bdw501 on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

bdw501 on Family Tree Circles

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Journals and Posts

Dorsey Family Paper Trail -DNA

Hi, I've been doing the DORSEY family for a number of years.I have run into a problem. My earliest DORSEY family goes back to a Franklin Dorsey from Hamshire Co,WV 1850s. I had someone from the Family do a DNA.When it came back it matched 37/37 to a Dawson in Texas? Where do I start?

Watson Family From Ireland to New York 1840s

Looking for the family of William Watson from Ireland William married Anna Barker in St Peters Church of Ireland in Drogheda Louth in June 1841.Came to USA and lived in NYC with son John,William Richard,Samuel,John F,Charles,George W,Ruth,Lucy.John married Margaret Holden 1870.501 W 153st NYC.Sexton of St Johns Chapel NYC.
Was William Watson from England?