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Searching for the Decendants of Henry William or William Henry Cook born 1800's

William Henry or Henry William Cook was born in Shoreditch, St Andrew England in the early 1800's, he was a Convict and transported to Australia to serve his sentence. Cook was sentenced to 7 years for stealing andarrived in Australia in 1830 abord the "Lady Feversham". His wife to be Ann Rooney arrived in Australia in 1836 abord the "Pyramus". Ann was sentenced to 7 years for perjury. They married in 1836 after the Governors conscent was given.

19 comment(s), latest 5 years, 10 months ago

Looking for the Decendants of James Issac Davis of England about 1849

Issac James Davis was born about 1949 in West Lavington Wiltshire England. He became a ships carpenter and on a voyage to Australia on arrival he jumped ship. He built houses and haysheds in western NSW. He eventually married Jane Nell Spinks from Warialda NSW. Issac is my Great Grandfather and I need help with finding his decendants in England. Any help would be greatly appreciated.