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Hedley,Marshall, Tennant, Hetherington.

I am looking for any information on George Hedley, Thomas McDougle Marshall, William Tennant, and Richard Hetherington. These are my great great grandfathers and I cannot find information on them. As I live in Australia I am not familiar with the English counties. I know that they are from Northumberland area
Thanks Carmel

1 comment(s), latest 11 years, 8 months ago

looking for HEDLEY of newcastle on tyne

looking for any relatives of Thomas Shipley HEDLEY born Newcastle on tyne England 1908, his parents were Charlton (charles) HEDLEY and Elizabeth HETHERINGTON, brothers and sisters Hugh,Christopher,Charles,Albert,Elizabeth,Richard,Joseph,and Nellie
Thomas was my father and he came to Australia at the age of 19 and I am trying to find any family history