Thommoje on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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Journals and Posts

Alexander PURDIE -any one

Alexander Purdie born circa1780 married Janet Grieg 1790 in Inverary 1818. They had a son Alexander in 1820. He married Mary Morrison and they had a son Alexander in 1847. All this took place in Inverary. Alexander 1847 married Jane Brooks in Glasgow in 1880 and they had an Alexander Purdie in 1881.Does anyone know one of these Alexanders?

Riddell family in Glasgow

Christina Hislop 1820 married Matthew Riddell 1819 in Glasgow 2 Sept 1838 .He was a grocer. They had these children ,Isabella 1839 ,Janet 1841 ,Christina 1843, Helen 1846 , Elizabeth Hyslop Riddell 1851 and Margaret 1853. Isabella married James Mc Farlane , A Leather and Lace Manufacturer.

Looking for Richard Hislop - any of them

My family of Hislop centres around Calton, Barony, Lanarkshire.Two families ;- Richard Hislop ( Hyslop) and Isabella Hardie and Richard Hislop and Margaret Beattie.These two Richards (father and son ) were Blacksmiths in Glasgow.1800 till 1850 .Can not find birth records of any of these folk.Richard Hislop was not a common name. Any Clues anyone?

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