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trying to find out about spouses of Charles Alfred Dixon

born 1876 in Waimate North to Hazar Dixon died 1918 in Auckland of influenza had 1 son Cyril born 1916. Charles had 5 children to my Grandmother (Adalaide Bowyer) before Cyril was born and we have been told that he may have been married before and had other children.

9 comment(s), latest 4 years, 10 months ago

how can I delete a message

I posted 3 messages on someones listing - the same 1 twice and would like to delte two of them

1 comment(s), latest 6 years, 8 months ago

Carmichael Family New Lynn - Daniel Carmichael and Maggie Blair

Daniel Carmichael and Maggie Blair

Daniel and Maggie Blair, married at St. James Presbyterian church, Ballymoney, County Antrim, Ireland, on 19th August 1910 by license (a sum of money paid to the church).

A seven year gap between the births of Mary and Gretta suggest that they may have lost some children. This may have been the reason why Daniel and Maggie decided to immigrate or perhaps work for Daniel had evaporated. Photographic evidence suggests that Daniel worked as a Policeman in Ireland before immigrating.

The couple had at six children. The first five were born in Ballymony, County Antrim, Ireland.

James who had a daughter Dianne. There is no record of James birth, but his death record shows he was born in 1911.

Martha who later immigrated to Tasmania and had children.

Stuart who had 2 daughters Jenny and Lyn. Jenny married Terry Fullerton and had 2 sons Mark Carmichael Fullerton and Paul James Fullerton. Lynn married Richard Paton of Newcastle England and had 2 daughters Ginny and Karen.

Mary married Clem Steven and had 2 sons and a daughter. Oldest son Clem Steven Jnr married Helen ? and had 3 children Vanda, Jackie and Michael. Michael passed away at age 19. Jackie had a son called Michael. Don Steven married Pam and had 2 children Donna and Mark. Donna had a son called Michael. Heather Steven married Owen Walsh and had 2 children Vince and Kylie.

Gretta married Bruce Guildford and had three children. Claire who married John Samuel Luke had 2 children, Katie and Matthew. Rodney Guildford married Maureen Hodges and had 2 daughters and Faye Guildford married Courtney Kenney.

Youngest Daughter Emma was born in New Zealand and married Joseph Colquhoun and had 2 children Russell who married Toivau Fa'amanu from Western Samoa had 3 children Joseph who married Alani, Ben who married Tamsin and Ruben who married Hella and has 3 children Toivau, Ezra and Gracie. Gaye Colquhoun has no chidren.

In October 1926 the family began the adventure of a lifetime. They travelled to Southampton and on the 11th of that month, boarded the ship Hororata for Auckland, New Zealand. Daniel and Maggie were two out of a total of 630 adults on board.

The family settled in Auckland where Daniel worked as a gardener.

Some of the places the family lived were: 1928 Astley Av., New Lynn and in 1935 Avondale Road.

In 1942 tragedy struck and Daniel lost Maggie when she had a heart attack. (see death certificate)

By 1949 Daniel had moved to 8 Rimu St.After the death of his wife Daniel moved to Fruitvale Road, New Lynn where he lived with Eve Harris until his death. He had no more children. He died in 1963 aged 73.

Daniel Carmichael and Mary Brown

On 27th May 1855 Daniel Carmichael Senior was born at Garryduff and baptised at the Church of Ireland, Ballymoney. He was the son of Daniel and Jane Carmichael.

In 1883 he was living at Lecke, Ballymoney. On the 5th October of that year he married Mary Brown at the Trinity Presbyterian church, Ballymoney.

Daniel and Jane Carmichael
Daniel Carmichael worked on a farm at Garryduff in Ballymoney. The 1861 Griffith's Valuation (a form of census) shows him living in a house belonging to a John Tweed.

Stewart Blair & Ellen Reid

Maggie Blair was born to Stewart Blair and Ellen Reid in 1890 at Ballymoney, County Antrim. (see death certificate)

Stewart and Ellen married at the Presbyterian church in Garryduff, Ballymoney on 12th September 1873. Stewart was a farmer. Stewart died 10 Nov 1896.

4 comment(s), latest 2 years, 11 months ago

Joseph Colquhoun, Ada Rosina Colquhoun (nee Bishop) Andrew Colquhoun, Anne Smith and Leonard Robert Colquhoun

We believe Joseph Colquhoun born in Belfast between 1875-1878. Was married to Ada Rosina Bishop 7th June 1900 and cousin Gregg has copy of marriage certificate. His parents are listed as Andrew Colquhoun and Annie Colquhoun nee Smith. His second marriage was to Ada Bowyer in 1921. His second marriage certificate states he was born in Dublin. He was never divorced, but in those days you only had to say you were seperated for 7 years to be allowed to remarry. His death cerificate shows he was born in Auckland and died at age 89 in 1963. We doubt he was born in Dublin as he enlisted in WW1 as a Protestant Soldier. His ashes are buried in the Protestant returned soldiers section of Waikamete cemetery so it's unlikely that he was a Catholic from Dublin. Both his marriage certificates and death certificate show different ages and places of birth. It is believed that he may have arrived in New Zealand with his parents as my father spoke of Aunts and Uncles living in Auckland when he was growing up and I have made contact with one of their offspring. I also remember visiting 2 of cousins who lived in Selwyn Street Onehunga - Betty Lewis (nee Colhoun) and Ina Collins (nee Colhoun) whose mother's name was Jess. They changed the spelling of their name to Colhoun. Ada Rosina Colquhoun was buried in Mangere Lawn Cemetery in 1964. Joseph and Ada had 5 children. Leonard Robert Colhoun born 1900, Reginald Percy born 1902, John Colhoun born 1903, Myrtle Ivy Colhoun born 1904 and Ethel Gladys born 1907. Their last known address was Emma St, Mt Eden in 1916.

Herbert Howeth Mountain
- married Winifred Marion BOWYER in 1899

Ada Rosina Colquhoun

I am looking for descendants of Ada Rosina Colquhoun nee Bishop. She lived in Ponsonby Auckland and was married to my grandfather Joseph Colquhoun in 1900. She died in 1964 and is buried in Mangere Lawn Cemetry Auckland. It is believed she had a son called Leonard Robert Colquhoun plus four or five other children.