ScottC on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

ScottC on Family Tree Circles

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Descendants of william gifflord in vermont

I am descended from William GIFFORD through my paternal grandmother, Anna Mae GIFFORD. She is a direct descendant of William. My grandfather's name is Clarence W.CAMPBELL. He is originally from Old Towm, Maine.

New to FTC

I just found FTC while researching my grandmother's name, Anna Mae Gifford. The first ancestor on FTC is William Gifford from the Barnstead, Ma. area. I'm not sure which of his three wives I am decended from although family history says she was on or decended from the Mayflower passengers. My aunts learned about this(I don't know where this info came from). My grandfather Clarence William Campbell was traced back to Old Town ,Me. We did find his father's name, I believe it is Richard,but that is as far as we could get.
I am very impressed by this website. It is by far the easiest to use and the design is superb. I am introducing the rest of my family to it as soon as I talk to them(I have a big family).
I wish to thank the founder. I am hoping I will be able to contact some of my extended family.

2 comment(s), latest 14 years, 1 month ago