Shirley_S on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

Shirley_S on Family Tree Circles

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James Goheen born 1772

James Goheen married to Agness Cunningham Harris in 1797 in Botetourt County, VA, and died in Calloway County, Kentucky. In my info from rootsweb posted back in 2009, it stated James was born in Wales. Is this correct for James Goheen? What city in Wales? I would love to do more research on this line. Happy to correspond with others researching this family. My mother was a Goheen born in South Dakota. Thank you, Shirley

Looking for Mary Burress, or family of Zebulon Burress, of Virgina

Looking for Mary Burress, or family of Zebulon Burress, of Virgina

Seeking info on Maurice Kinnie my ggrandfather, or his mother Maggie K...

Seeking info on Maurice Kinnie my ggrandfather, or his mother Maggie Kinnie. They were born in Ireland, but were in 1880 census in Iowa. Thanks, Shirley

Looking for info or family relatives of Edward Absalom Goheen, James W...

Looking for info or family relatives of Edward Absalom Goheen, James Wilson Goheen, John Goheen. My mother was Helen Goheen,father Clifford V. Goheen, thanks, Shirley

2 comment(s), latest 18 years ago