RWP001 on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

RWP001 on Family Tree Circles

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Pietsch (Pietzsch) from Dresden and Surrounding area, Germany

Looking for any Family connections to my Grandfather, Info I know:

Max Richard Pietsch (Pietzsch) born on December 20, 1888 in Dresden, Germany.
Mother was Auguste Marie Pietzsch, born in Lohmen, Germany and was unmarried in 1888.
Father is Unknown,
A Brother Gustav Arthur Pietsch,born in Muhlsdorf, Germany in 1885,
A Half-Brother Wilhelm Kurt Fussel born in Pirna, Germany in 1892.

Married Magdalena Sophia Gertrude Ludwig of Oebisfelde, Germany.

Any info, no matter how small would be greatly appreciated.

Ron Pietsch