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Krause. Otto John Joseph - 1st A.I.F. - My Grandfather A Gallipoli Hero

My Grandfather, on my mother’s side was Otto John Joseph Krause, he was the 4th born of seven (7) children to Martin & Amelia Krause. Both Martin and Amelia were German Born. Martin arrived in South Australia with his parents in 1862. He was 6 years of age. Amelia Krause (Nee Semmler), arrived in South Australia in 1881, aged 24 years.

Little is known of his early childhood in Victoria. Information provided by his father in his application for Australian Citizenship in 1923 detail that Otto John Joseph Krause, was born at Katyil, (near Dimboola) Victoria and that they resided at Katyil from approximately 1877 to about 1910. It would appear that Otto spent most of his early and teen years in the Katyil/Dimboola/Warracknabeal area.

The following article regarding a broken leg accident involving Otto John, was published in the Melbourne Argus on Tuesday 14 August 1906:-

"BOY'S BROKEN LEG - JAPARIT, Friday - Otto Krause 13 years of age, son of a resident of Aubrey, met with a painful accident a few days ago. His brother was clearing a paddock, and the boy was sitting near him, when a tree fell and rolled on his leg, breaking it between the knee and the ankle. He was placed in a buggy, in which he sat with his leg dangling down.
By the time the Warracknabeal Hospital was reached the leg was so bad that it is feared it will have to be amputated."

Information contained on his birth certificate as to the actual location of birth is illegible. However, he shows Warracknabeal, Victoria, as his place of birth on his WW1 enlistment papers!
His father is shown as Martin Krause, laborer aged 36 years, born in Cottbus Germany. His mother is shown as Amelia Friedrica Krause (Nee Semmler) aged 35 years, born Briesen West Prussia, Germany. Other sibling’s shown on Otto John's birth certificate are:-
Frederick Martin - aged 5 years
Agnes Amelia - aged 3
Paul Ewald - aged 1
Birth was registered on 22 July 1893

Otto enlisted with the 1st AIF on 19 August 1914, his service number was 682. (War Declaration by Australia was on 4 August 1914.)
Personal details provided on his enlistment documentation show:
Age: 21 years and 2 months
Height: 6'-2" – (1.88m)
Weight: 13stone & 7lbs - (86kg)
Complexion: Fair
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Between
Religious Denomination: Lutheran
Distinctive Marks: Scar to R thigh & Scar to back neck
NOK: Mrs. Krause (his mother) her address is shown as Hamilton St Murtoa, Victoria

Otto, had the rank of Private, in the 8th Infantry Battalion (October 1914), he embarked from Melbourne on 19 October 1914 on HMAT "Benalla".

He embarked on "Clan McGillivray" from Alexandria on 5 April 1915 to "join M.E.F." (Middle East Forces) "Gallipoli Campaign". Mention is made that following a brief bout of Tonsillitis, Otto was sent back to his unit on 22 April 1915.
Otto John Joseph Krause, along with all members of his Battalion were in the second wave of troops that landed on the beaches of Gallipoli on the 25 April 1915.

His Service Records show that he was "wounded in action" on 16 June 1915, admitted to the Hospital Ship "Gascon" with Gun Shot Wounds to Leg, Hand & Arm. He was transferred to No1 Australian General Hospital at Heliopolis on 30 June 1915. He embarked for Australia at Suez on HMT "Hororata" on 29 July 1915, disembarking at Melbourne on 25 August 1915 with "Wound over right tibia"

Otto was discharged as medically unfit on 9 March 1916.

A brief outline of the 8th Battalion:-
The 8th Battalion was among the first infantry units raised for the AIF during the First World War. Like the 5th, 6th and 7th Battalions, it was recruited from Victoria and, together with these battalions, formed the 2nd Brigade.
The battalion was raised from rural Victoria by Lieutenant Colonel William Bolton within a fortnight of the declaration of war in August 1914 and embarked just two months later. After a brief stop in Albany, Western Australia, the battalion proceeded to Egypt, arriving on 2 December. It later took part in the ANZAC landing on 25 April 1915, as part of the second wave. Ten days after the landing, the 2nd Brigade was transferred from ANZAC to Cape Helles to help in the attack on the village of Krithia. The attack captured little ground but cost the brigade almost a third of its strength. The Victorian battalions returned to ANZAC to help defend the beachhead, and in August the 2nd Brigade fought at the battle of Lone Pine. The battalion served at ANZAC until the evacuation in December.

The following article pertaining to Otto John Joseph Krause’s Gallipoli Wounding, was published in The Dunmunkle Standard on Friday 3 September 1915:-

On Monday evening a crowd assembled at the railway station to welcome home the first returned wounded soldier to Murtoa, Private Otto J. J. Krause. When the train pulled up his relatives and friends greeted the hero of Gallipoli, and members of the Recruiting Committee were present. Private Krause, a fine specimen of six feet manhood limped out with the aid of a stick, and cheers were lustily given, which he acknowledged with doffed cap.
Mr. G. Evans. J.P. chairman of the committee, addressed words of welcome to Private Krause, as also did the Rev. Meers, Mr. A. Strickland and others, whilst hearty hand-shakes, congratulations and assurances that he was a "jolly good fellow " rent the air all of which compliments were modestly accepted by the brave fellow.
After the National Anthem had been sung, the railway ambulance stretcher was requisitioned, and friends insisted on conveying Private Krause half a mile to his mother's residence, where leave was finally taken of him at midnight. Private Krause related some thrilling experiences of the landing at “Gaba Tepe”. He stopped four bullets and was fighting between two Murtoa lads—Corp. Walker and Private Collins—when they were each shot dead, afterwards assisting to bury them. He was finally put out of action by the bursting of a shrapnel shell, which killed all around him excepting himself, but it shattered his leg below the knee. We will refer to Private Krause's experience in a future issue.

The following article pertaining to Otto John’s Gallipoli Wounding, was published in The Rainbow Argus on Friday 10 September 1915:-

Private Otto Krause, the first wounded soldier to return to Murtoa, was given an enthusiastic welcome. He was hit by four bullets, and was fighting between two Murtoa lads—Corporal Walker and Private Collins—when they were both shot dead, afterwards assisting to bury them. He was finally put out of action by the bursting of a shrapnel shell, which killed all around him and shattered his leg below the knee. Private Krause is a son of Mr. Krause, of Rainbow.

The following article pertaining to Otto John’s Gallipoli Wounding, was published in The Dunmunkle Standard on Friday 10 September 1915:-

Private Otto Krause, the wounded soldier who returned here last week, has since submitted himself for examination to the Medical Board at Melbourne, and has been granted three months leave during which time he will reside with his mother at Murtoa. He must again report himself on 6th December, but it is unlikely that he will then be fit for active service.
He explained to us that he belonged to B Company, 8th Battalion, 2nd Brigade, under command of Colonel Barton, who has since lost his life. He was present at the landing at “Gaba Tepe” on Sunday, 25th April, and his comrade, Corp. A. E. Walker, was shot dead on the 28th with what appeared to be an explosive bullet, as there was hardly a mark where it entered the body but a great tear where it left behind the shoulder. Private Harry Collins, another Murtoa comrade, was killed by shrapnel at Cape Helles on 9th May.

Although receiving four bullets in his body Private Krause remained in action for several days. During a bombardment, he and four others were ordered to take cover in a tunnel, which was protected by a parapet of sandbags at the mouth. Suddenly a time-fused shell from a gun at the flank tore through the parapet into the tunnel and exploded in their midst, killing Corp. Scott (Caulfield), Corp. Richards (Caulfield), Pt. Abbey (Carlton) and Pte. Scrivener (England), and tearing portion of Krause's leg away near the shin. He was insensible from the shock for some time but eventually crawled through the tunnel to the rear.
The remains of his comrades were collected on stretchers and buried. Pte. Krause was taken to the hospital ship, "Gascon," thence to Heliopolis where the hospital contained 7000 beds. A piece of the shinbone was taken out, and he was invalided home. He says there are 23 Australian hospitals in Egypt, and a wounded man might have to pass through half-a-dozen before being cured. All are well equipped and he received the best of treatment with every kindness including presents of books, cigarettes etc. He has no complaints of any kind, being well satisfied with the clothing and food received from start to finish.
He says that he never came across such a happy lot of fellas and they laughed and joked with each other as the bullets and shrapnel fell all around them.

The following article pertaining to the wounding of Otto John Joseph, was published in The Warracknabeal Herald on Tuesday 14 September 1915:-

Private Otto Krause, who recently returned to Murtoa, has since submitted himself for examination to the Medical Board, and has been granted three months leave during which time he will reside with his mother at Murtoa. He must again report himself on 6th December, but it is unlikely that he will then be fit for active service. He was present at the landing at “Gapa Tepe” on Sunday 25th April, and his comrade. Corporal A. E. Walker, was shot dead on the 28th with what appeared to be an explosive bullet. Private Harry Collins, another Murtoa comrade, was killed by shrapnel at Cape Helles on 9th May. Although receiving four bullets in his body Private Krause remained in action for several days.
During a bombardment later on he and four others were ordered to take cover in a tunnel, which was protected by a parapet of sandbags at the mouth. Suddenly a time-fused shell from a gun on the flank tore through the parapet into the tunnel and exploded in their midst, killing four, and tearing portion of Private Krause's leg away near the shin. He was insensible from the shock for some time, but eventually crawled through the tunnel to the rear.

The following article pertaining to Otto John Joseph Krause, being Wounding, was published in Rainbow Argus on Friday 17 September 1915:-

When it became known that Private Otto Krause, formerly of Rainbow, but who had enlisted at Murtoa, was to return to Rainbow on Tuesday last, arrangements were made to give him a right royal welcome. Long before the train arrived a large crowd of the young soldier's friends and well-wishers assembled on the local station platform. A squad of boys from the State School, under the command of the head teacher, Mr. J. W. Kemp, and his assistant Mr, Gloury, marched to the station, and as the engine steamed past, the booming of detonators and the singing of the National Anthem was the signal for an outburst of enthusiasm. Cheers and counter cheers were given for the young hero, as he limped on to the platform.

Appropriate words of welcome were feelingly expressed by Mr. J. Sanders, J.P., chairman of the local recruiting committee, who said that Private Krause was one of the Australians who had spilt his blood on the fields of Gallipoli in an endeavor to uphold the prestige of the Empire, and moreover to keep the flag of freedom floating, over the British Dominions. Whilst the residents rejoiced to have the privilege of extending a welcome to the young soldier, there was a feeling of the deepest sympathy for those whose brave sons would not return to their loved ones. The Rainbow district had done its duty —- as it always had done—in sending recruits to the front, but when the disabled men returned, it became evident that more men were required for the trenches. In conclusion he complimented Private Krause, and remarked that he and his brothers had done all in their power to help the Empire in the war crisis. (Hear, hear).

After "Home, sweet Home" had been sung, Private Krause was placed in an arm chair, which had been safely fastened on to two pieces of 3 x 2 hardwood, and the following volunteers carried him through the main streets of the town to the residence of his sister Mrs. G. Brown, in Norman Street:—Messrs J. Danckert, S. Cameron, H. Vain, E. A Nipt, W. Gould, A. H. Beckwith, H. N. Ismay, R. Gunther, R. Wadding, J. Johnston, Geo. Davis, R. McDougall and S. Rogers. On the journey a halt was made at the flag staff, where the Union Jack was floating gaily in the breeze, and photos of the procession which was headed by the school boys, were taken.
During the proceedings, which extended over the greater part of an hour, business in the town was entirely suspended.

The following article pertaining to Otto John Wounding, was published in Rainbow Argus on Friday 24 September 1915:-


The Mechanics' Hall was crowded to the doors on Saturday evening, when Private Otto Krause, who recently returned, to Australia from the fields of Gallipoli, where he was wounded in June last, was accorded an enthusiastic welcome home.

The squad of district riflemen, under the command of Sergeants Taylor and Davis, marched to the Mechanics' Hall, and were accommodated with seats at the front of the building.

There was a spontaneous outburst of cheers as "the Guest" mounted the platform, and for a few minutes the greatest enthusiasm prevailed. The proceedings opened with the National Anthem and Soldiers of the King.
The chair was occupied by Mr. J. Sanders, J.P., who in his opening remarks, welcomed the young hero back to the town. He requested the members of the Expeditionary Forces, who were present, to take a seat on the platform, and Privates H. Gould and J. Holland responded.

Mr, J. Halliday, who spoke very much to the point referred to the feeling of pride that must dominate the mother of Private Krause, who had had the privilege of welcoming her son home again. That lady, he understood, had two other sons, who had nobly responded to the call of the Motherland. Doubtless the present was the proudest moment of her life. (Applause.) Mrs. Krause's example in giving three of her sons was an example other mothers might well emulate.

Master Phil, Ryan pleased the audience by his rendering of "Some hearts will be joyful," and Miss Ruby Wallis’s interpretation of "Australia Will Be There," was very much appreciated. The accompaniments were sympathetically played by Miss Mary Ryan.

A salvo of applause greeted "the Guest" as he rose to greet the vast assemblage. He expressed his pleasure to be present, and thanked the audience for the warmth of their welcome. He had been tendered a public welcome at Murtoa, but the reception accorded him was not to be compared with that at Rainbow. He then proceeded to give the following thrilling narrative of his experiences from the time he enlisted until he was put out of action:—

“When the call came on August 16, only a few days after the declaration of war, he was engaged at Thomas' flour mills at Warracknabeal. Otto John, enlisted on 19 August and having been accepted into the 1st AIF, he proceeded to Broadmeadows camp, where he remained until his embarkation on 19 October 1914. Otto, sailed with the first contingent aboard the "Benalla" and was a member of the 8th Battalion of the 2nd Brigade.
He landed in Egypt on December 5th, and remained there until April 5th. During these four months he made himself proficient in the art of "digging-in," an accomplishment that proved so eminently useful in the weeks that followed after the landing at the Dardanelles. The transport (name censored) left Egypt for Lemnos Island on April 5th. The distance, about 500 miles, was completed in about 48 hours.

Subsequently the troops were taken on to the Dardanelles, where the landing, under most sensational circumstances took place. The 3rd Brigade, which was a covering party, was the first to touch land, and 20 minutes afterwards the 2nd Brigade, which included the D'Alton Bros., Private Harry Collins, Corporal Walker (who have all fallen) and himself, were on the beach. By this time the 3rd Brigade had advanced about 150 yards, when suddenly a brilliant rocket shot up in the air. This, as after events proved, was a signal to the enemy to open fire, because there was immediately a murderous volley of shot and shell from the Turkish lines. The first actual fighting took place about one and a half miles inland, the enemy at this point not being entrenched. At 5 p.m. on the day of landing the troops had their first experience of "digging in" in a foreign country, and by Monday morning the troops were well under cover.

The Turks were also entrenched about 400 yards from the Australian line of trenches. The firing continued incessantly from Sunday morning, April 25, at day break, until Tuesday, when there was a slight lull, only to be followed by an inferno of bursting shrapnel and showers of lead. On Tuesday at midnight, when a misty rain was falling, the Turks attempted a bayonet charge, but the enemy was repulsed with heavy losses, about 30 Australians falling. He received his first taste of lead on May 2nd, when a bullet passed through his arm near the elbow. He was not incapacitated from duty, and a few days after he was struck by a bullet over the left ear, the missile burying itself just under the skin. The bullet was extracted without much difficulty. Whilst in a charge at close quarters he was struck on the arm above the wrist with a revolver bullet, the unwelcome visitor cutting its way through the flesh without touching the bone. He was put out of action under highly sensational circumstances; with four comrades (Private Scrivener, England; Private Abbey, Carlton; Lance Corporal Richards, Caulfield; and Corporal Scott, Caulfield) be was in a tunnel, the quintets being about to go on sentry duty. Suddenly a shrapnel shell penetrated the tunnel and burst. What followed is only a matter for conjecture, as when he regained consciousness he was horrified to find that his four comrades had been killed instantly, whilst he had sustained an injury to his right leg, the cap of the shell striking him on the shin bone. He attempted to rise, but fell, and after bandaging the wound he crawled along the "tunnel for about 60 yards, where he was attended to by Dr. (censored.) He was then sent to the Beach Hospital, where the leg was put into improvised splints, and subsequently he was placed on the Indian hospital ship. He was put out of action on June 20, and three days later be celebrated his 22nd birth day in hospital. He was transferred to Heliopolis No. 1 Australian General Hospital and remained there for 17 days, thence to Luna Park No. 1 Auxiliary Hospital; and embarked on 29th July for Australia.
Private Krause spoke in the warmest terms of praise of the treatment he received at the bands of the nurses and medical officers. He also referred to the excellent work of the Red Cross Society, an institution which had fully justified its existence.

It is Private Krause's intention to return to the front if he succeeds in passing his examination under the Medical Board in Melbourne on December 3rd. Private Krause, who is a native of Warracknabeal, came to Rainbow about 8 years ago. At that time he was suffering from a fractured leg, a tree having fallen on him. It is somewhat of a coincidence that it is the same leg, almost in the same place, where the shrapnel struck him.
The singing of "Home, Sweet Home" and the National Anthem closed the proceedings.

The following article pertaining to Otto John Joseph Krause, was published in The Dunmunkle Standard Friday 10 December 1915:-

Private Otto Krause of Murtoa, a returned soldier, has been called before the Medical Board at Melbourne, and discharged as medically unfit, but he was recommended to the consideration of the Home Office as he was physically impaired for manual labor.
The result was that the Home Office has procured a capital appointment for him as salesman at Cole's Book Arcade, Melbourne. This is probably the result of having a clean sheet. Private Krause never complained of anything, and no complaint was ever made against him.

The following article pertaining to Otto John Joseph Krause’s, Engagement, was published in Rainbow Argus on Friday 14 July 1916:-

The engagement is announced of Miss Teresa Pianta, third daughter of Mrs.H, Pianta, of Murtoa, to Mr. Otto, Krause, returned soldier, third son of Mr, and Mrs. Krause, of Rainbow.

The following article pertaining to the Marriage Celebration of Otto John and Theresa Kathleen, was published in Dunmunkle Standard on Friday 21 July 1916:-

A pretty and interesting wedding was celebrated at the Church of the Holy Trinity, Murtoa, on Wednesday, 19 July, when Mr. Otto J.J. Krause and Miss Theresa Kathleen Pianta were united in the bonds of holy matrimony. The bride was attended by Miss Annie Howell as bridesmaid, whilst Mr Martin Pianta acted as bestman.
The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. Steve Pianta. The celebrant was the Rev. R. P. Blennerhasset, THL. (Licence in Theology)

After the ceremony the quests adjourned to the residence of the bride's mother, where a table laden with "goodies" awaited them. Mr. T. Blight, caterer, again produced evidence of his ability as a wedding cake artist.
The Rev Blennerhassett presided, and proposed the loyal toast, also that of the happy couple; other usual toasts being duly honored. Mr. and Mrs. Krause are making their home in Newport where Mr. Krause has received a position in the Government workshops. Mr. Krause is one of the returned heroes of Gallipoli, and all wish him health and happiness in his new and more pleasant life. The wedding presents were valuable and numerous.

Otto John & Kathleen Teresa had two children John Mason Krause born on 15 January 1917 at Carlton, Victoria (Served with the 2nd AIF) and Leslie Otto Krause born 1918 at Rainbow, Victoria. Leslie Otto Krause died at Rainbow, in 1921 aged 3 years.

In early March 1917 a War Pension was approved for Otto John and his dependents, these being listed as Kathleen Teresa Krause (wife) and John Mason Krause (son) and residing at 164 Canning St Carlton, Victoria.
A pension of 27 shillings and sixpence was approved to commence on 10 March 1917.

The 1919 Electoral Roll shows Otto John, living at Munro St Murtoa and was a Laborer

Kathleen Teresa Krause (nee Pianta) died at Murtoa, Victoria in 1919 aged 26 years. She was a victim of the Great Flu Epidemic.

Otto John Joseph Krause, married Irene Laura Veronica McGeorge (My Grandmother), on 10 November 1925, at Sale Victoria. This was about 3 months after the birth of my mother (26 July 1925). Otto and Irene had three other children out of wedlock prior to the birth of my mother!

The 1931 Electoral Roll shows Otto John and Irene Laura Krause, living at Milton St Hamilton.
Information contained in his death certificate show that he died at the Base Hospital, Hamilton Victoria on 23 May 1934 aged 40 years. Cause of death was Intestinal Obstruction from adhesion & peritonitis, his father is shown as Martin Krause (farmer) and his mother as Amelia Krause (Nee Semmler). He was buried in the Hamilton Cemetery on 22 May 1934 by a Church of England Minister. Birth place is shown as Warracknabeal Victoria and that he had lived in Victoria about 38 years.

His marriage particulars are listed as:-
1st marriage to Theresa Pianta at Murtoa Victoria when he was 23 years of age
2nd marriage to Irene Laura McGeorge at Sale Victoria when he was 29 years of age.

Children of these marriages were shown on the death certificate as:-
1st Issue -
John Mason - aged 17 years
Leslie Otto - Dead

2nd Issue -
Ronald Anthony - aged 12 – (2nd AIF)
Jean Theresa - aged 11
Leslie Francis - aged 10 – (2nd AIF)
Kathleen - aged 9 – (My Mother) – (Australian Land Army)
Irene Laurine Ann - aged 7
Leonard Michael - aged 6
Dawn Margaret - Dead
Lettita Agnes - aged 4
Mary Gloria - aged 1year and six months

Otto John Joseph Krause, was issued with the following War Service Medals:
1914/15 Star (#7558),
British War Medal (#3820)
Victory Medal (#3826)

My Grandfather also had a brother who served in the 1st AIF. His name was Bruno Gottfried Krause.

National Archives of Australia War Records show that Bruno Gottfried Krause enlisted and served with the 1st AIF. His AIF Service Number was 896.
These records show that he was born at Warracknabeal Victoria and that he enlisted at Dimboola Victoria on 3 February 1915. Next of Kin is shown as Martin Krause (his father) c/o Mr J Sanders, Rainbow Victoria.

Bruno, was only 16 years and 4 months when he enlisted. His age shown on enlistment papers as being 19 years and 7 months was not correct.

Personal details of Bruno on his enlistment forms are:-
Age: 19 years & 7 Months
Height: 5' & 10"
Weight: 10 st & 6lb
Chest Measurement: 35 & 1/2"
Eyes: Light Blue
Hair: Fair
Religion: Lutheran
Distinctive Marks: Scar near front of lower jaw on left side.

Records show that he embarked at Melbourne on HMAT Ulysses (A38) on 10 May 1915. He was a Private, attached to the 21 Infantry Battalion (May 1915)

His Service Medical Records show that he was wounded in action at "Pozieres" on 5 August 1916 and that he suffered from Trench Foot on at least two occasions. Some minor disciplinary actions are shown to have been taken against Bruno in his years of service. Records show that he also had a number of hospital visits, with various illnesses.

He returned to Australia on the ship "Port Macquarie" embarking on 28 March 1919 from England and disembarking at Melbourne on 26 May 1919, he was discharged on 25 July 1919.

Another brother, Oswald Ernest Krause, also joined his siblings in the “Great Adventure”

From National Archives of Australia records, Oswald Ernest Krause, enlisted with the 1st AIF.
Information contained on his WW1 Service Records show that he was born at the township of Aubrey near the town of Warracknabeal in Victoria. He was 19 years of age when he enlisted on 7 December 1914 at Horsham Victoria. He shows his NOK as his mother, Amelia Krause, who was residing at Murtoa, near Horsham.

Personal details of his description at enlistment show the following:-
Age: 19 year & 0 months
Height: 5' 8 &1/4"
Weight: 10 stone & 10lbs
Complexion: Dark
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Religion: Church of England
Distinguishing Marks: Small scar to Right Knee & 2 vaccination scars to left arm.

Notation on his Army records show that he was discharged on 21 January 1915, Remarks:- “Refused Vaccination and Inoculation”. However, his records finish with the details that he embarked at Melbourne on HMAT A4 "Pera" on 8-2-1915. On following up this discrepancy in information, advice from the War Records Department indicate that a mix up in paperwork was the most likely answer to the information showing that Oswald Ernest Krause had embarked. Their belief was that he had been discharged as indicated. Advice they provided was that Oswald Ernest Krause was not on the "First World War Embarkation Roll" maintained by the Australian War Museum & as such did not leave Australia as indicated on his service records. This is also indicated by his father, Martin Krause, in his request for Naturalisation in 1923. Martin, states that two of his sons served with the 1st AIF in the War! (The two sons he was referring to are Otto John Joseph & Bruno Gottfried Krause, whom have 1st AIF Records and are shown in the official Embarkation Roll)

2 comment(s), latest 3 years, 1 month ago