WelshGen on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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Wales Look-ups

This is more about my wife's ancestors than my own. My wife was a Jones (oh no!, not one of those I hear you say). She is now a Hughes, can it get any worse for looking up Welsh ancestors. Erm actually it can because she is descended from a very long line of Williams.
In order to do the research for my wife I've acquired the complete census returns for Caernarvonshire (now Gwynedd) in North Wales for the years 1891, 1881, 1861, 1851, and 1841 as well as a lot of other bits and pieces too numerous to mention in this post. If anyone wants a look-up then just ask
My wife's ancestors are all from the Lleyn Peninsula in North Wales (it's the bit that sticks out and looks as if it is pointing to Ireland) Two of the better websites for this area are RHIW

8 comment(s), latest 14 years, 1 month ago

Blunt surname facts

Since I'm researching the Blunt surname it may be helpful to know where the highest density of Blunts where in the UK in approximately 1890's. Highest density is Northants (9% of total), Kent(8%) and Lancashire(7%). The Midlands, Yorks and Essex and Sussex come next with somewhere between 3% and 6%, and the rest of England and Wales with 1% or less.
I started to collect as many Blunt families as I could find and put them on one or two pages. Strangely they seem to be in the West Midlands in the 1861 and 1881 census. Maybe they all got together after this and decided to spread their wings.
link text and link text
If anyone knows of any more get in touch and I'll add them to one of those pages.
Origin of Blunt/Blount: derived from the Old French word blund, meaning blond or fair

3 comment(s), latest 11 years, 8 months ago