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Micheal waldron born 1810 est. who married Mary cain.

Micheal waldron born 1810 est. who married Mary cain.
They had a son Richard joseph waldron born 1840 in ireland.
Not sure when he came to australia but he married Catherine Foley and they lived in Bendigo victoria.
One of their children was Micheal John Waldron and then his child was Joseph Richard Waldron who is my grandfather and he married Elizabeth penman Patrick.
Their children were Kerry, Phillip and Katheryn Waldron who is my mother. So i am after more information on Micheal and Mary and where they came from and their ancestors. If anyone has any info or where i may go to find out it would ne greatly appreciated.

Waldron family

Hi my name is Judy and my mother is Katheryn Waldron Married name Hills.
Her father was Joseph Richard Waldron who married Elizabeth penman patrick.
His father was Micheal John Waldron, then his father was Richard Joseph Waldron born 1840 whom married Catherine Foley and they lived in Bendigo victoria but i think he was born in Ireland to parents Micheal waldron and Mary Cain as this information was in his death certificate.
I am looking for the waldron line from Richard born 1840 and died 1912 and his parents and further down the line but am at a loss due to my mum not knowing anything much about her dads side. Would really like some help to figure it out, and where they originated from.

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