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Looking for several generations in my family

I am currently trying to help my son with a family project he has to do on his famiy history. I am currently trying to gather as much information on my side of the family, as my parents are very old and cannot remember too much about their own relatives. My husband is also doing a bit of research for his side of the family, but is lucky enough to have younger parents who remember quite a bit.

Please let me know if you or someone you know has any information on the following people:

My dad's side:

Dad's name: Robert Howard Weller
DOB: 05/26/1922
Born in New Milford, CT
Had 3 siblings: Patricia, Jean and Frederick

His father's name: Frederick Weller
DOB: unknown
Born in Stratford, CT
Siblings: unknown

His Mother's name: Irene Egan Weller
DOB: unknown
Born in New Milford, CT
Siblings: unknown

Irene's Mother: name unknown
DOB: unknown
Immigrated from County Cork, Ireland

Irene's father: George Egan
DOB: unknown
Immigrated from Ireland

My Mother's side:

Mom's name: Dorothy (Dolly) Jean Bohmer Abbott Weller
DOB: 07/09/1931
Born in Bridgeport, CT
Sibblings: Anita, Walter, Laurance (Larry)

Her father's name: Walter Bohmer
DOB: unknown
Birth place: unknown
Sibblings: unknown

Walters father: Leon Bohmer
DOB: unknown
Birthplace: unknown
Sibblings: unknown
Immigrated from: unknown

Walters mother: Nellie (last name unknown)
DOB: unknown
Birthplace: unknown
Sibblings: unknown
Immigrated from: unknown

Her Mother's name: Bertha Fichtel Bohmer Erdoss
DOB: 08/09/1911
Birthplace: New jersey
Sibblings: several but unknown names

Bertha's father: Aladar Fichtel
DOB: unknown
Birthplace: unknown
Immigrated from: Budapest, Hungry

Bertha's mother: Hermina Luther Fichtel
DOB: unknown
Birthplace: unknown
Immigrated from: Vienna, Austria

1 comment(s), latest 13 years, 1 month ago