Boru on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

Boru on Family Tree Circles

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Journals and Posts

Looking for proof that ANGELIQUE WAPASHA / WABASHA (1765) was in fact the Mother of LOUIS GEORGES LABATTE (1786)...

Looking for information about the family of Frances LESLIE + Elkanah NUNES of the island of Jamaica... they had a number of children including Nathan (1911), Dorah (1905), Alexander (1909), Edith ( Jan 1907) and Mary (Dec 1907).... I believe there may have been more children including an Elkanah JR... Any info would be greatly appreciated...


Looking for any information about the ancestors of LYDIA BROOKS ... She was of CUBAN origin and Married Herbert Nunes on the Island of Jamaica in 1948... they eventually had a son named KEITH ... Any info would be greatly appreciated ...


Looking for any information about the ancestors Of Herbert NUNES (NUNEZ)... In January of 1948 on the island of Jamaica , Herbert would marry a woman Named Lydia Brooks ... I know that Herberts fathers first name was ELKANAH and I believe his mother was named EMILY... Any information would be greatly appreciated ...


Looking for information about the ANCESTORS of CATHARINE MOONEY(1838) Ontario Canada ...she married DANIEL SWAYZE/ SWEEZEY(1831) and had the following children...

SWAYZE Edgar (1860)
SWAYZE Isaac (1863)
SWAYZE Lucetta (1865)
SWAYZE Adalaide (1867)
SWAYZE Daniel (1869)
SWAYZE Andrew Eugene (1871)
SWAYZE Arthur (1876)

MOORE family

Looking for any information on the PARENTS of CORNELIUS MOORE born (approx) 1730 , although most believe he was born in the Highlands of Scotland I have seen documents in which his Descendants claim to be of Irish ancestry so I am trying to determine his exact origin so that I can research documents from that country... I know Cornelius married ELIZABETH GRANDON and moved to the USA ...Any info would be appreciated ...

Hamilton / Mckay

Looking for info about Thomas Hamilton (???) and Ann Mckay (???) although they RESIDED in Scotland there is a possibility that Thomas may have been from Ireland...they had at lest one child Sara Hamilton (1838 approx) who married Alexander Torry (1836 approx ) ...


Looking for information on LENA ST CLAIR /ST CLAIRE ... who in 1916/17 resided at 220 Oak street in Buffalo New York USA ... I believe her surname was ST CLAIR / ST CLAIRE but it may have been CLAIR or SINCLAIR ...

2 comment(s), latest 10 years ago

Joseph Berger and Marie Ganamote dit Beaudoin

Looking for any information on the ancestors of Joseph Berger(1791) and Marie Ganamote dit Beaudoin ...
Joseph was born in Montreal, and he and Marie ultimately lived in Tiny Township, Simcoe County, Ontario, Canada... I have a great deal of info about their descendants but nothing about their ancestors for example their parents, grandparents etc ... Any info would be appreciated ...

2 comment(s), latest 13 years, 1 month ago