Rainew1 on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

Rainew1 on Family Tree Circles

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Journals and Posts

Looking for ancestors of Gladys M

Looking for ancestors of Gladys M. Egan (nee Reed) of Indiana, Illinois, and Ohio

Looking for ancestors of grandmother Jennie Marie Marchand b

Looking for ancestors of grandmother Jennie Marie Marchand b. Fair Haven, VT 1892. Father was Joseph Marchand (or Merchant)mother Philemon Henrichon

Looking for ancestors of Peter Poulin born in Quebec, CA in 1889

Looking for ancestors of Peter Poulin born in Quebec, CA in 1889

Looking for info on John Egan b

Looking for info on John Egan b. 1820, Galway, Ire. m. Mary McCarty abt. 1847. Mary b. 1815 Co. Galway.

1 comment(s), latest 20 years, 3 months ago