Brandia on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

Brandia on Family Tree Circles

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Looking for Ruth Beeler

I am searching for the family tree for Ruth A. Beeler my great grandma. She was a fiesty irish/indian redhead who I belive lived in Battletown or Wolfcreek Kentucky. She was married twice: once to a man named Albert Christian w/whom she had my grandfather & my great-aunt Ruth (Christian) Pendergraft. Then she married a man named Olin Miller w/whom she had Connely Miller. All I really know about her is that no one wanted to mess w/her for any reason, not even on thier best day. She was born 10/31/1897 & passed away on 2/15/1973. Evidently she wasn't very proud of her indian heritage so we have no idea what it was. There was a story going around thaat we were Cherokee...

2 comment(s), latest 15 years, 2 months ago