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looking for Adolph Sadloswky emigrated from germany to Kansas City, Mo., born abt.

Adolph Sadlowsky married first wife Lizzie Moss on August 26, 1894 in Kansas City, Missouri. He married 2nd wife Lucie/Luna Bartilla (b)abt.,born about 1865 in Danzig (Gdansk) Westpreuben, Germany.) on April 16, 1895 Adolph and Lucie married in KCMO and they had 3 sons: (1) George Washington (b) 1-5-1896 in KCMO., (2) Walter (b) 11-19-1898 in KCMO., and (3) Fredk (b) 1899 , KCMO., and Fredk died in 1903. Cannot find when Adolph died. Heard he died while blowing up tree stumps with dynamite.Any info on any memeber of this family will be greatly appreciated. HELP !!

1 comment(s), latest 6 months, 1 week ago

need info on parents of Terissa Matilda Smith (b-abt 1866 )

Terissa Matilda Smith was born abt. 1866 and dies on Dec. 16, 1921 in Ky. She first married William Daniel Farar (s/b Farrar) on Feb. 18, 1875 in Ky. I believe after William Daniel's death she remarried a man named "Mr ? Orten" in Ky.

Terissa and William had 4 children: John. Atha, Daisy & Rosie. I need to know the names of Terissa's parents. I believe she was born about 1860-62 in the Carolinas or Tennessee.