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Looking for Davis, Johnson or Long

Looking for any information for Helen Marie Davis (surname Johnson) and Polly Ann Johnson (surname Long) and any information on Polly Ann's parents.
They are my Grandmother and Great Grandmother and I haven't been able to find any information on them.
I have been told they are either Cherokee or Choctaw. Helen Marie was married to Elmer Davis and they both passed away in California years ago. I have also been told that they and thier family's lived on the Oklahoma reservation and still have family there. From there, my Grandparents moved to the Arkansas area where my Grandfather was a mechanic, then to California. My Grandmother Helen was in fatal car accident when my Dad was 14, so I never knew her and can't get any information from her side of the family. We were told that her family disowned her when she married my Grandfather, because she married out of her nation.
Any help would be so much appreciated.