lgmartin66 on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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Looking for Uriah, Wm H. and Jesse LEE

I know at one time they all lived in South Carolina, Richland Co. and Lexington Co. Uriah is my great grandfather. He disappears from South Carolina around 1880 (perhaps he died). He supposedly had three wives, Ellen Burkett, Nancy Dent and Mary Jane Campbell (my g grandmother).

Then on the Martin side in Richland Co., SC my g grandfather Adolphus, then...Phillip, Joel E, Joseph, Joseph Martin.

Now, the fun part! On my mother's side Harvey Grim (her-f), Cornelius Grim (gf), Blanche Martin (her-m)(Maggie Hawes and John William Martin (gp), John Henry Martin and Catherine Moore (g gp). Her family all come primarily from Rappahannock, Culpeper, Frederick, Warren and Clarke counties, Virginia.