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Lokking for ball researchers on Great lakes

Interested in corresponding with anyone researching the Ball family in Michigan or Ohio or any state bordering the great lakes that is perhaps missing a connection with Ontario Canada about 1835-50


Cousin in canada is still searching for California cousins Laura, Ralph and Danny Ball, they would now be in their late 70's early 80's; or any oftheir chioldren kind enough to anser this journel. Purpose to renew acquaintance and share family history

Looking for California BALL cousins

Canadian cousin William Ball would very much like to restablish acquaintenace with California cousins Laura, Ralph and Danny Ball or any of their children. It has been 65 years since we enjoyed our summers together at Grandmothers cabin on Shuswap Lake and time to get together if only by e-mail.

BALL of New England and Canada

I am interested in any Ball family from New England particularly the descendants of John Ball and wife Sarah Bullard, 1644-1722 and Benjamin Ball and wife Mary Brewer, 1679-1751 Both of MA. My branch of the Ball family were Loyalists; Queen's loyal Rangers, Samuel apparently returned to the new USA after the war, Shadrack and Solomon Settled in Ontario. My progenitor, Jacob Ball, the youngest brother, settled in Brome, Brome Co. Quebec. There was a sister, Susannah, Who married 1st Amos Martin and 2nd peter Asselstine.

I have good research on Solomon and Jacob, but Shadrack has been a very big brick wall. He had 5 sons born between 1780 and 1813, Timothy, Cyrenius, Belknap, Angel and Sanford. Their last known domicil was Frontenac Co. Ontario in 1834 when all 5 applied for lands as sons of an United Empire loyalist they were awarded land in Lambton Co. Ontario. The land apparently was already accupied; I do not know how they determined this but thats the last we know about them. Disappointed, they may have even crossed lake into the USA

Should the question be asked, I have my DNA recorded with and

Looking for BALL of California

Looking for first cousins brlieved to be in California, ages 77 to 81, Laura M., Ralph I, Danny J.