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Looking for James and Amelia Clarke Bendigo, mid-1800s

My great-great-grandparents were James and Amelia (nee Gould) Clarke

They setrtled in Bendigo Vic and I believe they are both buried there. I know James was born in Bristol England in 1827 and Amelia born in Tipperary Ireland in 1829. I have been told they met on the ship out here but now suspect they knew each other before in Sommerset England and came out to Victoria together - married England or Melbourne don't know.

They settled in Sandhurst (Bendigo)and my great-grandfather John Clarke was born in Quarry Hill Bendigo in 1854

It was said after mining for gold, James Clarke owned a vineyard in Strathfiedsaye (Bendigo)

I want to know more about the Calrke family when James and Amelia first came out here.

Thank you,

4 comment(s), latest 11 years, 7 months ago