Yellabelly on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

Yellabelly on Family Tree Circles

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Neal family Lincolnshire England

I have hit a brick wall
Mary Ann Neal was baptised in 1827 at St Peters church Lincoln England her parents were John Neal and Jane.
Mary Ann married John Short in 1841 I have all her family after her marriage, but cannnot find links to her parents.
Not been able to find and confirm a record for John and Jane in Lincolnshire after the baptism, or even a confirm-able death or marriage record any help would be brilliant
Thank you in advance

4 comment(s), latest 9 years, 4 months ago

Wife of John Lyall - c1830s Susanah ?

I am trying to find the maiden name of Susannah Lyall married to John Lyall from Ashby By Partney Lincolnshire also maiden name of Joseph Lyall son of John and Susannah along with any names that go further back

any help gratefully received :)

Henry family from Ireland

I am trying to find connections to Ellen Henry married Thomas Maye 1903 Co.Mayo

Any connections to Cook family Lincolnshire

Any connections to Cook family from Lincolnshire Wainfleet, Croft, Bardney Apley areas in the 1800/1900's or before or since!

Mary Ann Hewison

Mary Ann was the wife of William Brown they married in Welton Le Marsh Lincolnshire England in 1821 she was my 3 or 4 x great grandmother I have been able to find her wedding details but there does not appear to be any record I can find of her birth or death.

If anyone out there has any connections to her or suggestions on where to find these records I would love to hear from you

1 comment(s), latest 14 years, 11 months ago