Nancy1940 on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

Nancy1940 on Family Tree Circles

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Grandfather Albert Cromb

My Grandfather, Albert Cromb died of a heart attack while walking to work about 1955. He was living in Springfield Mass. I have not been able to find where he was burried or get a copy of his death cert. His first wife disappeared about 1920 & he couldn't marry again until she was declared dead. I wonder if he had changed his name or something.

1 comment(s), latest 12 years, 9 months ago

My Burnham line

My Burnham line runs from my father George W. Burnham born in Massachusetts to Benjamin Burnham in Epsom, New Hampshire then to England. I have always had trouble getting past Benjamin, but family says he is connected to the Burnhams who arrived on the ship Angel Gabriel.

1 comment(s), latest 9 years, 6 months ago


I have been doing Geneology for at least 40 yrs. Surnames are Paternal; Burnham, Brown, Marden, Worth, Gorden, Critchet,Smith.
Maternal; Cromb, Davis, Russell, Bixby, Sheffield, Pendleton, Barber.
Most of the Paternal line is from New Hampshire & England. The Maternal line is Massachusetts, Rhode Island, & New York.
I started searching the family roots when I learned my mothers mother disappeared when my mom was only 2yrs. old. I was hoping I could find information for my mother as she always wondered what happened to her. The family says she ran away one night while everyone was sleeping. They thought she jumped on a train that went by their house.
I love Geneology, I have found a lot of interesting History.