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Looking for unknown BALL of Ohio

BALL Son; FRANCIS MARION BALL b.1839 Ohio. d.Nov.29,1918
Oakgrove, Minnesota, Anoka CO.
BALL doughter; AMANDA BALL b.1833 Ohio. d.1861 or 1864 in
Jordon, Minnesota, Scott CO. as

Seeking information on the patrents of these BALL children. Mothers name was ESTHER (JOHNSON) BALL. Sons death certificate says she was born in NY. 1850 census states she was born in Pennsylvania. This information is more believable, as she would have been the one to have written this down. FRANCIS MARION BALL always stated he was born in Pickaway, Ohio. Can not confirm this information about his place of birth.
Information states ESTHER re-maried to SAMUEL AUGUSTIN EYANSON May 1, 1848 In Miami, Ohio. Finding the first name of Mr. Ball will help uncover the delima of these past 168 years. Without this information I am not able to go forward with my family tree.
If anyone has any information on any Ball families in Ohio around the 1830's or 1840's you can contact me at benson1@toast.net