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American soldiers in New Zealand during World War 2

From the Auckland Museum website
"Auckland Museum has recently digitised a unique and heart-warming set of photos of US servicemen stationed at Warkworth, a provincial town in northern New Zealand, during the Second World War. These servicemen were in New Zealand in preparation for their departure for the Pacific theatres of war."
"Can you help us identify these US servicemen?
Unfortunately none of these photos are captioned so we don't know who these men are. Similarly, families in the US may never have seen these photos of their menfolk.
It would be wonderful for families or the men themselves to contribute to these photos with the names of these men."

There is a wide range of photographs from posed individual portraits and group shots to more casual photographs of servicemen fishing and enjoying themselves. If you had a family member in the US military who spent time in New Zealand during World War two they are well worth checking out.

Subdivision of the township of Henderson, Auckland 1881

From Papers Past

New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6037, 24 March 1881, Page 4

The sale by Messrs. B. Tonks and Co. of the township of Henderson, on Tuesday, was probably the most successful land sale which has been held for a long time. The attendance was numerous, the bidding spirited, and considering the distance of the township from Auckland, the prices realised were excellent. With the exception of a few township sections all the lots were sold.

Township of Henderson:
Baxter, Frederick
Cruickshank, D. B.
Finn, Richard
Freeman, E.
Hepburn, James
Isaacs, G.
Laurie, James
Neering, J.
Taylor, J.
Taylor, John
Von der Heyde, G.

Suburbs of Henderson
Baxter, Frederick
Beetham, A.
Finn, Richard
Heather, A.
Neering, J.
Roberts, T.
Smyth, Maria
Woodward, Mark

Maria Smyth was my great, great grandmother.

What's in name 3. Eliza Jane (Jenny) Perry/Rimmer/Collins and Fredrick or William Rimmer

Eliza Jane (Jenny)(sister of Essie) was born at Bombay, Auckland on the 9 June 1878,the third daughter of Thomas and Eliza Jane Perry.

She attended the Ramarama School from 27 October 1884 to 24 September 1891 when she left to help around the farm.

Some time around 1895 she went to live with her married sister Essie in the city as she wished to have a change from farm life. When her sister died in 1898 leaving two young children she stayed to look after them and at the end of 1899 she married her brother in law Frederick William Henry Rimmer.

She had one child to him, Ivy (19 December 1900). He later left her with the three children to look after and by the beginning of 1902 the oldest child Ella is being cared for by Thomas Perry at Bombay as indicated in the Ramarama School admissions for that year.

Also about this time Bill Collins met Jenny and together they took the responsibility of raising Albert - the younger of Essie's children,and Ivy - Jenny's daughter by Rimmer.

Between 1903 and 1913 Bill and Jenny had four sons and a daughter.
From birth records they lived at Arch Hill, Adelaide Street, Spring Street and finally by 1913 to their house at 71 Beresford Street.
Jenny died at her home 71 Beresford Street in 1948.

As far as I can tell Frederick Rimmer never divorced Eliza but did enter a third marriage in Canada under the name of William Rimmer but later reverted to the name Fredrick Rimmer when his third wife died.

I can find no record of Eliza and William Collins marrying.

This post is based on the research of Laurie Collins and my late father Murray Griffin.

What's in a name 2, Essie (or Esther?) Ellen Elizabeth Perry

Essie Ellen Elizabeth Perry born 26 Jan 1873.
Daughter of Thomas Perry and Eliza (or Elizabeth - see my previous Whats in name journal entry) Jane nee Logan.

The Flay Family Tree shows her name as Esther and at first this seems reasonable as her grand mother and one of her aunts is named Esther but her birth certificate and marriage certificate to Fredrick William Henry Rimmer 28 Feb 1896 shows her name as Essie.

I note that her first child Ella Jennie Elizabeth was born before her marriage and was registered with the surname Perry born 16 Oct 1895. No father was recorded. Ella's marriage certificate to George William Kitson 1913 shows her surname as Perry although some family trees show it as Rimmer.

Essie Ellen Elizabeth Rimmer died 27 November 1898 6 days after the death of her 2nd son Cecil John Thomas Rimmer approximately 5mths. old.

But in her death notice in the Auckland Star she was robbed of her own name, listed simply as the wife of Fred Rimmer and second daughter of Thomas Perry.

Waikumete Cemetery where she is buried has her listed as Essie.

This post is based on the research of Laurie Collins and my late father Murray Griffin.

2 comment(s), latest 11 years, 6 months ago

What's in a name, Eliza or Elizabeth Jane Perry nee Logan?

What's in a name
Eliza or Elizabeth

Eliza Jane Perry nee Logan
I have seen several Family Tree's with her name shown as Elizabeth Jane.
Her headstone at the Bombay Presbyterian Cemetery shows her name as Elizabeth Jane (but this is only a recent marker not one erected at the time of her death)

I can't find any baptism or christening record for her in Ireland

1 The first NZ record of her is the Passenger list of the ship Dauntless
Which left Dublin Ireland 30 Dec 1864 and arrived Auckland, New Zealand 2 June 1865
Her name is recorded as Eliza

2 On her marriage certificate to Thomas Perry 6th Jan 1867. Her name is shown as Eliza Jane

3 On the birth certificates of 3 of her children
John Thomas Perry (1867)
William Henry Perry (1876)
Eliza Jane Perry (1878)
her name is shown as Eliza Jane

But on 2 of her daughters birth certificates
Mary Ann (1871)
Essie Ellen Elizabeth Perry (1873)
her name is shown as Elizabeth

4 On her death certificate her name is shown as Eliza Jane and her age as 61

I also note that she had niece in Ireland who was christened Eliza Jane although this is also some times shown as Elizabeth.

This post is based on research by Laurie Collins and my late father Murray Griffin (husband of one of Eliza's great grand daughters)

EARLY ADELAIDE. Survey and Land Grants. Names index T-W

From Trove database of digitised Australian newspapers.
To read the original article follow this link.
The numbers beside each name relate to plot numbers, the article and accompanying map will help you locate where in Adelaide they are.

THOMAS, Robert of Adelaide 41,51,56,58,82,729,891,897
THORN, John of Adelaide 726
THORNGATE, John Hartley of Gosport 42, 43,112,137
THWAITE, Samuel of Halifax 646
TOOKS, Jane of Dorset, widow 20
TORRENS, Robert Richard 988
TORRENS, Robert Richard of Adelaide 307,964,969
TOWNEND, Thomas of Lime Street, London 150
TOWNEND, William 99
TRIMMER, Edmund and Henry GRAINGER 378,970
TRIMMER, George of London 507
TRENOW, James of the Tower, London 329
TUCKEY, William of Adelaide 463,634
TURNER, George and Edward FILER 695
WARD, William of Adelaide 930
WARD, William and John HART of Adelaide 394
WARREN, Elizabeth of Hammersmith 171
WELLMAN, Solomon of Adelaide 983
WHISTLER, Thomas of London 320,323,570
WHITE, George of Adelaide 622
WHITE, John 469-472,541,945
WHITE, John of Adelaide 258-259,388-391,466-468,809-812,820,840-844,888,944
WHITE, John Bazley of Surrey 13
WHITHAM or WITHAM, William of Gray?s Inn London 115
WICKHAM, Benjamin of Adelaide 691
WILKINS, William of Adelaide 396
WILLIAMS, Frederick of London 399
WILLIAMS, John Symonds of Sydney 254
WILSON, Francis of London 374,522,740,745
WILSON, Thomas of London 308, 371-372,700,1010
WRIGHT, Edward of Adelaide 197-198,264,813,816
WRIGHT, John 287-288,357,987
WRIGHT, John of Covent Garden 187,285-286
WRIGHT, John of London 334,360-361,426
WRIGHT, John of Middlesex 989
WRIGHT, William 314-315
WRIGHT, William of Kingscote 905-906,919-921
WYATT, Adolphus Valentine 119
WYATT, William of Adelaide 146,165-166,208,693-694

EARLY ADELAIDE. Survey and Land Grants. Names index M - S

From Trove database of digitised Australian newspapers.
To read the original article follow this link.
The numbers beside each name relate to plot numbers, the article and accompanying map will help you locate where in Adelaide they are.

MAJOR, Daniel Bushnell 108,201-202
MAJOR, Daniel Bushnell of London 792
MALCOLM, Sir James of Carlisle 381,892
MALPAS, William of Adelaide 364
MARTIN, George 563-564,903,922-924
MASLIN, Thomas and William SHEPHERD 480
MASLIN, Thomas of Adelaide 766,795
MCLAREN, David of Adelaide 27, 40,83-84,196,398
MCHENRY, George of Adelaide 168-169
MCKENZIE, William and Isaac JACOBS 712
MCTAVISH, Dugald of Adelaide 194
MERCHANT, Charles Edmund of Halifax 209
MIDDLETON, George and Ben HOBSON 479
MIDDLETON, Joseph of Adelaide 473
MILDRED, Henry of Adelaide 760
MONINS, Richard of Walmer, Kent 326,331,339,978
MONK, John of Adelaide 696
MOORE, Edward of London 411-413,742-743
MORGAN, Rev. Thomas 1041
MORPHETT, John 612-614,660-661,771,828,883,976,981,1040
MORPHETT, John and Joseph DAVIES 605
MORPHETT, John of Adelaide 81,142,263,341,610,626,630,724,756,763,974
MORPHETT, George 462
MORPHETT, George of Islington 340, 606
MORPHETT, George of London 8,260,849
MORPHETT, Nathaniel of Halifax 7
MORRIS, Thomas of London 86,793
MOSELEY, Henry and Robert JACQUI 942
NICHOLSON, Thomas and John William Adams 1002
NODIN, John Perryman of London 46
OAKLEY, Josiah of Adelaide 651
ORMSBY, George Owen of Adelaide 52,767
OSBORNE, Henry of Adelaide 604
OVERTON, William of London 206
PARIS, Stephen of Adelaide 968
PARSONS, Edmund of Adelaide 129
PAYNE, Samuel of Wilts 47
PEARCE, William of Adelaide 159,539
PENTON, George 728
PETHERIDGE, Thomas Topham of Plymouth 138,173
PHARAZYN, Charles Johnson 528
PLAYFORD, Thomas of Adelaide 50
PRING, Daniel of Bedford Row 506
PROWSE, Jacob 895
PULLEN, William of the brig Rapid 105
RAWSON, Christopher of Halifax 131,363,436,554,598,677,975,1032-1033
RAWSON, Stansfield of Huddersfield 310
RAYNE, William Robert of Newcastle 406,709
READ, William 788
REAY, John of London 102-103
RICHARDS, George of the Royal George 632-633
RIGGE, John jun. of Middlesex 14
RIGGE, John of Sussex 979
ROBERTS, George of Adelaide 711
ROBERTS, George of Adelaide, surveyor 825
SANDFORD, Jonathon of London 402,1001
SHAW, Bernard and Edward of Chelsea 328
SHEPHERD, William and Thomas MASLIN 480
SHIPSTER, George Frederick of London 125
SIMONS, William Slade of Adelaide 182
SIMPSON, Alexander 62
SIMPSON, Daniel of Port Adelaide 878-880,887,925
SLADDEN, Basil of Adelaide 68
SLADDEN, Richard of Adelaide 104
SMART, Samuel of Adelaide 530,710
SMITH, George Robert 686
SMITH, George Robert of London 379-380
SMITH, John Abel of London 141,170,230-231,271-272,985-986
SMITH, Oswald of London 22,313,368,615,963
SMITH, Samuel 126
SMITH, Samuel of Halifax 16,49,181,218,397,401
SMITH, Samuel George 306,332
SMITH, Samuel George of Covent Garden 267
SMITH, Samuel George of London 39,317-319
SMITH, William Crosby 160
SMYTH, Hibernia of Adelaide, agriculturist 800
SNOOKE, John of London 529
SOLOMON, James of W. Maitland, N.S.W. 899
STEPHENS, Edward 846-848
STEPHENS, Edward of Adelaide 67,106,681,698-699,806-807,900
STEPHENS, Samuel of Adelaide 297,901-902
STEPHENS, William Henry and William HUMPREYS 758
STEVENS, Samuel 996-1000,1021-1025
STEVENSON, George of Adelaide 965-966,991-992
STEVENSON, John Robert 415
STRANGWAYS, Henry Bull 367,647
STRANGWAYS, Thomas Bewes 346-347,366,416-417,444
STUART, Charles William 889-890
STUART, Charles William of Adelaide 316
STUBBINGTON, James of Adelaide 488
STUCKEY, John of Adelaide 557
STUCKEY, William of Bristol 400,532
SURFLEN, Edward of Adelaide 487,946
SYMONDS, Richard Gilbert 302,393,489

EARLY ADELAIDE. Survey and Land Grants. Names Index F - L

From Trove database of digitised Australian newspapers.
To read the original article follow this link.
The numbers beside each name relate to plot numbers, the article and accompanying map will help you locate where in Adelaide they are.

I became intrigued as to who Osmand Gilles was after seeing his name so many times in the list, so here is a link to his biography in the Australian Dictionary of Biography

FAIRLIE, James of Adelaide 640,683
FEWSON, Thomas of the barque Hartley 808,845
FIELD, Henry of Melbourne 450
FILER, Edward and George TURNER 695
FINKE, Joseph 608
FINKE, William of Adelaide 872
FINNISS, Boyle Travers of Adelaide 78,109,948
FISHER, Charles B. 618
FISHER, James of Adelaide 232-233,502-505,508-511,644-645,678-679,893-894,931-932,1020
FISHER, Joshua 461
FISHER, Robert of Adelaide 387
FLETCHER, Paul of Dewsbury, York 220
FOX, Robert of Adelaide 648
FREEMAN, Mary A. C. of Middlesex 234
FREEMAN, Stephen Cornick 118
FREEMAN, Thomas of London 551
FREEMAN, Whiteman 952
FREEMAN, Whiteman master of the Tam o? Shanter 127-128
GARDEN, Rev. John of Cambridge 31,739,957
GARDEN, Rev. John Larkins of Cambridge 322,425
GIBSON, Robert, jun. of Middlesex 1036
GILBERT, Thomas of Adelaide 383,1030-1031
GILLES, Osmond of Adelaide 77,113,135,174-176,184-185,188-189,430,433-435,494,519,542-544,546,558-559,578-589,621,623-625,631,692,759,789-791,802,934,977,980,1042
GOUGER, John of Sherborn 443
GOUGER, Robert 687-688
GOUGER, Robert of Adelaide 107,172,200,634,685,995,1028
GOVER, William Glegg (or Clegg) of Middlesex 66,136,156-157,261-262,490,680
GRAINGER, Henry and Edmund TRIMMER 378,970
GRAINGER, John jun. of London
GRANT, Samuel Swindell of Halifax 565
GRAY, William Henry 722,727
GRAY, William Henry of Adelaide 3,60-61,63-65,120-123,940,947
GRENFELL, Pascoe St. Leger of London 147,164
GRIFFIN, George of London 392
GUTHERIE, George of Adelaide 853-854
HACK, John Barton 697,703-704,731-732,757,819,860-862,913-918,1012-1018
HACK, John Barton of Adelaide 74,95-98,151-154,656-659,664-667,833-837,1003-1009
HALL, Smith of Halifax 373
HALLETT, John 672-674
HALLETT, John of Adelaide 708
HANDCOCK, Frederick of Adelaide 629,994
HARDY, Thomas of Walworth, Surrey 195
HART, John master of the barque Isabella 33-34
HARDY, Thomas of Walworth 414,446-447
HART, John and William WARD of Adelaide 394
HARVEY, James 719
HAWKER, Admiral Edward 491
HAWSON, Henry Cowell 609
HAWSON, Henry Cowell of Adelaide 602
HEATH, Charles James 453
HEATH, Charles James of London 452
HEWETT, Henry Gregg of Adelaide 798
HIBBERT, John of London 353-355,428-429
HILL, John 385
HILL, Matthew Davenport 369
HILL, Matthew Davenport of London 4, 59,344,641,682
HILL, Rowland of Tottenham 235
HILL, Rowland and COCK, Robert 167
HINDMARSH, Ann of Adelaide, spinster 797
HINDMARSH, John 775-778,783-786
HINDMARSH, John of Adelaide (the Governor) 26,37,114,207,566,600-601,730,764,770,993,1026
HOBSON, Ben and George MIDDLETON 479
HOLLAMBY, John of Adelaide 527
HORNBY, Thomas of Adelaide 713
HORSALL, Henry 70
HORSELL, Robert of Adelaide 874
HOWARD, Rev. Charles Beaumont 690
HOWARD, Rev. Charles Beaumont of Adelaide 53,382
HUGHLINGS, Harry 1038
HUGHLINGS, Harry of Halifax, York 2,69,130,481,956
HUMPREYS, William and William Henry STEPHENS 758
HUTCHINSON, Young Bingham 643,805,967
HUTCHINSON, Young Bingham of Adelaide 6, 57
JACOB, William of Adelaide 984,1019
JACOBS, Isaac and William MCKENZIE 712
JACQUI, Robert and Henry MOSELEY 942
JERNINGHAM, Edmund of London 338,358-359,375
JERNINGHAM, Edmund of Middlesex 270
JICKLING, Henry 765
JICKLING, Henry of Adelaide 794
JONES, Henry of Adelaide 183,741
JUBB, Abraham of Halifax 747
KINGSTON, George Strickland 255,1027
KNOX, Nathaniel Alexander 599,684,1011
KNOX, Nathaniel Alexander of Ireland 311-312
LANGLEY, Warwick of Adelaide 649
LAWES, William of Adelaide 627
LEIGH, William of Stafford 85,524-525,548-549,
LIGHT, William of Adelaide 571-572,594-597,650
LINDSAY, Arthur Fydell of Adelaide 715
LINNINGTON, William 619-620
LIPSON, Capt. Thomas, R.N. 110
LITTLETON, Hon. and Rev. Powys 333
LOGAN, Richard of Adelaide 550

EARLY ADELAIDE. Survey and Land Grants. Names index A-E

Whilst searching online for one of my ancestors, Hibernia Smyth, I found a letter to the editor by him that had been reproduced in a New Zealand publication but had originally been published an Adelaide newspaper. So I tried searching in Trove database of digitised Australian newspapers.
Among other things I found this article about the early land grants in Adelaide with a full list of names. I wasn't even aware Hibernia had been in Australia before coming to New Zealand so I figured the list might be useful to others and I haven't been able to find it anywhere else online.
So I have created an alphabetical index to the personal names in the land grants. To read the original article follow this link.
The numbers beside each name relate to plot numbers, the article and accompanying map will help you locate where in Adelaide they are.
I have divided the list into several portions to keep my posts from being too long

ABBOTT, Giles jun. of Adelaide 611,720,750,935
ABBOTT, Giles sen. of Adelaide 706
ABBOTT, Jacob of Adelaide 936
ABBOTT, John of Halifax 193,321,547,735
ACOCKS, Thomas of Surrey 1034
ADAMS, James 982
ADAMS, John William and Thomas NICHOLSON 1002
AFFORD, John of Adelaide 628
AGNEW, Patrick vans 1,161
ANGAS, George Fife of London 277,478,484,972-973
BAGG, John and James CRONK 523
BAGNOLD, William of London 325
BAGULEY, Catherine 36
BAILEY, John of Van Diemen?s Land 395
BARKER, Alfred of the Rapid 449
BARNARD, John Erving of Adelaide 705
BARNES, George of Lincoln?s Inn Fields 12,32,475,545
BARNES, George of London 725
BEARE, Thomas Hudson 821-822,831-832
BEARE, Thomas Hudson of Middlesex 212
BECK, Charles 143
BENNETT, Somerton Travers 748
BENNETT, William of Halifax 342
BENNETT, William of Standon 701
BERKELEY, Charles 752
BERKELEY, Charles of Adelaide 35,75,192,736-738,796
BIRCH, Richard William 823,830
BIRCH, Richard William of Derby 460
BIRDSEYE, Cornelius of Adelaide 55
BLACK, William of Adelaide 689
BLOUNT, Michael Joseph of Covent Garden 265
BLUNDELL, Richard 716
BLUNDELL, Richard of Chester 324,971
BLUNDEN, Richard of Hooton 210,229
BLUNDEN, Stephen of Adelaide 465
BLUNDEN, Stephen of Hooton, Chester 186
BOLTING, Jane of Sussex, spinster 707
BOUCHER, Frederick of London 384,668
BORRODAILE, Abraham of London 327,386,431-432
BREAKER, Isaac of Adelaide 526
BRISTOW, Robert of Adelaide 474,675,929
BROWN, John 72,733-734,779-780,855-857,884-886
BROWN, John of Adelaide 204-5,451,454-456,1029
BROWN, John of Glenelz 817-818
BROWN, George of Adelaide 990
BROWN, William Voules of Adelaide 486,937
BRUCE, William of Calcutta 5,219,235
BRYANT, E. now Government property 1037
CARTER, Caroline of Adelaide 670-671
CARTER, Caroline of Adelaide, spinster 652-653
CATCHLOVE, Edward of Adelaide 457
CATOR, Bertie Cornelius 787
CATOR, Bertie Cornelius of Kent 458,531,603,676,
CHAMBERS, James 824
CHAMBERS, James of Adelaide 199,829
CHAPMAN, Samuel of Adelaide 448
CHEGWYN, Joseph 761
COLTER, Thomas Young of Adelaide 144-145
COCK, John of Tottenham, Middlesex 134
COCK, Robert of Adelaide 73,80,714
COCK, Robert and Rowland HILL 167
CODMORE, Daniel of Adelaide 801
CORTIS, Charles of Sussex 538,749
CORTIS, Charles of Worthing 177
CORTIS, George of Sussex 804
COXALL, William of Adelaide 158,773
CRIPPEN, Charles of London 54
CRISP, Clement of Adelaide 257
CRONK, James and John BAGG 523
CRONK, James of Adelaide 642
CROWTHER, Jonathon of Halifax 191,540,562,567,723
DARTON, Thomas Gates of Finsbury, Middlesex 21
DARTON, Thomas Gates of Middlesex 702
DARTON, Thomas Gates of London 345
DAVIES, Joseph and John MORPHETT 605
DAVIES, Joseph of Adelaide 607
DENDY, Samuel of Middlesex 887,904
DENDY, Samuel of Montagu Street, London 180
DENDY, Samuel of Mussel Square 330
DUFF, John Findlay 124
DUVAL, Lewis of London 1039
DYER, Elizabeth of St. Mary?s Islington 256
DYKE, Thomas of Monmouth 140
EAST, George 774
EAST, George of Adelaide 928,933
EAST, Samuel of Adelaide 190
ELDER, Thomas of Adelaide 1035
EMERY, Charlotte of Adelaide 482,617,721
EMERY, Charlotte of Adelaide, widow 617
EMERY, Isaac of Adelaide 483
EMMETT, Henry of Halifax 211,309,459,616,772
EVERARD, Charles George of Adelaide 17,71,303,343,370,533-534,555-556,955

4 comment(s), latest 12 years, 8 months ago

Return of Patients who died in the Colonial Hospital, Auckland, during the Year 1848.

Name. Tribe or Employment. Sex. Age in Years. Admitted. Died.Disease. Remarks.
Mary Ann WITHERS. Pensioner's wife . Female 32 Jan. 12th April 12th Diseased ovaries. This was an incurable disease of the ovaries.
Jane MCMANAS. Pensioner's child. Female 4 Jan. 25th Jan. 29th Diarrhoea. This child came from the ship "Ann" in a dying state.
Elizabeth SMITH. Pensioner's wife. Female 35 Jan. 26th Jan. 31st Typhus fever. This woman came from the ship "Anne" in dying state.
Thos. SMITH. Seaman. Male 43 Feb. 11th Feb. 27th Cancer of stomach. An incurable disease.
Thos. O'BRIEN. Labourer. Male 42 Mar. 7th Mar.10th Dropsy. An incurable disease affecting the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys.
Mary Ann MURRAY. Ngapuhi. Female. 27 April 27th April 30th Fever. Married to a white man, admitted in a dying state.
John TIERNEY. Labourer Male 26 May 4th May 24th Dropsy. Diseased liver, causing dropsy, jaundice, &c., long ill before admission.
TIMONA . Ngatirangi. Male 24 May 8th May 14th Fever.This man had been two weeks ill before admission; recovery was impossible.
HIRINI. Ngatiapakura. Male 25 June 1st June 30th Consumption. In the last stage of disease when admitted.
John DAY. Pensioner's son Male 14 June 12th June 14th Fever. Died of inflammation of the brain in two days after admission.
TE AITA. Ngatipo. Male 17 June 25th July 2nd Dysentery. This case was brought into the hospital too late, and resisted every means.
JOHAR. Lascar. Male 28 June 8th Nov. 13th Consumption. Died of tubercular disease of the lungs of long standing.
Andw. MCQUARRIE, Tailor Male 24 July 10th Dec. 18th Disease of the brain. There was a large tumour in the brain, with general softening, and diseased lungs.
John WEAKLY. Carter. Male 36 Aug. 9th Sept. 12th Aneurism. Died suddenly of suffocation, from rupture of the aneurism.
REHENA. Ngatimaniopoto . Male 24 Aug. 22nd Aug. 22nd Consumption. This native died from the rupture of a blood-vessel in the lungs three hours after admission.
PENITRAMINI. Ngatimokowto. Male 26 Sept. 21st Sept. 28th Consumption. A very bad case of tubercular consumption.
REWERA. Native policeman Male 23 Sept. 21st Oct. 2nd Strangulated rupture This man would not submit to an operation, the only means of saving his life.
John WHITE. Seaman. Male 40 Sept. 22nd Oct. 27th Abscess of the liver . This man came from the Fegees, labouring under abscess of the liver.
ETARAKA. Ngatitikakawa. Male 25 Oct. 7th Oct. 21st Dysentery. This native was a long time ill before admitted.
Wm. ADLINGTON. Pensioner. Male 42 Oct. 18th Dec. 7th Disease of kidneys and liver. A chronic case of long standing, pronounced incurable when admitted.
Jane SQUIRE. Cook. Female 52 Oct. 28th Nov. 16th Abscess of liver. This woman had jaundice, and disease of the liver and pancreas.
Emanuel BROWN. Seaman. Male 39 Nov. 20th Dec. 7th Disease of heart and kidneys. A Portuguese: he had disease of the valves of the heart, also disease of the kidneys.

British Parlimentary Papers relating to New Zealand

1136.01.11. Copy of a Despatch from Governor Grey to Earl Grey. Government House, Auckland

Note that when people are refered to as pensioners it means a member of the Royal New Zealand Fencible Corps.

3 comment(s), latest 12 years, 11 months ago