cshanika on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

cshanika on Family Tree Circles

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Journals and Posts

how do I get information on adoptions in New York in the 1800's?

How do I get information on adoptions in New York in the 1800's

Pribble family Of Illinois

looking for family of Van Z. Pribble lived in Ill. and Mo. he was a painter and the family would love to find an example of his work.

John J. Manning

looking for relatives of John J. Manning born 1872 ireland married Katherine Goddard in u.s.Katherine died in Chicago in 1929. John died 1940 in Cook county Ill.

Eleanor C.A. Winslow

looking for info Eleanor C.A. Winslow was alive in 1929 living in New York she was a Artist ,painted the blue coat among others. Cousin to Francis M. Comstock

Alice Bacon Woolsey

looking for info on Alice Bacon Woolsey she lived in New York in 1929 she was a cousin to Frances M. Comstock.

Ethelred Abbott

Looking for info on Ethelred Abbott born in Conneticut moved to Chicago. She was a librarian there in 1929.

looking for any relatives of Frances M. Comstock or Harriet Staples Wheeler

Frances m. Comstock born in New York April 5th 1843 father was David C. Comstock. Frances Staples Comstock was her Mother. Frances died July 9,1929 in New York at the Presbyterian House for Aged Women. Harriet Staples Wheeler was a first cousin.