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Picture of Clement Reade Venable(s) of Prince Edward County, Virginia

My great=grandfather, Clement Reade Venable(s), born 27 FEB 1840 at "Scott-Greene," Farmville, Prince Edward County, VA, secured B.A. and M.A. from Hampden-Sydney College and was pursuing further studies and teaching classical studies when the War between the States erupted. A member of the "Sons of Liberty," he entered VMI on 14 May 1861, for about 7 weeks to trian for the Confederate army. He enlisted on 23 Sep 1861 for one year at Camp Barlow in Co. I of the 23rd VA Infantry, promoted from Private to Sergeant on 21 APR 1862, and detailed as a Hospital Steward on 28 JUL 1862. On 24 MAR 1864, transferred to Co. H of the 1st Confederate Engineers and appointed 2nd Lt. of Co. B on 28 OCT 1864. Wounded in action and captured at High Bridge on 7 APR 1865; paroled on 14 or 15 APR 1865. Although there are photos of his parents, Thonmas Frederick and Mary Priscilla Venable, in the book VENABLES OF VIRGINIA, I have been unable to find a photo of Clement Reade Venable(s) anywhere. He came to Lowndes CO, AL, after the War and married there on 8 FEB 1867 Virginia Alice McGehee. He died on 7 MAY 1888 and is buried in Concord Methodist Cemetery in Lowndes CO, AL, along with his widow, Virginia Alice, who died 31 MAR 1934. When their home burned, family documents and photographs also burned.

If anybody has a photo of Clement Reade Venable(s) or knows where i might obtain a copy of one, it would be most appreciated.

Who were parents of Elizabeth Stewart (1824-1909)

Elizabeth L. Stewart, a twin, born in 1824 in Barbour CO, AL, orphaned at early age, married in 1843 in Lowndes CO, AL, Almond Sanderson (1806-1879). Parents reportedly Thomas Stewart (possibly died in FL Indian Wars in about 1836) and Jane Lee. Any information on Elizabeth's parents greatly appreciated! Clues: Her middle initial could stand for "Lee," and youngest daughter, Carrie Lee, may have been named for her mother's maiden name. Also grandson, David had middle name "Lee," and great-granddaughter, Carrie Lee Tankersley, also had middle name, "Lee," and named her youngest daughter, Carrie "Lee" Sankey.

4 comment(s), latest 9 years, 2 months ago