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Kia ora whanau my name is Betty scott nee (Tewhata)Iam looking for my mothers whakapapa I have very little info but my hope is that someone will see my journal and may have some information would be greatly appreciated Thanks.
My mother was born on 29th April 1931,the name given to her Joy Terewai Tekata Her place of birth Tauwhare,her Father whos registered on her birth certificate is TeRauna Hipirini Te Kata, his iwi Ngati haua he was a full blooded Maori Her Mothers name was Te Omereni Tekata her iwi Ngati Omanga.Mum passed away 25/02/2009 in Nelson Hospital her last 16 months were spent with us at home in Nelson they were ours and her best time ever.

5 comment(s), latest 12 years, 6 months ago


My name is Betty Peti Scott nee (Tewhata) I was born on the 31 01 1968, Thames hospital. My fathers name is Fred Pariare Tewhata my Mothers name is Joy terewai Tewhata nee(Tekata). I have an older sister who is Lesley Harris and an older brother Herbert Tewhata.
We have a half brother whos name is Honk Connor he is my fathers son, he was brought up by Uncle Hector Connor at present he is the only child that I know of from my father. My mother once told me shed had 3 children 2 boys and a girl I have never met her other children but would like to meet any one connected to my mother and her roots.She was brought up in Ngaruwahia, in the waikato and always took great pride in the taupiri maunga.My Parents house sits on the top of pah road, My Grandfather Nundad Sol and Grandmother Nunna Betty sold the land to my father for the mere sum of a one dollar coin. There own homestead sits below mum and dads.I havent visited the property for a long time I understand my brother and sister are renting this property and yes my initial thought is to sell as mum died intestate, closure is very important to me however memories will always be forever.