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Looking for Martha Brown Seeley of Flint, Michigan

MARTHA E. BROWN of FLINT, MICHIGAN had a brother, Harvey, and a sister, Mable that I know of. She married Glenn E. SEELEY and they have five children, Halford, Elayne, Myles, Elda and Calvin. During the Depression they took in boarders and Glenn managed an A & P grocery store in Flint.
Later, they moved to Worchester, MASSACHUSETTES and became antique dealers, specializing in pre-Revolutionary items.
Later they moved to North Brookfield, MA. After Glenn died, Martha moved back to Michigan where her daughters, Elda Seeley DENNIS and Elayne Seeley BENNETT lived in Coldwater, Michigan. Martha left Coldwater and moved north to Flint or possibly the Pontiac area. I believe she died sometime in the 1970's.

1 comment(s), latest 13 years, 2 months ago