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Looking for Windmill of Wandsworth, London

Searching for Dorothy Grace Windmill, Born 1894, died 1957, born in the Wandsworth area of London.
Married Thomas Goerge Spall 1914.

1 comment(s), latest 17 years, 9 months ago

Looking for SPALL London Battersea area.

My name is Stephen Ronald Spall, i was born in Chealsea London in 1966.
My fathers name is Ronald Adrian Spall, he was born in Battersea London in 1934.
His father was Thomas George Spall, he died in 1959. Im unsure of his birth date, he married Dorothy Grace Windmill, she died in 1957. Again Im unsure of Her birth date. Thomas Spalls father was John Spall, but that is all i have on him.
Dorothys mother was known as Flori,unfortunately thats all i know about her.
If anyone can enlighten me further it would be a great help.

1 comment(s), latest 11 years, 11 months ago