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janilye on Family Tree Circles

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Journals and Posts

What on earth has happened to this site?

so many ads; and my reply doubled itself- where are the administrators. no wonder it takes a fortnight to ask a question. and a friggen month to answer

Murphy's - The Historic Hotel Fire at Castlemaine

Thrilling scenes were witnessed at the disastrous fire which practically
wholly consumed the Castlemaine Hotel early yesterday morning 26 April
The outbreak occurred at about 2.30 o'clock, but owing to the shortness of
time available and the impossibility of gleaning particulars only a brief
intimation of the unfortunate occurrence could be published in yesterday's "Mail."
The origin of the fire is shrouded in mystery.
Mr H. P. Tensen, the landlord, closed the doors as usual at 11.30 o'clock,
and when he retired to his bedroom, situated above the commercial room, with
his wife and child soon after mid- night everything was apparently safe.
Mr Tensen was awakened by the crackling sounds of burning timber, and he
hurriedly left his bed. Immediately he opened the door, however, a volume
of flame rushed up the stairway and dense smoke poured into the room.
Mr. Tensen, with great presence of mind, hastily fastened the door, and
then awakened his wife and six- year-old child, who were still sleeping.
The three made a hurried exit through another door and reached the narrow
balcony, with the flames closing in on them from every side.
Here they were compelled to remain until rescued from their perilous
position by Mr Thomas Howell, Mr W. Beattie and several others,
who promptly arrived upon the scene of the conflagration.
The flames spread with remarkable rapidity over the wooden portion of the
building at the rear.
Everything seemed quiet as usual, but a minute later a high tongue of flame
appeared through the roof of the hotel, and brightly lighted the adjacent
This was noticed by the members of the night staff of the "Mail," as they
were leaving the office. They ran towards the burning building, and arrived
there soon after Constable O'Mullane, who had already set about the rescue
of the occupants. Mrs Tensen, who was on the balcony, was screaming
excitedly, as was also the child.
Several sheets were smartly tied together, and both mother and child were
lowered over the balcony to those below. Then Mr Tensen and his brother-in-law
(Mr Thomas Howell) who also occupied a room upstairs, slid down the
improvised rope to the ground. Nor did they leave a moment too soon, because
the flames were already rushing through the windows and spreading across the balcony.
The rescue was a thrilling incident, because it was feared that Mrs Tensen
might lose self-control and leap from the balcony. She was in a highly nervous
condition, screaming excitedly, and it was only with the greatest difficulty
that her husband prevented her from taking such a dangerous step.
When it was seen that the occupants were all safe, a couple of the rescue party,
under instructions from Constable O'Mullane, set off to the fire station, but
when they reached there the bell was already being tolled loudly.
Very few minutes elapsed before the hose-reel was brought to the spot, and, with
praiseworthy promptitude, six streams of water were brought into play upon the
burning building. The flames, however, had by this time gained a great hold on
the building, and it seemed unlikely that they could possibly be got under
control before the structure was levelled with the ground.
The large collection of firemen, under Captain Woolnough, effected invaluable work,
although it was found utterly impossible to save much of the furniture.
After several hours of hard fighting the flames were subdued, but practically
only the shell of the large building remains.
Firemen, police and civilians did all they could in attempting to save
property, but the burning building was like a huge furnace, and their
combined efforts proved almost fruitless.
The building — which is an old landmark—contained about 25 rooms,
the front portion being brick, while the rear was built of wood.
The owner is Mr Joseph Young, of Harcourt. The hotel was insured
for £8oo in the Commercial Union office (Mr G. Chaster agent), being made
up of £700 on the main building, and £100 on the stables and sheds. So badly
has it suffered that, at present, it appears doubtful if the portion standing
will be of any further use. The occupier, Mr H. P. Tensen, has lost practically
the whole of his worldly possessions.
After coming here from Tasmania, he managed the hostelry for some time, and
about four months ago he took over the business himself. He is a young man,
and was endeavouring to make a livelihood for himself and familv. He has two children,
but one is at present away from home. Yesterday morning it was most disheartening
for him to gaze upon the ashes of his enterprise. Only a few chairs and some
bedding were saved. The billiard table, which had recently been renovated,
and a piano were among the contents of the place.
Mr Tensen estimates his loss at £600. He expressed gratitude at the treatment
accorded to his wife, child, and himself, by several neighbors, in his trouble.
"And the firemen and civilians did excellent work," he said.
Stock, to the value of about £40, was carried, and a quantity of this was recovered from
the flames. The furniture, stock-in-trade, etc., were covered by a policy in the
Guardian Office (Messrs T. Odgers and Co., agents), for £300.
The clanging of the firebell, and the fact that the flames lighted up the whole town,
attracted a large crowd of people to the scene, and many remained there until the fire
had almost died out.
It is thought that the fire must have originated in the private parlor, which was built
of wood, and provided the entrance from Lyttleton street. However, nothing definite
can be urged as to where the fire started. Yesterday morning, the building was still
smouldering and the firemen in charge found it necessary to again put on the water.
During yesterday a large number of people visited the scene of devastation.
Mrs Tensen, when questioned yesterday, said that she did not remember much about the
occurrence. When awakened, she was greatly alarmed to notice flames beneath the bedroom
door. Her only thought was for the safety of her child. She took him in her arms, and
rushed on to the balcony. "I wanted to get Neil down safely," she said, "then I would
have jumped to the ground myself. I scarcely knew what I was doing, the sight of the
flames terrified me. I do not remember being lowered to the ground at all."
Mrs Tensen is suffering greatly from shock.

In the year 1854 a license was issued by the Castlemaine Court to Lawrence Murphy,
to retail fermented and spiritous liquors, in premises recently erected at the
corner of Hargraves and Lyttleton streets, and known as the Castlemaine Hotel.
It became better known as Murphy's Hotel, and it has a history equaled by few
country hotels, and at the present day is known by persons, high and low, in
every part of the Commonwealth. It was Castlemaine's leading and most popular
house for very many years, and its roof has covered men with a world-wide reputation.
H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh put up there during his visit here, Governors have made
it their stopping place, Judges, including Barry, Redmond, Higinbotham, and Madden
made it their headquarters when in this district, Robert O'Hara Burke, Vincent Pyke,
Nicholas Fitzgerald, J. B. Patterson, Duncan Gillies, John O'Shanassy, and other men
famous in Victorian political history, have spent many an hour there; while
distinguished tourists, and financial and commercial magnates, and literary celebrities
by the score have put up at Murphy's. In the early days, the gatherings of citizens for
convivial evenings are matters of history. Travel in any part of the Commonwealth,
and mention Castlemaine, and invariably the question is asked, "Is Murphy's Hotel there yet ?"
For over 50 years the license was held by the Murphy family, first by Mr Murphy, then
at his death, by Mrs Murphy, and in later years by their son, Mr L. B. Murphy, who a
few years ago retired altogether from the business. Since the license was first granted,
until the present day not a single conviction has been recorded against the licensee for
a breach of the Licensing Act, which speaks eloquently for the management. The license
was one of the first half-dozen granted in Castlemaine, and was issued about a month or
so later than that of the Criterion Hotel, which is the oldest licensed house in the district.
Almost since Castlemaine came into existence, the Castlemaine Hotel had been a prominent
landmark, and although its former glory has gone, it is to be hoped it will be capable of
repair, and once more provide accommodation for the travelling public.

Mount Alexander Mail (Victoria)
Saturday 27 April 1912
Page 2
transcription, janilye, 2020
Births, deaths and Marriages, Victoria
Corrections and Comment: H.P.Tensen should read N.P. Tenson.
Usually known as Peter Tenson
He was Niel Peter TENSON, he died at his home at 235 Booran-road, South Caulfield, Victoria on the 28 January 1951. aged 76. Buried the following day at the New Cheltenham Cemetery in Holloway-road.
His wife was Sarah Drucilla, nee HOWELL, she died at South Caulfield, Victoria in 1969. aged 89
They had 2 children; 1. Uleen Winifred, b:1903, Christchurch, New Zealand, married 1. Charles Clifford CREIGHTON in 1933 and 2. Clarence Herbert ARCHER in 1946. She died in 1973, Noble Park, Victoria.
2. Neil Edward Phillip b: 1907, Tullah, Tasmania d: 26 February 1988 at Oak Park, Victoria He married Dory Dingle BOYCE in 1944

Pandemic 1918 to 1920

How could we forget?
“The past is a place of reference, not a place of residence; the past is a place of learning, not a place of living.”
― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

........................Thursday 20 February 1919
Influenza does not arise; it travels.
It reached the United States by crossing the 'Atlantic, and it would seem that
it might, have been kept out.
This is, in fact, the editorial opinion of the 'Scientific American,' which under the
heading 'A Carelessly Guarded Gate,' charges that the laxity of port authorities on
the eastern coast is responsible for an invasion that has caused more deaths
among peaceful citizens than the deadly weapons of the enemy, have effected on
the front of battle.
'Instead of establishing a rigid quarantine, the authorities
seemed to have ignored the infectious character of the disease
and placed its victims in the open wards of hospitals,
where it quickly, spread.
This all took place in the land of Gorgas, whose people can tame
a fever-infected swamp one day and then calmly take disease to their
own bosoms the next.'
Says the paper named above:—
"There is a growing conviction that
the sudden invasion of the United
States by that 'European' epidemic
known as Spanish influenza, - and the
speed with which it has spread through-
out the country, are due to the laxity
with which the port authorities along
the Atlantic seaboard have carried out
their duties.
'If ever there was a period when the
quarantine laws for guarding the ports
of the United States against the entrance of
disease should have been enforced with redoubled vigilance,
it was during the summer and autumn of the
present year, when, it was known that
a highly infectious and fatal disease was
sweeping through Europe like a scourge
of the Middle Ages.
'In view of the imminence and deadly
character of the disease, we had every
reason to expect that the Federal authorities
would set a double guard at our
ports of entry, and instruct our quarantine
official to take every possible preventative
measure against the landing, not
merely of influenza patients, but of
every passenger who had been exposed
during tho ocean voyage, to infection.
'Nor can any carelessness be excused
on the ground that influenza has never
been classed with the deadly diseases,
such as yellow fever or the bubonic plague.
While such an excuse might be valid for the
layman, it cannot be allowed in the case of the
expert professional men, whose duty it is to
enforce the quarantine laws of the country,
for they know full well that this was no ordinary
epidemic of influenza or grip. The medical records
of Europe were available; and the most cursory
reading of the data that have appeared in the
medical journals (to go no further than that)
should have revealed to those men that here was
a disease the exclusion of which from America,
called for the most exacting and rigid enforcement
of the quarantine laws.
'The obvious thing to have done when the
first ship with influenza patients on board cast anchor
at a quarantine station, was to isolate that ship,
with every soul on board, until the slightest
possibility of carrying infection ashore had been removed.
The rigid precautions that would be taken,
if an arriving ship had yellow fever
patients aboard, should surely have been
taken in the case, of this deadly scourge.
'But what are the facts? Incredible
as it may seem, influenza cases by the
score and, for all we know, by the hundred,
were taken ashore and placed in
the general wards of the hospitals.
Fellow passengers of the Patients, who
must inevitably have been exposed to
infection, and must many of them have
been carrying the disease, were allowed
to go their several ways throughout
the land.
'Was ever official fatuity stretched
to greater lengths than this?
When once the ships company had scattered,
whether to spread the infection among fellow
patients in a general hospital, or among the
unsuspecting and un-warned citizens in home,
office, passenger-car or theatre; the
mischief was done. But even when the plague
burst forth in all its wide-spread malignity,
both New York and the country at large seemed
slow to awaken to the enormity of the peril.

Only here and there did the authorities act with
swift and effective measures, closing
schools, theatres, and public meeting places.
It is certainly a disconcerting fact that, at the
very time when the country had organised itself, through
the Red Cross and other famous organisations, to fight
disease and prevent suffering, we should be smitten with
a visitation which caused more casualties and deaths in
the homeland than occurred among our troops in the
great world war

SOURCE: TROVE- National Library of Australia 1919-1921
Videos of spanish flu epidemic 1918

The photograph below from The Health Museum of South Australia
shows some of the people interred at the Jubilee Oval, adjacent to
the Torrens River in Adelaide South Australia.
Six ladies and two girls seated in the grounds of the Jubilee Oval.
Handwritten notes on the back of the photo read “Passengers who
were required to be in isolation after arriving from Melbourne by
train 1919 – influenza pandemic”.
The influenza pandemic or Spanish Flu originally started in 1918
and was brought to Australia by soldiers returning from WWI. When
the flu came to Australia, the states tried to combat it by closing
state borders and setting up quarantine camps.
On the 8th of February, South Australia was officially declared infected.
To treat those infected, the Jubilee Oval and Exhibition Building
was converted to an Isolation Hospital.
When the state borders were closed, many South Australians found
themselves stranded in Victoria.
On the 26th February, non-infected South Australians were transported
by train from Melbourne to Adelaide and deposited at the Jubilee Oval,
which had be set up with over 10 military tents and room for another
500 people in the buildings. They were released on the 4th March.

My Christmas Wish for you all

Yes, I found my great grandfather, four years ago now.
He went missing after his wife died in 1898 leaving behind his 4 year son.
That 4 year old son, was my grandfather. On grandfather's marriage certificate, in 1922, was written 'father deceased'. Who knew better?

As a person who deals in facts and the printed document, I didn't believe it; and since 1966 when grandfather died I began the hunt.

I discovered Alfred McAlpin Eather, born at 'Henriendi' on the Namoi river near Narrabri, New South Wales, on the 30 June 1863, he died on the 15 May 1953 at Toowoomba, Queensland and he is buried at Toowoomba under the name of Alfred McEather. Since 1898 he'd been a drover in Southern Queensland.

I'm struggling to understand why! Why didn't he come forward, why didn't he call his son? Was he on the dock watching when his son sailed off to war? did he celebrate when his son returned.
Didn't he want to know his son's wife and children? Or me, I was 10 years old when he died. Didn't he want to know me?

This Christmas, my wish for you all is that you try to remove the fences, mend the roads, just a note or a phone call. For your sake and your family.
No regrets.

4 comment(s), latest 4 years, 9 months ago


Inhabitants of the Colony asked to produce their proof of freedom.
A certificate proved you had done your time and therefore all your rights
and privileges as a free citizen were restored. These certificates should
have been carried at all times and produced when asked by the authorities

.......Secretary's Office, Sydney,
.......16th November, 1816
WHEREAS, during the late General Muster of the
Inhabitants of this Colony, several Persons who had
originally come into it as Convicts reported
themselves at the said Muster as free, either by
Servitude or by Pardon, or as being allowed to
employ themselves for their own Benefit by the
special Permission of His EXCELLENCY the
GOVERNOR; and whereas several of the Persons
who thus reported themselves did not produce
any Certificate, Free Pardon, Emancipation,
or Ticket of Leave, without which the Truth
of their said Statements could not be satisfactorily
ascertained; and there being much Reason
to believe that Imposition is frequently practiced
in this Respect, the Names of those Persons who
at the late Muster did not produce any Certificate,
Free Pardon, Emancipation, or Ticket of Leave,
but who represented themselves absolutely
free, or conditionally so, by Virtue of one or
other of the above named Documents, is now
published, in Order that each of these Persons
may be apprised that unless he or she do, in, the
Course of Six Months from the present Day, obtain
at the Secretary's Office, either a certified Copy
of such Certificate, Free Pardon, Emancipation,
or Ticket of Leave, as they represented
themselves to have been once possessed of in
the Event of his or her having actually lost the
Original, they will be considered as Impostors,
and immediately recalled to Government Work
as Convicts still under the Sentence of the Law.
No. Name. Ship came in. Residence. Occupation.
1. Richard Hawke, Alexander, Sydney
2. Anthony Rope, ditto, Castler. Landholder
3. John Cross, ditto, Port H. ditto
4. Mary Clark, ditto 2d., Sydney
5. John Glade, Atlantic, ditto
6. James Hague, ditto, Windsor, Landholder
7. Richard Ridge, ditto, Hawksbury (1771-1842)
8. Christ. Dodding, ditto, ditto
9. Richard Verrier, Active, Sydney
10. Timothy Doyle, Nepean, smith
11. James Higgins, ditto, Hawksbury
12. John McEwen, ditto, Liverpool
13. John Taylor, Albemarle, Windsor
14. James Sutherland, ditto Hawksbury
15. John Brown, ditto, Hawksbury
16. Owen Hobson, Ann, ditto -
17. John Campbell, ditto 1st. Liverpool
18. William Aldridge, A. Barrington, Richmond Landholder.
19. Benjamin Elton, ditto, Wilberforce
20. William Reynolds, ditto, Hawksbury
21. Joseph Hunt, Barwell, Sydney
22. Thomas North, ditto, Richmond.
23. John Caton, Boddington, Hawksbury.
24. James Kenny, ditto, Liverpool
25. Mary A. Parker, Canada, Sydney
26. Thos. Douglass, ditto 1st, Hawksbury
27. James Kibby, ditto 1st, Liverpool
28. John Dugan, Coromand., Nepean, Landholder
29. Wm. Stevens, ditto, Pitt Town
30. Timothy Webb, ditto, Windsor
31. William Webb, ditto, Hawksbury
32. Jonas Mordecai, ditto, ditto -
33. Joseph Smith, ditto, ditto -
34. Richard Holland, D. of Portland, ditto, Landholder
35. John Williams, ditto, Wilberforce, laborer
36. John McKenzie, ditto, Hawksbury
37. Thomas. Getham, ditto, ditto -
38. Thomas Knight, E. Cornwal., Richmond, laborer
39. Thomas Rudd, ditto, Liverpool.
40. Patrick Mason Friendship Hawksbury. Landholder
41. James Timmens ditto Richmond, Landholder
42. Roger Twyfield ditto Hawksbury
43. Hugh McAvoy Glatton Sydney -
44. Joseph Oners ditto Windsor Landh.
45. Mark Doolan Gambier 1st. Sydney
46. Peter Patullo, Ganges, ditto -
47. Samuel Stevens, ditto, Richmd. -
48. John Fitsgerald, Hillsboro', Sydney -
49. Robert Ritchie, Hercules, Castler. Landh.
50. Stephen Dunn, ditto, Pitt Town -
51. Martha Eaton Lad. Penryn Sydney -
52. Thos. Woolton Minorca ditto -
53. John Hewitt Minerva Windsor laborer
54. John Everett ditto Hawksb. -
55. Joseph Burrows ditto ditto -
56. Nicholas Crosbie, M. Cornwa., Windsor, Landh.
5 7. Robert Allen ditto Richmond
58. John Riley, ditto, Hawksbury
59. Michael Balf ditto ditto -
60. Wm. Horsford Matilda ditto -
61. John Booth ditto Port H. -
62. Henry Hyam ditto Hawksbury
63. Steph. Richardson ditto Richmond. Landholder.
64. Daniel Phillips ditto Hawksbury
65. Adam Bell ditto ditto -
66. Isaac Farmer, Neptune, Wilberforce
67. Thomas Eager or Heather, ditto Hawksbury (Thomas Eather 1764-1827)
68. Wm. Mackey ditto Richmond
69. Dan. Anshutz ditto Hawksbury
70. James O'Neille, Pitt Sydney -
71. Rd. Hammett ditto ditto -
72. James Higgins ditto ditto -
73. Alex. Cumberbech ditto ditto -
74. Joseph Pearce ditto Richmond Landholder
75. John May ditto ditto ditto
76. Thomas Brown ditto Hawksbury
77. Matthew Elkins, Perseus, Windsor, shoemaker
78. Joseph Butler, ditto Wilberforce
79. J. Mainwright, ditto Hawksbury
80. Wm. McDonald, Queen, Pitt Town Landholder
81. F. McLawrence, Queen, Richmd. sawyer
82. Catherine Evans, Royal Admiral. Sydney ?
83. Thomas Pateman, ditto 1st ditto -
84. William Green, ditto Brokenb. Limeburner
85. Donald Kennedy, ditto Castler. Landh.
86. Richard Willis, ditto Pitt Town ditto
87. William Ezzey, ditto Windsor ditto (1768-1830)
88. Henry Rochester ditto Richmond
89. John Norman ditto Windsor -
90. Henry Tredaway, ditto Hawksbury.
91. James Dunn Royal Admiral ditto -
92. Thomas Tailby, ditto Liverpool. (1767-1823)
93. John Summers, ditto 2nd., Windsor ferryman
94. Patrick Byrne, Rolla Wilberforce.
95. Cornelius Lyons ditto sydney -
96. James Bradley, Scarborough, Sydney
97. Robert. Forrester ditto Windsor, Landholder (1758-1827)
98. Richard Hagley, ditto Hawksbury
99. William Smith, ditto ditto -
100. Thomas Glaves, ditto ditto -
101. Wm. Hubbard, ditto ditto -
102. James. Ruse, ditto ditto -
103. James. Spooner, Salamander Sydney
104. Jos. Welstead ditto Hawksbury.
105. William Pimblett, Surprise, Sydney
106. William Knight, ditto Port H. Landh.
107. Simon Freebody, ditto Windsor ditto
108. Edw. Woodham, ditto Richmond
109. John Sullivan Sugar cane ditto Hawksbury
110. James Knowland, ditto Hawksbury
111. Charles Barwick, Wm & Ann Sydney
112. L. Wetherhead ditto Hawksbury. Landholder
113. Thomas Noble - Liverpool -
114. John Hopkins - ditto -
115. Roger Fletcher - ditto -
116. John Masterson - ditto -
And the foregoing Persons are hereby Apprised, that the proper
Time to apply at the Secretary's Office for the obtaining any of
the above Documents, is the first Monday in each Month.
........By Command of His Excellency,
...............J. T. CAMPBELL, Secretary.

The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW )
Saturday 16 November 1816
Page 1

Held at SYDNEY Post Office 1847 - unclaimed letters

This is a List of unclaimed letters for the month of October, 1847:—
Dawson Mr. Thomas, Bathurst;
Davis William, ticket of leave Campbelltown ;
Daye Miss M. A. E., care of Darvall Esq., Elizabeth-street ;
Dogharty Michael, Mary and Susan, care of Ford Esq., Concord ;
Donaldson Miss Isabella, Morpeth;
Donnellan Miss Matilda, Saltram, Bathurst;
Doyle Barney, Goulburn Plains;
Drinkwater Thos., care of M'Intyre, Hunter's River;
Dunn Thomas, carrier, Parramatta Road
Edgess Win., seaman ;
Edwards Jas., Maitland ;
Edmonds Mr. Francis, Albury ;
Evans Mrs. Sarah, Sydney ;
Evans Mr. Thomas, Molonglo,
Farensworth A. W., Sydney
Farquhar James, Fairlie, Yass;
Fegan William, Haymarket ;
Felham Eliza, Sydney;
Flannery Wm., care of Mr. Hurley, Campbelltown ;
Fogarty Thos.- care of Mr. Alford ;
Fonry Owen, care of General Steward, Bathurst ;
Fowler Mr. H. Albury;
Fraser Miss M. Jane, care of Mr. Josephson, Enmore, Newtown;
Fraser Mr. farmer, Dapto;
Fricker Samuel, N. S. Wales;
Frost Simon, Penshurst.
Gale Mr. Edward, Kissing Point;
Gardner Mr. Peter, Morpeth;
Garland. R. L., Clarence River;
Carrigan James, Lake Bathurst;
Glaspol Joseph, Hunter's River ;
Goodwin Mr. Mount Pleasant ;
Goodwin Mr. Charles, Sydney ;
Grady Mr. Jno., Newcastle Gaol ;
Graham Mr. Wm., V. D Land ;
Granfield Wm., Hunter's River;
Greaves Mr. Wm., Parramatta;
Grice Richard Esq., Sydney;
Guest Chas, gun room steward, ship Calliope,
Guy Mrs. Robert, at Mrs. Neils, grocer.
Hall Mr. Edward, Bogolong, Yass ;
Handers Luke, William's River ;
Hansford John, Sydney ;
Harridge Mr D, George-street, Sydney :
Hart Henry, Parramatta;
Hartly Richard, Bathurst;
Haslam Henry, Sydney ;
Heely Patrick, Esq., New Military Barracks;
Henry William, Goulburn ;
Henretta Mr. P., Greek-street, Glebe;
Higgins Peter, Mr., Sydney;
Hill Sarah, Sydney;
Hill Samuel, Macquarie grove, Camden ;
Holcombe H. seaman, V. D. L. ;
Hood George, convicted at Norwich, 1829 ;
House Geo., barque Jane ;
Hony Mr., Wilmot-street ;
Hutchinson Wm , care postmaster, Berrima;
Huxtable Isaac, Parramatta Road.
Ingram John Mr, County Murray ;
Irwin Mary,A. Hunter's River.
Jackson Mrs. Eliza, Bathurst;
Jackson Miss, Sydney ;
Jackson Robert, blacksmith ;
Jamieson Miss Jane, Sydney ;
Jenkins Joseph, King-street;
Johnston Peter, barque Sultana,
Jones Ann, Sydney;
Jones Matilda, Sydney ;
Jordan John, Parramatta.
Kehoe James, Bathurst ;
Kelly David, Morpeth ;
Kelly Peter, Mr. Sutton Forest ;
Kemp John, Mr. Pyrmont ;
Kennedy Mrs, Goulburn ;
Kennedy Michael, Cornish : Settlement, Bathurst ;
Kennedy Mr, Goulburn ;
Keenan Jas., Bathurst;
King Mr, dancing master :
Kirkman Thomas, Bathurst;
Knight John, Yass.
Larkin James Mr, Goulburn ;
Larkin Mrs, Kent street ;
Law Daniel, Sydney;
Layton ,Wm, Union-street;
Levy W W, Esq, Newcastle;
Lees William, Albury ;
Loneghan Patrick, ship Castle Forbes,
Lilly Mr W G, carpenter, Sydney
Lockyer George, Yass ;
Lowe Wm, Clarence Town ;
Lowe Matthew, Mud Creek ;
Logan Mr, Morpeth ;
Loughlane Michael, Bathurst ;
Lomer John, care of Walter Ryan, blacksmith, Bathurst.
Machner Catherine, Castlereagh-street ;
Magee Lawrence Mr, Sydney ;
Maher William, Lane Cove;
Magher Catherine, N. S. W ;
Mansill Mr F, Newcastle;
Marley Mr Thomas, Clerk of the Court, Scone ;
Marlow George, Macdonald River ;
M'Arthur, Liverpool Road;
M'Carty Michael, care Mr Scott, Glebe Inn ;
M'Cauly Mr Charles, blacksmith, Newtown ;
M'Clin Mr, Sydney ;
M'Cue Mr Brian, Hinton ;
M'Donald William, per ship Providence ;
M'Donald A. K. Esq, Ovens River;
M'Donald Mrs William, Paddington ;
M'Elarney Jane, Sydney ;
M'Gonagill Pat, Hinton;
M'Guigan Miss, care of T. Cardwell, Camperdown ;
M'Kenzio Mrs, of Bundoona;
M'Lean Daniel Mr, Morpeth;
M'Lean Mrs M J, Richmond ;
M'Lean Archibald, Goulburn;
M'Lennan Mr D., Warialda,
M'Intyre River ;
M'Leod Donald Esq. Sydney ;
M'Nally James, Ovens River ;
M'Phillamy Denis, Armidale ;
M'Uhr Mr. John, Hinton;
M'Quarie Mrs Edward, Pyrmont ;
M'Seway John, Eagle.Farm ;
Melia Owen, Kent-street ;
Merritt Mr, Parramatta;
Marsden Mr J. W., Sydney ;
Miller Mrs Eliz, Morpeth ;
Mills Mrs F, Northumberland;
Milne Mr John, Sydney;
Mitchell Henry, Tourang;
Molle W. M., Esq, Mollerdille ;
Monaghan Timothy, Redfern ;
Montgomery George, Bussorah Merchant ;
Moogan Martin, Victoria Barracks ;
Mooney Mr James, Bathurst;
Morgan Mr James, Bathurst;
Morton Miss, Penrith ;
Morton Andrew, sawyer; Maitland ;
Moore Mr J. W, Scone ;
Moran, Mr William, Ovens Green ;
Moyce William, Parramatta;
Murphy, Mr John, N. S. W. ;
Martin Edward, Esquire, Yass;
Muschtune Mrs, Sydney.
Nelson Frederick, Gloucester-street ;
Nightingale Mr J., Cumberland-street.
O'Hara Mr H, Goulburn;
O'Hara Mr F. Muswellbrook ;
O'Hair, Mrs Sydney ;
Oldfield Mr, Surry Hills ;
Olive Charles, Mr Newtown ;
Owen Mr John, Hume River ;
Owen Mr G.B. Sydney.;
Oxford Mr George, Paddington.
Parkinson Mr James, Fort-street;
Patterson Mrs, care Mr. Sterling;
Pease Aaron, Lane Cove;
Peate Mr Jas., Sydney;
Pedberry Mr. Newtown ;
Peebles Mr, Sydney ;
Philip Mr. David, Shoalhaven ;
Pessy Mr Theodore, Sydney ;
Platt Mr F, at Walter Beames ;
Pout, Mr Joseph, Newtown;
Powell- Elizabeth, Parramatta;
Pritchard Mr. Osgard; Sydney;
Purcell Miss, Sydney :
Putten David Cassilis.
Quin, Michael, Sydney;
Quinell Jas., Botany Bay,
Rand Mr John, Dowling Forest;
Rand Mr R, Sydney or Yass;
Read Joseph, Monera ;
Reboul Mr, Redfern Estate ;
Redman William, Sydney;
Reid John, Esq, Sydney ;
Renny John, Yass;
Richardson James, Sydney;
Robinson Mr D, Pitt-street ;
Rogan Thomas Bathurst ;
Rogers W, Esq. Sydney ;
Rogers Mr Thomas, Sydney;
Ross G. R, Esq, Sydney ;
Rutherford Mr G; Ryan William, Ryde ;
Ryan Michael, Sydney ;
Ryan Patrick, Port Macquarie.
Sadler Mr John, Bathurst ;
Sanderson Edward, constable ;
Saunders Mrs, Prospect ;
Sawyer William, Murrumbidgee ;
Schofield John, Windsor road ;
Screvens Mr John, Morpeth;
Sempill Mr. Robert, Fitz Roy Terrace ;
Shepherd Mrs, care of Williams, publican, Glebe ;
Sheridan Patk., Bathurst;
Sharpley Mary Ann, Parramatta Road;
Shuttlewood Wm., Port Macquarie ;
Simmonds Mrs Mary, Sydney ;
Simons Mr Wm., Bathurst;
Skinner Mary, Clarence Town;
Slattery Jas, Bargo ;
Smith John, Parramatta Road ;
Smith Dennis, Merton;
Smithers James, York-street;
Sprout Joseph, Annandale;
Squires Barbary, Goulburn;
Stace George, Carpertee;
Stead Mr J, H, Fairfield;
Stephenson William, Esq, surgeon ;
Stringer Mr J, Goulburn ;
Stuckey Master Wm, Normal Institution ;
Sullivan Mr. John, Sydney.
Taylor Thomas, fellmonger ;
Taylor Maria, Cook's River ;
A R, Parramatta Road ;
Teboutt Mrs A, Sydney ;
Telliffe Henry, Goulburn;
Thompson George, 34, Elizabeth street ;
Thompson, Yass Plains;
Thomson Gabriel, Chippendale ;
Thompson Mrs, Black. Hill House ;
Thomson Mrs, innkeeper, near Sydney ;
Thomson Mr. Piper's Flat, Bathurst;
Thomas William, Kissing Point Road;
Thomas Wm, Pitt-street ;
Thorne George, opposite Waterloo-stores, George street:
Thornhill William, Mill Point;
Thury Pat, Parramatta;
Timmonds Patrick, Lake George ;
Toaly Mr, Sydney ;
Tomlinson Mrs S, Stockton ;
Tranter Mrs, opposite Petersham Racecourse;
Trundle Mrs E K, Port Jackson ;
Tupping Mr George, Buckenbower ;
Tyler Thomas, fisherman, Cook's River.
Wakely Mrs., Scone;
Wallis Mr John, Dungog;
Walsh Mr G. S., R. N.; Wardrop & Clerk, Murray ;
Warrand Mr, Murray River ;
Warren Thomas, Sussex-street;
Westropp Jane, Miller's Point ;
Wayman Thos, ticket of leave, Bathurst;
Watson Mrs H , Sydney ;
Watson Mr Joshua, 84th Regt. ;
Weight Master Jas., Campbelltown;
Worrall Mr W. merchant ;
West Major, Yass ; White John, Bathurst ;
Williams Richard, Parramatta Road ;
Williams Mr J. M., Engineer ;
Wilson Joan V. D. Land ;
Whittaker Mr Saml., N. S. Wales ,
Woods, Captain, late Star of China ;
Wytove Thomas, Fish River, Bathurst.

I had written him a letter which I had, for want of better
Knowledge, sent to where I met him down the Lachlan, years ago,
He was shearing when I knew him, so I sent the letter to him,
Just `on spec', addressed as follows, `Clancy, of The Overflow'.

And an answer came directed in a writing unexpected,
(And I think the same was written with a thumb-nail dipped in tar)
'Twas his shearing mate who wrote it, and verbatim I will quote it:
"Clancy's gone to Queensland droving, and we don't know where he are."

6 comment(s), latest 5 years ago

Windsor NSW and district Licenses 1839 and 1840

The following persons obtained Certificates for Licences at the annual and
adjourned licensing Meeting, held on the 16th and 30th April 1839, before
G. M. C. Bowen, Esq. J.P. and W. Cox, Esq. J. P.

NAME..... ....HOTEL ... .... ...DISTRICT
Sarah Donelly, King William the Fourth. Windsor;
Margaret Gosper, Currency Lass, ditto;
Edward Coffee, Daniel O'Connell ditto;
John Primrose, Bird in-Hand, ditto;
Thomas Lovell, Hole-in-the-Wall, ditto;
Edward Robinson; Plough, ditto;
John Barker, White Hart, ditto;
Henry Forrester, Erin go Bragh, ditto;
Richard Ridge, jun. Horse and Jockey, ditto;
William Cross, Windsor Hotel, ditto;
Patrick Byrne, Kings Head, ditto;
Charles Gawdry, White Swan, ditto;
George Freeman, Cricketer's Arms, ditto;
Thomas Freeman, St. Patrick, ditto;
also, Joseph Foss and John Shearing, Windsor, a Confectioner's License.
Daniel Dickens, Archer, Richmond ;
Margaret Seymour, Black Horse, ditto ;
John Wheeler, General Darling, ditto ;
Paul Devlin, Welcome Inn, ditto;
Robert Potts, New Inn, ditto ;
Thomas Eather, Union Inn, ditto;
Thomas Mortimer, Plough, ditto;
John Town, jun. Woolpack, North Richmond ;
Thomas Tarrant, Five Alls, North Richmond;
William. T. Baylis, Bird-in-hand, Richmond Road;
Charles Ezzey, Plough and Horses, ditto;
John Sullivan Traveller's Rest, M'Donald's River;
Lawrence May, Bird-in Hand, ditto;
David Cross, Queen Victoria, ditto;
Richard Palmer, Bullock Wharf Inn, ditto;
David Roberts, Horse and Jockey, Maroota ;
George Cobcroft, Pack Horse, Colo ;
J. Ridge, Steam Packet Inn, Wilberforce;
John Cobcroft, George and Dragon, ditto ;
James Morris, jun. Old Retreat New Revived, ditto;
William Johnson, Macquarie Arms, Pitt Town;
Daniel Smallwood, Bird-in-Hand, ditto.

The following Persons were refused Certificates.
Sylvester Butler, Wine and Beer Licence, M'Donald's River;
Ann Leeson, General License, Wilberforce;
Harriet Cadden, Wine and Beer License, Windsor;
John Montague, ditto, ditto;
Thomas Norris, General License, ditto ;
William Heath, ditto, ditto;
John Suffolk, ditto, ditto;
John Gardner, ditto, Wilberforce.

At the Annual Licensing Meeting, held at
the Court house, in Windsor, New South Wales, on Tuesday the
21st, and Saturday the 25th of February 1840,
the following persons received certificates to hold
Publicans' General Licenses for the ensuing year.

William White, Windsor Hotel, Bridge street.
Margaret Gosper, Currency Lass, ditto.
Peter Hough, William IV., ditto.
John Shearing (Confectioner), ditto.
Charles. Daly, Hole in the Wall, Macquarie-street
Henry Hudson, Jim Crow, ditto.
Edward Coffey, Daniel O'Connell, Thompson-Square;
James Cullen, Butchers' Arms, George street.
Richard Ridge, jun., Horse and Jockey, ditto
Walter Blanchard, White Hart, ditto.
Edward Robinson, Plough, ditto.
Ridge, Erin go bragh, ditto.
Charles Gaudry, White Swan, ditto.
Thomas Freeman, St. Patrick, ditto.
Joseph Suffolk, White Bear, ditto.
Patrick Byrne, King's Head, ditto.
Henry N Fisher, Commercial Hotel, ditto,'
George Freeman, Cricketers' Arms, Fizgerald-street.
John Primrose, Bird in hand, ditto.
James Mount ford (Confectioner), George-street.
William T. Baylis, Bird in hand, Richmond-road.
Charles Ezzey, Plough and Horses, ditto.
Thomas Father, Union Inn, Richmond.
Margaret Seymour, Black Horse, ditto.
Thomas Mortimer, Plough, ditto. .
Robert Potts, Seven Brothers, ditto.
Daniel Haniskey, Welcome Inn. ditto.
Margaret Wheeler, General Darling, ditto.
Edward Jeffrey, Archer, ditto.
John Town, jun., Woolpack, North Richmond.
Thomas Tarrant, Five Alls, Kurrajong.
George Cobcroft, Pack Bull, Colo.
James Huxley, Colo Lass, ditto ( Wine&Beer)
Thomas D'Arccy, Branch Inn, Wiseman's.
Elizabeth Small wood. Bird in hand, Pitt-town.
William Johnston, Macquarie Arms, ditto.
John Gardner, Ferry Inn, Wilberforce.
John Cobcroft, George and Dragon, ditto,
William Jasper, Old Retreat newly Revived, ditto.
James Miller, Steam Packet, ditto.

I fight for All
I pray for All
I rule for All
I plead for All
I pay for All

Christmas Pudding 1827

The following are the ingredients and quantities which constituted the pudding served up to the inmates of the Lambeth Workhouse Christmas day in 1827

The number of persons who partook of this dish amounted to between 700 and 800:
FLOUR. 475 lbs.
SUET. 144 lbs.
RAISINS. 300 lbs.
SUGAR. 44 lbs.
GINGER. 3 lbs.
ALLSPICE. 2½ lbs.
MILK. 108 quarts.
and 11 quarts of strong beer.
The whole whole weight of the pudding, when the ingredients were blended,
was 1,300 and a ½ lbs.;
the cost amounted to 23/- within a trifling fraction.

Also, take a look at Workhouses Up to 1834
and the staff and inmates in the 1881 Census. Also there are 'long term inmates' records of 1861

The original workhouse opened in 1726 in Princes Road. From 1871 to 1873 a new building was constructed in Renfrew Road, Lambeth. The building was eventually turned into a hospital. The workhouse's former master's house and chapel are now occupied by the Cinema Museum.
The photograph below is the new building, now
The Cinema Museum, formerly the master's house and chapel of Lambeth Workhouse.



THE wool season would bring to the Circular Quay in Sydney some exceedingly fine sailing vessels, and berths, for loading wool in proximity to the principal stores, was eagerly sought after.
One of the finest vessels in port in 1881, was the Western Monarch.
She was an iron vessel of 1315 tons, and was built by the Barrow Ship Building Company,
and launched in 1875 being owned by the Royal Exchange Shipping Company of London,
who were the proprietors of numerous fine sailing vessels, besides a line of
steamers trading from London to New York.
The Western Monarch made her maiden passage to Brisbane with immigrants in 91 days,
thence to Sydney, where she loaded for London. She had unrivaled passenger accommodation,
the cabins were roomy and well fitted, and the saloon, very commodious, also, bathrooms and other
comforts were provided.
Her second voyage in 1879 was to Sydney direct, which she made in 82 days, thence to New Zealand, where
she took on board 2000 tons of wheat, made the passage to London, from dock to dock,
in 72 days, one of the fastest sailing passages on record. She was then under the command of
Captain Watson, who later became marine superintendent in New York.
He was succeeded in the command by Captain A. H. Cooke, who, after taking
the Monarch on a voyage from London to Calcutta and back, brought her to Sydney for the third
time in 1881. On that occasion she brought out a general cargo valued at £30,740, and
not-withstanding the fact that she was very deep, and the heavy weather experienced at the
latter part of the passage, the whole of the cargo was been landed in excellent order and condition.
On this last voyage she left the docks at 8 p.m. on the 7th June, and landed her pilot at
Dover on the following day. Crossed the Equator on July 8 in longitude 31*39 W., and the
meridian of the Cape was passed in latitude 41*48 S.
Her easting was ran down in 45 and 46, with heavy continuous gales and high cross seas.
Bounded Tasmania, and made the first land (Jervis Bay) on September 1, when for six days
the vessel had to battle against one of the heaviest
gales known on the New South Wales coast, which, however, she withstood nobly without losing
a spar or a sail, and entered the Heads at 3 p.m. on the 7th September.

BELOW: an engraving of the Western Monarch
She was chartered by Messrs. Dalton Brothers, the well-known merchants
of Pitt-street, to load wool and produce for London, and she would come
round to the Circular Quay to load at Talbot's Store, as soon as there was a berth vacant.

My sister has found me

I'm quite overwhelmed and not at all sure how she will cope with me. But gee, what a marvelous surprise!
We had no idea of her existence.
Once I reached my seventies I thought the world was all out of surprises for me but BOY oh BOY this was a beauty!
Our mother died this January past, so she's escaped my third degree; but hey what a lovely legacy.

The baby girl came suddenly to Jim and Rita, not even time to buy a cot or a pram, no knitted bootees or linen, from her poor and desperate mother; just her name 'Carol'.

5 comment(s), latest 5 years, 2 months ago