BelindaBaulch on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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Looking for COOPER family in England

I'm looking for the Cooper family in England that may be able to help me find out more information on my grandfather MAURICE JOHN COOPER. I don't know much information on him as he was very secretive. He was born in England and came over to Australia at a very young age. He was born in 1937 and died in Australia in 1989. When he came from England to Australia he was about 15, 16. He was by himself and came over on a boat. We aren't too sure what boat it was so the little information is making it very hard to find out more information.

2 comment(s), latest 9 years, 5 months ago

Looking for relatives of MAURICE JOHN COOPER

I am looking for relatives of Maurice John Cooper who was born in England in 1937 and died in Australia in 1989. He came to Victoria Australia. I'm not too sure on his date of birth or anything as he kept everything very secretive. All I know is that he came here on a ship when he was about 15,16. I would love to find out info on him as he is my grandfather and want to find as much about him for my mum as she is very interested.