Pomeroy1 on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

Pomeroy1 on Family Tree Circles

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Find Descendants of Daniel Watt.

I am hoping to trace the descendants of Daniel Watt who was born in Dungorran, near Pomeroy, in Co. Tyrone, N. Ireland.on February 1886, his parents were Catherine ( nee Mc Ivor) and James Watt, Daniel went to Canada as a young man then on into America by 1907 he was in Detroit. He married in 1914 and had 2 children. 2nd child ( girl ) married a Doctor, they didn't have children so they adopted a little girl from Pennsylvania in 1952. Daniel's wife died in 1940.
Daniel maried again on 23rd February 1944. Daniel died in Detroit in May 1970, and is buried in Carmel Cemerety in Detroit. We would like to have contact with his daughter or the adopted granddaughter, ( I have a photo of Daniel and his adopted ganddaughter taken in 1957)
Any info. greatly appreciated, Thank you.
From Robert Watt a desceand of James Watt.

My Messages

Where can I see the messages I have posted?

1 comment(s), latest 13 years, 5 months ago

Donaldson Married Brackenridge From Clogher Co. Tyrone.

I am trying to find descendants of James Donaldson who married Annie Brackenridge from Clogher in Co. Tyrone. N. Ireland. in the early 1860's. we know they had a daughter Annie born in the 1860's, she went to New Zealand where she married Frederick Butt in 1886, ( he came from Cambridgeshire England). Any info. greatly appreciated.
From Robert formerly of Co. Tyrone.

1 comment(s), latest 8 years ago

Looking For the Black and Hill Families of Co. Tyrone, in the 1890's.

I am hoping to find the descendants of the Black or the Hill families of around Cookstown, Stewartstown,Donaghy, Sherrygroom or Pomeroy in the 1890's. We know Samuel Hill married Mary Watt in Pomeroy in 1885, they had a daughter Sarah Ann who married a Mc Ivor. They were nearly all in farming, but some of the Hill people were bakers in Pomeroy. Any info. greatly appreciated.
From Robert Watt of Co. Tyrone.

Find the descendants of Mary Trimble & George Sayers of Pomeroy 1867

I am hoping to find the descendants of Mary (nee Trimble)born in 1833 & George Sayers who married in 1867, Mary was from Pomeroy, in Co. Tyrone. Mary had 6 brothers and 2 sisters, her parents were Andrew (born 1804)and Hannah (nee Montgomery)born 1810 and married in 1830, they had 9 children and 40 grandchildren, I have descended from one of them.

Lydia Trimble

Hoping to find descendants of Lydia (nee Davis) and Robert Delmege Trimble born about 1820 near Donaghmore and Pomeroy in Co. Tyrone.
They went to Australia in 1841, Robert came home to Pomeroy about 1890, Lydia had a brother Thomas, her father was John, her mother's maiden name was Alexander. I want to find where Lydia's final resting place is?
Robert ( A Descendant)