JSReese on Family Tree Circles
Journals and Posts
Looking for Alice Lavenia Tillery
She married George Newsome and had 2 daughters named Gladys and Hattie Pearl. Gladys married Stanford E. Reese, Sr. Of Columbus, Ga. and Hattie Pearl married a Clarence Helton. Last known address was Texas. Can you help me find her parents.
Thanks, Jay
Looking for Informatio on a Samuel Reese who married a
sister of Daniel Boone from Kentucky
Looking for Information on Albert E. Pauley from W. Va. who
served in WW2 anf Korea. His deceased wife was named Julia
Looking for Myers family in West Va. and Va.
William Ray Myers is my Great Grandfather
Looking forinformation on Meltons in Va. and West Va.
such as Altha Beulah, Jefferson Davis
Looking for Infomation on the marriage of Stanford Reese To Gladys Newsome in Seale, Ala. in 1931
I am looking for photos and documents of the marriage between Stanford Reese and Gladys Newsome in Seale, Ala in 1931 and any information while they lived in that area. They wre both born in Columbus, Ga
Looking for Reese in Ga.
I am looking for descendants of Thomas Clopton Rees (Reese) who served during Civil War in the 12th (Robinson) Calvary, Company K State Guard and possibly photographs
Looking for info on Reese family of Columbus, Ga in Muscogee County
Also info on A store called Reese grocery in Columbus, Ga and photos if there are any
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