MelissaMcCord1 on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

MelissaMcCord1 on Family Tree Circles

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Journals and Posts

Looking for Edith Trail

I am looking for edith trail she was Married to Edward julius odegard(1911-1960) and her parents were jack and Mary. I don't know any more about her but she had 3 children in west Virginia and later moved to michigan.

Looking for odegard in west Virginia to Michigan

Looking for info on Edward julius odegard's parents fathers name was possibly john

Edward was born oct. 4 1911 and died dec 28 1960

Looking for rowlett from Texas

I am searching for info on my 3g. Grandmother Elizabeth Jane Rowlett born in June of 1850 in Texas she married William newton mccord in 1874 possible locations for them might be craighead Arkansas or Marshall, tenn. Thanks

2 comment(s), latest 12 years, 10 months ago

Looking for Peterson family of Mississippi

I am looking for info on James Peterson he married Francis Green they had children in Mississippi their daughter is (my great_2 grandmother) Cora Lee Peterson jan 23 1893-1975 she married George Washington whitfield. Please if you have any info e mail me at melissamccord1@