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Jean Baptiste DeLaChaumette

Daniel and Marie Aucouturier De La Chaumette's son left France, went to England where he married his 2nd wife, Elizabeth H. Bougeois, daughter of John Bougeois and unknown wife. They relocated to Martinique, French West Indies. They had 4 sons, Antione and John were born in London, England. Samuel and Daniel were born in Martinique, French West Indies. After Marie's death, Antione in charge of the plantation and brought John, Samuel and Daniel to the Virginia colony in search of his brother, Arnoul(Arnell De La Chaumette)Shewmake, only to find he had died almost 20 years. In passing through Westmoreland Co., VA, he found Mark Hardouin, his brother-in-law, a Norman Emigrant, who owned and inn (or tavern) in Stafford Co., VA near Germantown trail crossed Elks Run. It was through Mark Hardin, in 1723, Jean bought some choice bottom land along Elk Run from the biggest landowner in the area, William Allen of Overwharton Parish in the County of Stafford. The deed is recorded in Stafford Co., VA, deed book. He bought 200 acres of land, which was an indication the John Shumate I, (as we will hereafter call him), was more than moderately wealthy. It is believed John 1, died around 1728, just before ar after his son, John II married Judith Bailey. It has been said John I was killed by a blow in the head by a highwayman wielding the large door key of Marc Hardouin's tavern. When the tavern was demolished some years later, the workmen pulled up the treadle of one of the steps, there was Spanish money galore. No will for John I, has been found, which may indicate to us that he had not anticipated his death to be near. However, it is possible that he had made a will, the Stafford Co., Will Books for the years between 1709-1729 are missing. (Extract from The Shumate Family by Theodor-Friedrich von Stauffenberg)

Porter Of NC

Anyone have information to add to this?

Nancy Jane Porter


John Stone


Mary Jane Stone
B:20 Sep 1894
Wilkes, NC
D:1 Oct 1956
Traphill, Wilkes, North Carolina


Martin Van Pruitt
B:13 Aug 1887
North Carolina, United States
D:9 Aug 1952
Winston-Salem, Forsyth, North Carolina

Possible Prewitt US progenitors...

1. Legendary Thomas

Thomas Prewitt - "The Immigrant" or "English Tom"
(Prewett, Privett)
Birth: Dec 1616 in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England
Death:??(1692 in Charles City, Charles River, Virginia)??

Thomas was born probably in 1616. His birthplace was Salisbury, Wiltshire, England. Some say that a John Prewitt might be his father, but it is unproven speculation at best. Thomas is thought to have had at least three children (William, Henry, John) and possibly a fourth (Thomas).

Thomas came across the Atlantic as an indentured servant to Joanne Bennet in 1636. Thomas and family were most likely Quakers. He probably brought his wife over as a servant (maybe Sarah Lessene?) because their Quaker marriage was not recognized in most established churches.

A great deal of Prewitts claim as Thomas or one of his four children as their American progenitor. DNA testing, uncovering new materials and reexamining old ones have called many claims into question. Other possible progenitors need to be explored and not accept Thomas as a given, which is one of the reasons for this following list.

2. The Huguenot Connection

?Several people have thought that the Prewitt's of Virginia originated with the French Huguenot, Roger Pratt, and His wife Mary. When Roger and Mary Prouit or Pratt, settled at Manakin Virginia in 1699 (The Huguenot, 1926, Vol. 2, p. 15), the Prewitt's had been recorded in Henrico Co., VA records for over 20 years. John Prewitt donated to a fund to help "the poverty stricken settlement of French Huguenots at Manikin town in 1700" (Virginia Historical Collections, No. 5, Huguenot Emigration to Virginia, p. 65).?

~ Richard A. Prewitt

3. The Scottish Connection

?Pruetts are Scottish: the name "pru" means watchful of money interests and "it" means proud. The Pruetts came to American from the Cheviott Hills of Scotland. The original name was coined in the fifth century in Iceland and then the Pruetts migrated to Ireland and thence to Scotland. Sir Water Scott's mother was Pruitt and he was the 9th of 12 children. Josiah and Eliza (Smith) Pruett came to a new land grant from King Charles of England in 1697 which was composed of the area of Virginia, North and South Carolina, Florida and Franklin (now named Tennessee).?

~ Dr. L.C. Branyon

4. Thomas Pruatt of 1659

Servant Information
Name: Thomas Pruatt
Gender: male
Occupation: yeoman
Place of Origin: Salisbury, Wiltshire
Spouse's Name:

Indenture Information
Date of Indenture: October 13 1659
Indenture Length: 7 years
Destination: Virginia

Agent Information
Name: Francis Webb
Gender: unknown
Place of Origin:

(From: Bristol database(s): Record Identification Number=5672)

?W.B. Bowman ?Bristol to American? (London, 1929, p. 64) shows a Thomas Pruatt of Salisbury listed for Virginia 1654-1663, we do not know what became of him, whether he died at sea or settled in one of the counties whose records have been lost.?

~ Haskell Pruett

5. John and William Privett of 1619

?In 1619, Thomas Pruet, and John and William Privett were listed as leaving Salisbury for Virginia.?

(Parker?s Bristol to America, p 89 & 93)

6. The Accomack County/Tangier Island Connection

?George Prewett?s will was recorded in Accomack Co., Va. July 10, 1670, and Benjamin Pruitt was transported to Accomack Co., Va. by John Washbourne on Sept. 16, 1690.?

~ Haskell Pruett

7. The Maryland Connection

?William Pruet was transported to Maryland in 1676, and Andrew Pruett, out of Old England, came to Dorchester Co., Md. in 1678. There is a will of William Pruitt of Talbot Co., Md. in 1727, in which he mentions his eldest daughter, Alice Jones, his grandson, Lewis Jones, and granddaughter, Mary Springer,but no Pruitt?s. Among the papers of his estate is the oath of Thomas Sims, that there is no other kin of William Prewit in this country. The records of these early Pruitts in Maryland are very sparse.?

~ Haskell Pruett

1 comment(s), latest 14 years, 7 months ago