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New Found Daniel Finch Information C. 1630's

Source: The Great Migration Begins
"ASSOCIATIONS: The problem of the possible relationships of the various early Finch immigrants is a difficult one. Jacobus sorted out some of the problems in an appendix in Families of Old Fairfield [Donald Lines Jacobus, comp. and ed., History and Genealogy of the Families of Old Fairfield, 3 volumes (Fairfield, Connecticut, 1930; rpt. Baltimore 1976, 1991) 1:718-20]. He demonstrated there that the Abraham Finch killed by the Pequots in 1637 was son of Daniel, thus overcoming a defect in the records, which would otherwise lead one to assume another Abraham of an earlier generation.
A relation between Daniel and John Finch is likely, since both first lived in Watertown, and John moved to Stamford (directly from Watertown) shortly after Daniel moved there (from Wethersfield). Also, John's son Isaac named a son Abraham. From Daniel's will we know that they are not father and son. They could be brothers, but Daniel seems to be nearly a generation older than John, since Daniel's eldest son married only a few years after John's marriage.
Samuel Finch of Roxbury has also been counted a brother of Daniel and/or John, but this seems less likely. John named a son Samuel. According to Jacobus, Samuel lived for a time at Wethersfield, but this has not been confirmed.

COMMENTS: Under an uncertain date, but early in October 1630, Winthrop noted in his journal that "Finch, of Watertown, had his wigwam burnt and all his goods." Pope has assumed that this referred to John, but Daniel is more likely, since Daniel was known to be in New England by 1630, whereas our first independent record of John Finch was in 1632.
Since Daniel did not share in the first recorded grant of land in Watertown (1636), and was constable of Wethersfield in April 1636, he must have been one of those who made the move to Wethersfield in 1635.
He appears in the earliest lists of those planning to settle Stamford, and of those receiving land there.

BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTE: Jacobus described the Finches as "perhaps the most difficult family he has studied," and proceeded to expend much effort on them [Donald Lines Jacobus, comp. and ed., History and Genealogy of the Families of Old Fairfield, 3 volumes (Fairfield, Connecticut, 1930; rpt. Baltimore 1976, 1991)1:200-04; The American Genealogist, Volume 9 to present (1932+) 19:50-61, 118-25, 188-92, 249-56, 20:60-63, 188-89, 240, 21:158-60]. We have relied heavily on the work of Jacobus here, as little new material has come to light since he wrote."

3 comment(s), latest 13 years, 1 month ago

Floate/Stampfly/Stampfly Tree

Looking and hope to connect with all persons related to these lines..I enjoy meeting and chatting with new relitives that I find on a daily basis, I have found many cousins and close relitives that I had never known exsisted...Hope you can be one of them...

Donna (Stampfly) Floate

2 comment(s), latest 14 years, 11 months ago