GOWERKIN on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

GOWERKIN on Family Tree Circles

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Peter McMillan

Peter McMillan was born in Killin Perthshire Scotland in 1797 and emigrated to Renfrew Co.On.Canada in 1825 aboard the Ship named Niagara. He was one of the original 20 family settlers who settled in McNab Twp.Renfrew Co. named for the Notorious Laird of McNab,Archibald McNab. He came with his wife who was born 1793-1794 and small son Duncan McMillan who was about three at the time,born 1822. Her name was Janet McLaren. Some family tree's have erroneously listed her birth as 1806 and as daughter of Malcolm McLaren and Janet Fisher ,this is inncorrect. She was probaly related to him, but not a daughter or sister it seems. Possibly a niece or cousin. Peter McMillan and Janet McLaren married around 1819 in Perthshire,Scotland. Believe they also had a small son John born 1820 who came also with them. Want to know who her parents were and who Peter's parents were.


Trying to locate info. on John McGregor and his wife Catherine (born a McGregor)also. On his tombstone in McNab twp.Renfrew Co. on. Canada it states he was born June,10,1800 in Perthshire Scotland died Nov.21.1886 in Canada. His wife Catherine also from Perthshire is listed as dying in 1863 at age 63. thus she must be born in 1800 also. Date of death July 13. Trying to find actual birth and marriage info. on them in Scotland and possible info. on both parents. Very difficult to find factual info. that matches . Emigrated to Horton Twp. renfrew Co. on. Canada around 1830-1831.


Trying to locate more info. on Margaret Barefoot and her family. Married in Millrow Presbyterian church,Antrim,Ireland in 1826 to Robert Adair. Very unusual surname and hard to find any info. on who her parents were etc. Especially with all the destruction of records in Dublin in 1922 and various Churches destroyed over the centuries.

Researching Mary Ann Beasley/Bestard

Researching info. on Mary Ann Beasley/ born 1838-1841 in
Huron or Middlesex Co. On. Canada. Married William John
Gower between 1858-1862 in Huron or Middlesex Co. On.
Canada. Had around 12 children. Wish to know more about
her pedigree. Who her parents were, and where they were
born etc. Her actual surname was Bastard but altered on census reports.

2 comment(s), latest 4 years ago

Gower Antecedents

Looking for info. on the parents and siblings of William
John Gower. Born circa 1836-1838 in McGillvary Twp.
Middlesex N. On. Canada. He later married Mary Ann
Bestard/Beasley name varies in census. He died in 1903-5,
in Crediton On. Canada.

3 comment(s), latest 4 years ago