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Adkins of Lincoln Co., West Virginia

With I know about my family's name and where they are from, I'm on a mission to see how far back I can go.

Starting point is Ferrellsburg and my grandparents names are Hal and Garnett Adkins. I know from word of mouth, my family are related to the Mullins, Davis, Abbott and probably many more through marriages.

I'm mainly keen on how far the Adkins name goes back and who are the Adkins of West Virginia. If there are proof, I like to know, it's nice to be connected but unless it's proof, I'm skeptical to accept it as fact.

I do know my great-grandparents on male side is Will Adkins and Margie Mullins and on female side is Isiah & Leota Caldwell.

Anyone out there who can claim my grandparents as relation, welcome and please do share.

Born in Lincoln Co., D. Adkins