. Bush, Judy Garland, and Marlon Brando, which all are by marriage.

If any of you are related to the Means or Hamilton Families, I have information on both families that go way back to the early 9th century.

Please contact me through this website or visit to get a look at the family tree!

26 comment(s), latest 2 years, 4 months ago

Sweaneys are English Royal Descendants

If you are a Sweaney Family member that is also related to the Pierces (Elmer Sweaney + Zenobia Pierce) or a Pierce Family descendant from Wood County, Texas or Tennessee, you are also Descended from some of the Percys that were Dukes of Northumberland during Medieval times. Henry De Percy, Duke of Northumberland married Mary Plantagenet, granddaughter of King Edward I, who in turn was the son of Henry III of England. Please contact me or visit my site: for more information and a full descendant tree and links.

Barefoots of Alabama

Contact me for more information for Barefoots of Alabama and North Carolina.

Percy/Pierce Family Line

I recently found out that I was descended from the line of Henry Percy's the Dukes of Northumberland. These Percys are ancestors of my Great grandmother's Pierce line from Tennessee and Wood County, Texas.
Contact me for more info on the Percy line.

1 comment(s), latest 8 years, 11 months ago

Means Family of Missouri

I have tons of information on the Means family of Missouri: Henry and Johnson Counties. Surnames attached are Holt, Swindle, Fewell, Wigginton, and Hamilton.

Contact me if you have any info.

Sweaney Genealogy and Family Trees

I have been researching the surname Sweaney and those related for eight years now and have compiled a lot of information. If anyone has any connection to Sweaneys, please contact me or visit my website: