codysgmaw on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

codysgmaw on Family Tree Circles

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Looking for Dull of Pennsylvania

I am a 70 yrs old woman looking for family information. I stared 2 yrs ago. but due to some delays, I haven't found as much as I had wished for. My Grandfathers name was William T. Dull from Juniata County, Pa. I found his parents, but can't find his Mothers (my great Grandmothers Maiden name.)Also have information on his Grandparents.
It is a slow, but fun journey.
I have limited mobility, so can't go to the areas of Pa. that I could probably find more info.
Also looking for my Grandmothers line (Diehl) also of Juniata County, Pa.

Tips on how to find a Gr Grandmothers maiden name

I am working on genealogy for the surname of Dull, I can not find my Gr.Grandmothers Maiden name. . Is there anyone out there that can make some suggestions.

5 comment(s), latest 17 years, 4 months ago