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A brickwall at James Huggett of Kent, England

Hi everyone.

My 2nd worst brick wall in my tree in my GGG-grandfather.

William Huggett married Jane Churchill in 1850 at Tonbridge Wells, Kent. They had a daughter in 1852 named Jane the emigrated to Australia in 1853.

William was b. about 1827 & on his death & marriage certificates his parents were listed James Huggett & Nancy. I cannot find James or Nancy in any records.

Janes father is listed as William on her marrige certificate. I have found a William Churchill married to an Emily who lived in Tonbridge Wells in Free Online census, but have no conclusive evidence that this couple are her parents.

I hope smeone can help out.

Cheers from Sharyn

2 comment(s), latest 18 years, 5 months ago