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looking for paternal line

I am looking for information on the origins of Robert William Justice b 10/4/1927. My birth certificate says he was born in Michigan though it is thought he was from Asheville, N.C. His SSN# is from North Carolina. He was married twice that I know of and had 5 of us,leaving when I was 2. I think there were more children, but I don't have information on them. He worked at Hughes Aircraft as an airplane mechanic and died in Los Angeles in Sept. 1975. There is some confusion about how he got his last name, it is believed that he may have been adopted. I can't get anything from my mother, she "can't remember" his parents or relatives names, so I can't order his death certificate. My sister says there are the surnames of Davis and Metcalf in there, but it is uncertain. Anybody know anything?
Janice Justice