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Looking for George Charles Davis of New Zealand

The first two names George Charles are false.
We have reverted to DNA tests to find our Grandfather. We know he was English most likely from Herefordshire England. He was Born around 1870 thru to 1890. He was of med Build in body size, fair hair.
My DNA is R1b1a2 R-M269 I have banked my DNA and we are looking for a DNA match so if you have Davis DNA can you please contact me on

Thanks for reading my post.

Looking for Robert Edward Davis Wanganui Auckland New Zealand

We are looking for our grandfather and have Robert Edward Davis marring Lillian Ellen Langlois in 1920 at Wanganui. There are children ther named Hazel Davis b(1923) that married Tom Bevin and Robert (bob) Donald Davis b (1924)
Robert Edward Davis lived in Auckland form 1928 on at Different address's ( I have all the addresses) and there is a John Thomas Davis at Brookby Clevendon Papakura as a farmer where Robert E. and lillian Davis were all on the electroal roll.

1938 Robert Edward Davis Engineer: c/o John Thomas Davis (is this his Son/ brother?) Farmer, Brookby, Clevendon with Lillian Ellen Davis: is there son/ Brother?
1949 Ponsonby: Robert Edward Davis 35 Albany Rd W1 Engineer with Lillian Ellen Davis
1957: Lillian Ellen Davis; Presser, with Robert Edward Davis Engineer, 35 Albany Rd AK Ponsonby.
1963: Robert Edward Davis Engineer, & Lillian Ellen Davis Presser, at 18 Beaconsfield St W2 Grey Lynn

1905 Thomas Langlois: Somerville: labourer; Mataroa Rangitikei Manawatu Wanganui NZ
1928; Thomas Henry Langlois 39 Cobden Street, Auckland central; Seaman
1928: Thomas Henry Langlois: 31 Francis Street Grey Lynn Seaman.
1935: Edna May Langlois Catherine Street; Henderson Married.
1935: Nelson Joseph Langlois Catherine St. Henderson; Salesman.
1935: Thomas Henry Langlois 1 Sunny Brae Crescent W2 Labourer
Can you help? for more info. Thanks Ross Davis

Looking for George Charles Davis

Where did he come from? before 1904
Where did he go to? after 1920

What was his real name:?
George Charles Davis is the kings first names: so we guess the first two name MAY be an alias

WHAT do we know about him:?

He was White, most likley English , Australian, New Zealander or Welsh.
He was good carpenter and a bridge builder. He worked for the New Zealand Railways in Napier, and lived in the "Railway Station Yards Napier" most likley in a Mobile Railway Carriage that could be connected to a train and moved to the next work site; siding on a new bridge being built.
He was born about 1870 give or take ten years.

Does any one have history of "Railway workers in New Zealand" during the 1900 thru to 1930.
In particular Families that lived in these mobile communities?

cheers Ross Davis

Davis George Charles NSW scone 1950

Looking for any infomation about George Charles Davis junior 1868 who is said to have died in scone about 1952
looking for home address or smothing that will establish he was the and for how long he lived there maybe a rates notice; now thats an idea;
If this is the person I am looking for I want to contact any of his children or decendents of his childrens children.
Cheers Ross Davis

Looking for George Charles Davis decendents in Cobar, Dubbo, Forbes, Parkes,

I have traced the George Charles Davis that MAY be my Grand father .
I now need to confirm this is correct.
I DNA test will confirm and fill in all the gaps I have.
I am looking for a continuous line of male davis decendents of this Geo Chas Davis.
One family thats of interest is the Family of Amos Robert Davis born Bourke abt 1882

can any one help?

Looking for George Charles Davis B. 31 mar 1837 Kurrajong NSW ,Dubbo , Forbes

Descendants of Keith. Skinner:
3rd Generation:
No 11. : George Charles Davis b 31 Mar 1837 Kurrajong NSW

4th Generation:
No 94m: George Charles Davis b 1868 in Registration Forbes NSW
Married Emma Sewell daughter of William Sewell about 1890 in Parkes NSW:
Children of this marriage were:
604f i. Amber M. Davis b 1891
605f ii Edith m. Davis b1892 Cobar.
606M iii William Fredrick Davis b1894 Cobar. died in action WW1 1917

George next married Emma Baker about 1900 in Dubbo NSW

Question: Did George C Davis have any children with Emma Baker?
Where did he go to after he married Emma Baker? to New Zealand?

1 comment(s), latest 11 years, 12 months ago

Looking for Davis family information Palmerston Nth ,Fielding 1912 to 1922 New Zealand

My Grand parents lived in this area around 1911 thr to 1923 a house at Feilding,No 20 Grey street is of interest to me. It may have been a railway House. As George Charles Davis was a Bridge builder for the NZ Raiways he may have been renting a or allacated a Railway house.

Can anyone tell me if there were records kept of NZ railway employees?

Ross Davis

10 comment(s), latest 12 years ago

Looking for my Grand mother & Grand fathers marriage certificate 1904 Wellington New Zealand

All of the birth certificates of the 10 children born from the union say,
"Marriage, was at Wellington March 16th in the year 1904"

But I canot find and marriage cert in the Marriages , birth and deaths office at lower Hutt.
The names I am looking for are George Charles Davis & Amy Hanham.
(I have Amys certifiactes birth & death , they show nothing.)

The names of George charles may be an alias so we may need to look for

"George Davies"; Charles Davies; "George Davis"; "George Charles Davies" The one thing that seems to be certian is the Date "16 th of March 1904"
maybe a search for marrriages on that date?
Can that be done?

can anyone suggest another place a marriage certiface may be stored other than the registery office?

thanks Ross Davis

Looking for Davis Palmerston Nth New Zealand

Looking for George Charlse Davis lived at 40 Taonui Street Palmerston Nth New Zealand in the year 1911 according to the electral rolls

I had a look for your Grandfather, found him and my Grandmother Amy in Palmerston in 1911, 40 Taonui St, but can't find them from here.

he is also reported to have lived at this address around 19-16 / 1922 at 20 Grey Street Feilding NZ need to be looked at too.

He is the missing part for my family tree.


Ross Davis