Randy_Wagner on Family Tree Circles
Journals and Posts
Brick Walls and Wagner Research
I have been researching the Wagner Families of North Western Pa. for sometime. Of course after so much info, a brick wall appeared and still remains.
This Wagner Family comes from the Areas of Veneango, Crawford, Erie and Mercer Counties in Pennsylvania the northwestern part of the state.
I have traced this Family back to the birth of Daniel Wagner in 1858. In 1880 he married Ida Hanks the daughter of Eli Fiske Hanks and Amerilious F Spring, We know that Daniel and Ida had several children Laura, Ada, Ernest, Effie,Otis, Homer, Walter and some say they also had a son Fred.
It is said that Laura married a Hudson Peterson, but during my research I also found a Laura Wagner married to The same Hudson Peterson but her Father was William Wagner and not Daniel, a mistake maybe? I have also found that their daughter Ada was married to a man by the name of Lepley, and in a cencus for Crawford County in 1900 it shows Ada living with her parents Ida and Daniel along with a son John Lepley born in 1899. From a photograph given to me, I found that Ada remarried a Smith.
I have no info on Ernest or Effie,so we will move on to Otis.
Otis was born in 1886 and in 1907 he married Maude Mae Cornell she was the daughter of Iva M. Cornell and Mary Adaliade Roberts. These are the children of Otis and Maude, Frances, Leroy,Edith, Leon, Henry, Mary Elizabeth(Lib) and Kenneth Harold.
Otis passed away in 1949 and in 1951 Maude remarried a Walter Vandehoff, Maude passed away in 1957.
Not much info was found about Frances, Leroy married Annette Wood,
Edith married Robert Brannon, Leon was married to Helen Bert she passed away in 2007 Henry was married twice we call her Aunt Trixy, she is 87 years ols and resides in Erie Pa. with her and Henry's only child Terrance, after Henry and her divorced Henry remarried and passed away in 1972 Mary Elizabeth was first married to a Robert Turk, they later divorced and she married Donald VanEpps. On to Kenneth. Kenneth the youngest of all the children is My father he passed away in 2004 leaving 8 children one of who died in 1957. He
married Norma Jean Paddock. Kenneth was married before Norma, but from what I have been told it was a short term marriage, my one sister in fact has his divorce papers from his first marriage.
Kenneths second wife Norma is still with us and lives here in Mercer County.
I am hoping with this journal some one may see it and be able to help me with this Brick Wall.
I have also learned that Walter Wagner, the son of Daniel and Ida, was married to a Laura Baken and after her death, Walter remarried a Nettie Collingwood, this comes from the stepdaughter of Walter who is 82 years old and resides here in Mercer County.
Just a Little breakdown
Randy Wagner b. 1958
Father Kenneth H. Wagner 6/01/1931--5/25/2004
Mother Norma J. Paddock 1/16/1930
Grandfather Otis Henry Wagner 8/1886----1949
Grandmother Maude Mae Cornell b. abt 1891 -------- 1957
After Otis's death in 1949 Maude remarried in 1951 to a Walter Vanderhoof.
GreatGrandfather David Wagner b. abt 1858 d. unknown
GreatGrandMother Ada/Ida Hanks b. 1864 d. 1/1919 Troy Township
Crawford County Pa.
GGGrandfather Eli Fisk Hanks
GGGranmother Amerilous F. Spring
GGGGrandfather Rufis Fiske Hanks (3rd cousin of Abe Lincoln)
GGGGrandmother Cynthia Knight
GGGGGrandfather Enoch Hanks
GGGGGrandmother Johannah Fisk
GGGGGGrandfather John Hanks
GGGGGGrandmother Tabithia Hall
GGGGGGGrandfather Benjiman Hanks Jr
GGGGGGGrandmother Mary White
GGGGGGGGrandfather Benjiman Hanks Sr
GGGGGGGGrandmother Abigail Heiford
This is just a short break down of my Hanks connection, I will add to this later, But can trace this line back to Benjamin Hanks Sr
of Pembroke Mass. And will also enter Birth and death dates.
Looking for "Wagner's" of NorthWestern Pa.
I have been researching this Wagner family, and am looking for any info. that might be out there.
My grandfather Otis Henry Wagner was born in 1886 in Oil City Pa.
To DAniel Wagner and Ida Hanks. Any info would be greatly apperciated.
I am mostly seeking information on my Great grand father Daniel Wagner. What I have up to this point, is that he was born between
1858/1864 in Ohio and that his parents were from Pa. He married Ida Hanks about 1880 and they had 7 Children, and they resided in and around the Crawford and Venango County area such as Oil City and Titusville Pa. Ida passed away in 1919 and is buried in Sugarcreek Cemetery in Crawford County.
Please if anyone can help break through this brick wall it would be greatly apperciated.
Thank You
Randy Wagner
My Cornell Line
I have researched my Cornell line back to the early 1400's and of
course like many others I am reseraching and trying to connect with
any relatives from this Line.
My Grandmother was Maude Mae Cornell the daughter of Iva Cornell and Mary Adaliade Roberts, they lived in the areas of Crawford and Venango counties In Pennsylvania.
Maude Mae Cornell married Otis Wagner in 1902, they had 5 boys and 2 girls, their youngest my father Kenneth H. Wagner Sr b. 6/1/1931
and d.5/25/2004.
Grandma Maude and Grandpa Otis remained married until Otis's death in 1949, Grandnma Maude remarred in 1951 to a Walter Vanderhoof, until her death in 1957.
If anyone would know or have any connections to My Cornell Line
please contact me.
My Name is Randy Wagner one of Kenneths twin son's born 10/7/1958, my twin brother and I are the youngest of his offsprings. You can find my web page listed in my links on this site, please feel free to check it out.
Paddock Family Penna. History
I have started to set up the Paddock Family History.
It is a work in progress and and will be updated from time to time.
The link is posted on my profile Page' Feel free to take a look.
And comment.
I have changed the name of this site, because of our Penna
connection, We are mainly from the area of Greenville, Sharon
and Wheatland in the County of Mercer in Penna.
I just viewed an interesting Genealogy Report my sister E-Mailed me sometime ago. It wasn't that I ignored this but was working on staying focused on my Fathers line.
This report takes us back to the year 1300 and forward. My Paddock line came from France, to Ireland and then to the United States. Along the way the spelling was changed from what I read 3 to 4 differnt changes through out the years.
I will be setting up a Genealogy page when I'm able and will post that site on My Family Tree Circles profile at a later date. However you can find some Info on my Paddock Line on My Wagner/Hanks site, feel free to take a look.
My Mother is Norma Jean Paddock, she is the daughter of Earl Paddock and Anna McIntyre. Norma married my father Kenneth H. Wagner Sr. My Wagner/Hanks site is posted in my links in my profile just click and have a look.
Still Searching (Wagner)
Hello, Just thought I;d let you all know that I'm still looking for any info. on my Wagner Line. It has been a hard road trying to find what I need on David to finish my family tree on the Wagner side.
So many road blocks and can't get any gates to open.So far I have traced this line back to my GreatGranfather in 1858 about the time of his birth, We are pretty sure he was born in Ohio, but what town or county , is yet to be found. We can move forward to 1958 the year I was born, but to go back from 1858 has been a major search. It is said that his parents were born in Pa, but where.
What we do know about David Wagner is that he married Ada/Ida Hanks abt. 1880 and that they resided in Crawford Couny or Venango County in Pa. In the Area of Oil City, Titusville and surrounding areas,
and that they had 7 or 8 children. Their son Otis Henry Wagner is my grandfather and I am the son of his Youngest Kenneth H. Wagner.
Granpa Otis married Maude Cornell in 1907 she was the daughter of Iva M. Cornell. And they to lived in Crawford and Venango Counties.
So if anyone might know these families Pleases contact me or just leave a message
Thank You
Randy Wagner
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