My Roots

I decided to try and research my family history after seeing a man do it on Oprah, I know thats a poor excuse for wanting to trace my family history. But even though that was one of the reasons I did want to look up information on my family for personal reasons just to know where I come from and to learn the Mitchell family history which I was born into. I know my grandparents and my aunts and uncles and most of my thousands of cousins but I just wanna know from both sides of my parents the Martins and Mitchells our family history if anyone sees this and can give me some information it would be greatly appreciated. My name is Roderick Mitchell and I was born of Ricky A Mitchell and Joann Martin then Mitchell now and its important to know where I come from so thanks to anyone who reads this.
Roderick Mitchell

on 2012-11-02 10:59:30
rm4life has been a Family Tree Circles member since Nov 2012.

More info than that is needed. Where were your parent, grandparents from? Do you know what nationality they had thought their ancesters originated from? Even little things can be a big piece of the puzzle when put in place. (And the farther back you go, it really is almost like putting together a giant jigsaw puzzle. It can be addicting, because you start to learn little bits about these people you never met, see a picture, read an article, and you begin to see bits of personality emerge, more than just dates and locations). The more details you can give, (dates, locations), the more others can help fill in gaps.