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Catherine FOX & Thomas SMITH, Burrowa NSW

My search startes with a marriage certificate for Catherine Fox & Thomas Samuel Smith that is dated 10-March-1862 and his from the District Registry Office of Burrowa in NSW.

I am looking for information on Catherine and Thomas and their parents.

Thomas lists his father as Thomas Samuel Smith & his mother as Elizabeth Norman.

Catherine's parents are listed as John Fox & Bridget Meally (O'Malley).

I know from futher research that Bridget is the daughter of John O'Malley & Nappe Davitt of County Mayo Ireland. Bridget along with serval other of her brothers & sisters migrated or was transported to Australia.

Please be in touch is these people sound familar to you.

2 comment(s), latest 12 years, 10 months ago

Marks Family of Whitechapel

I am looking for information relating to Jacob Marks and Annie Abrahams who start turning up in the London Census from 1871 onwards. I believe the couple were originally from Poland, and that Jacob worked as a Tailor. In all the couple had 11 Children born in London:
Aaron 1870 Deborah 1873 Amelia 1875 Myer 1880 Jane 1878 Rebecca 1878 Myer 1880 Rachel 1882 Eva 1884 Joseph 1887 Celia 1889.

I am a descendant of Myer Marks. I would like to know where my family came from originally, what became of the children and if there are any photos of my ancestors in existance?

25 Spital Street Whitechapel
Jacob 24
Annie 23 (listed as Janey. Pretty sure this is a mistake).
Aaron 1

9 Growers Bow Whitechapel
Jacob 37
Anna 35
Aaron 11
Deborah 9
Millie 7
Janet 2
Myer 5 months

43 Dustin St ??
Jacob 40
Annie 44
Aaron 21
Deborah 19
Amelia 16
Jane 14
Rebecca 12
Myer 10
Rachel 8
Eva 6
Joseph 4
Celia 2

1 Hunt Place
Jacob 50
Annie 52
Jane 23
Rebecca 22
Myer 20
Rachel 19
Eva 19
Joseph 12
Celia 11

Jacob 57
Annie 56
Joe 21
Celia 19

Marks Family of Whitechapel

I am looking for information relating to Jacob Marks and Annie Abrahams who start turning up in the London Census from 1871 onwards. I believe the couple were originally from Poland, and that Jacob worked as a Tailor. In all the couple had 11 Children born in London:
Aaron 1870 Deborah 1873 Amelia 1875 Myer 1880 Jane 1878 Rebecca 1878 Myer 1880 Rachel 1882 Eva 1884 Joseph 1887 Celia 1889.

I am a descendant of Myer Marks. I would like to know where my family came from originally, what became of the children and if there are any photos of my ancestors in existance?

25 Spital Street Whitechapel
Jacob 24
Annie 23 (listed as Janey. Pretty sure this is a mistake).
Aaron 1

9 Growers Bow Whitechapel
Jacob 37
Anna 35
Aaron 11
Deborah 9
Millie 7
Janet 2
Myer 5 months

43 Dustin St ??
Jacob 40
Annie 44
Aaron 21
Deborah 19
Amelia 16
Jane 14
Rebecca 12
Myer 10
Rachel 8
Eva 6
Joseph 4
Celia 2

1 Hunt Place
Jacob 50
Annie 52
Jane 23
Rebecca 22
Myer 20
Rachel 19
Eva 19
Joseph 12
Celia 11

Jacob 57
Annie 56
Joe 21
Celia 19

The Popples, Prowse and Lendons of Victoria

Mary Ann Popple married Conrad Geisler in 1860 in Victoria Australia.
Mary Ann's line is one of the two ancestorial lines I have not been able to trace back to country or county of origin. I am interested in any information any one has on the below mentioned:

Mary Ann Lendon married an unknown Prouse c. 1822.
Mary Ann widowed with 2 children, one of which was Mary Ann Prowse lived at Dunolly.

Mary Ann Prowse wed 1855 Thomas Whitaker (Whittaker).
John Popple wed 1862 Mary Ann Whitaker nee Prowse 1822 - 1898

Mary Ann was the mother of 6 children as follows

1. William Henry Whitaker 1857 #11917 - 1858 #2640 lived 6 months
2. Sarah Elizabeth Whitaker 1859 #4313
3. Cecil Whitaker 1862 #7930
4. Thomas Popple 1864 #3335
5. Mary Ann Popple 1866 #14438
6. Lucy Popple 1869 #5266 lived 1 year

4. Thomas Popple 1864 #3335 wed 1884 #262 to Catherine Geisler born at Young, NSW, lived at Rushworth then after 1888 at Murchison
9 children 1. Thomas James Popple 1886 #20556
2. Julia Catherine Popple 1888 #15250
3. Elizth Sarah Popple 1890 #15603
4. Ada Constance Popple 1892 #35007
5. Hadden Alf Popple 1895 #14600
6. Mabel Ellen Popple 1897 #21436
7. Cath Flor Popple 1900 #13143
8. Jessie Irene Popple 1902 #28303
9. Geo Fredk Popple 1905 #4980

5. Mary Ann Popple 1866 #14438 wed 1884 #261 to Conrad Geisler 1860 #4041, and lived at Rushworth, 11 Children

2 comment(s), latest 13 years, 2 months ago

Abraham Marks and Jessie Jacobs of Londons East End.

I have been researching my Marks and Jacobs (possible Schubert) family via the internet for past 15 years and in all this time I have never come across another descendent. I am hoping that by putting all my information into this journal a reader will recognise one of my ancestors and help answer some long over due questions about both the ancestors and descendents of ABRAHAM MARKS and JESSIE JACOBS.

I know from my great grandfather?s birth certificate that his parents were Abraham Marks and Jessie Jacobs.

My great grandfather was:
Myer Marks b.31st January 1887 Whitechapel, Spitalfields, County of Middlesex. Address 3 Diamond Court.

Myer had two sisters
Rose b. c. 1883
Civia b. 1889

I have traced the family through the 1891 census to:
33 Casson St Stepney Whitechapel Mile End Town.
Hannah Jacobs (head) Widow Age 60 Russian Poland
Joseph Jacobs (son) Boot Finisher 20 Russian Poland
Jessie Marks (Daughter) (possibly a widow) Tayloress 32 Russian Poland
Rosa Marks scholar 8 Whitechapel.
Meyer Marks (gson) scholar 5 Spitalfields.
Susie Marks 1 Spitalfields
Sarah Marks Boarder Widow 66.

Due to the many errors contained with regards to names it has actually took me 5 years to find my family in 1891 census. Up until this time I had been relying on the 1901 census which gives the following details:
30 Yalford St Stepney Mile End Old Town.
Jessica Marks (Head) Married 38 Tailoress Russian Subject
Rose Marks (Daughter) single 17 Dressmaker London Whitechapel
Myer Marks (son) 13 Carrier Apprentice London Whitechapel
Cevia Marks (daughter) London Whitechapel.
Joseph Marks (brother) Married 26 Boat Maker (I am sure this is bootmaker) Russian Subject.

From both these census I have been unable to clarify if Abraham is in fact deceased? Or if the Joseph in the same Joseph and if he is a Marks or Jacobs? Remember these people would have had extremely limited English.

And just to throw a spanner into the works I have learn in recent days that neither the surnames Marks or Jacobs were used in Poland. So without some oral history I do not know if it is possible to trace the family further back.

I also have a marriage certificate between an Abraham Marks and a Jessie that I have for a long time, believed I had ordered in error. But if I can not trust any of the names now I am not so sure. My Jessie Marks seems to have been the only one in London at this time, of this age and married to an Abraham

1882 the Princes St Synagogue
26th July Abraham Marks 24 Bachelor Bootmaker 2 Regal Place, son of Myer Marks Chairmaker
Jessie Schubert 22 spinster 2 Regal Place, daughter of Moses Schubert Bootmaker.

If any of these details match yours, please do not hesitate to contact me and fill in some missing pieces.


Patrick Reardon (Riordon) b. c.1807 Ireland

My first ancester to arrive in Australia on the Reardon side was Patrick Reardon.

According to Peter Mayberry on Irish Convicts to New South Wales 1791 to 1835, Patrick a Ploughman and native of Tipperary was convicted of Manslaughter in 1831. He arrived in Sydney aboard the Norfolk (3) in 1832.

Patrick married Bridget Egan on 24th June 1841. Bridget is said to have followed her fiance Patrick from Tipperary as a free settler.

Patrick and Bridgets marriage certificate states that the ceremony took place in Campbell Town and that the two were from Bong Bong.

The convict inventory of the Norfolk list another Reardon as having been imprisoned onboard. That is a John Reardon also a Poughman from Tipperary who was sentanced on the same day as Patrick, receiving a conviction for life. I have always wondered if the two were brothers and of what became of John upon reaching Sydney.

3 comment(s), latest 10 years, 1 month ago