Ardene5 on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

Ardene5 on Family Tree Circles

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Just started out on research into the Jackson Family from around the Newcastle/ Sunderland area . Also looking for

The family history gets a little thin on my fathers side which is the Jackson line. He come from around the Sunderland area or Newcastle. He had 2 sisters Cora who married George Lailder and Miss Ella Jackson a spinster, but that is as far as it goes. Any help would help.
There was talk of a connection to the Campbell clan in Scotland but no proof.

Also looking into for Mary Hodgkinson from Over Wyre in Lancashire 1900's ( that is an area across the river Wyre near to Fleetwood). She married Isaac Scott from Cockermouth in Fleetwood date unknown.

1 comment(s), latest 12 years, 8 months ago